Chapter 13: Convincing Yunho

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~Its early Monday morning and Myungsoo went back to Zephyrine’s new apartment, he needed to give them the lists of activities of the university, he arrived and Zephyrine let him in.

“Sorry I wasn’t able to come back last night so I have to be here very early today, I have work later…anyways did you eat your breakfast already? I always got used to cooking for the two of us so I brought some food for you guys, and oh I bought some ice cream so just put this in the freezer okay? And—“

“Myungsoo this is too much, thanks you’re the best!” Zephyrine stopped him from saying one more word because Myungsoo is already panting from carrying food for them.

“Where is Taeyon and Jeesu?” he asked.

“Morning exercise? They left early and said they are going to be back soon…”

“Oh so we’re alone then…”


“Anyways here is the list of activities of the university and Yunho’s number in his office…”

“Yunho’s number? Why did you get—“

When Zephyrine got the list Myungsoo held Zephyrine’s hand while looking deep into her eyes, he became silent all of a sudden and hugged Zephyrine, resting his chin on her shoulder.

“Is something wrong Myungsoo?”


He placed his forehead on hers as his hands were around her waist, their faces centimeters away from each other, out of the blue he began giving her small pecks on the lips until it turned out into a passionate kiss…the only thing that bothers Zephyrine is that, Myungsoo is crying.

“I love you…you know that right?” he drew Zephyrine even closer to him, a hand on her head pressing her face on his chest.

“What’s this all about huh? Why are you crying? Did you got fired or something?”

“No! Don’t be silly…”

“You’re silly! Crying without any reason…”

“Zeph…I love you, do you love me?”

“W-what? I..I-uh…”

He looked at her eyes again, he saw them quiver as if unsure, he saw them avoiding his gaze, he saw those eyes…and knew the answer even if she didn’t speak. He smirked but more tears streaked down his cheeks, Zephyrine wiped them but he shooed her hand away.

“I guess I’ll never fill his place huh? I don’t know what I am to you but I know what I’m not, and I’m not going to be that man you’ll love because its someone else…what the hell am I saying, I know you’ll have to contact Yunho so I got his office number, I have to go…be careful here okay?”

Myungsoo wiped his tears and smiled, he was about to leave when Zephyrine stopped him.

“I-I don’t understand you why are you like this?”

“Whatever it is that you are planning, good luck and I hope you’ll succeed…no matter what happens I’ll be here for you, always Zeph…always! I’ll help in any way I can, even if it hurts me to lose you in the process,  if it makes you happy I’ll do it…and also because I love you very much,  and I kind of hate myself for loving you too much ha-ha…remember that Zeph…remember me”

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