Chapter 48

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(A/N:) UH MYUNGSOO BREAK FOR AWHILE HAHAHA going to type the rest later LOL *got to drink chocolate milk....thirsty !!! please comment heehee


~Myungsoo had been teaching Yoomin how to shift to any animal she wants in seconds, he thought her how to return in her human form quickly as well. Despite his busy schedule he had been giving time to bond with Yoomin, somehow he got used to the high school girl’s cheerfulness and somehow grew attached to her. But he wondered why Janii stopped calling him, she had always checked up on Myungsoo and Yoomin’s progress if they were getting along. He thought carefully and realized he hasn’t seen her since that day he visited and annoyed her, the same day he met Yoomin.

“Myungsoo great work today!” the photographer congratulates him, another offer to be in a cover of a magazine was not new to him, he was just glad the rest of the afternoon is free for him to enjoy.

“Welcome” he bowed and left the studio and went to his dressing room to change, he felt the urge to be annoying today and called Janii, but she didn’t pick up.

“Stubborn eh?” he said to himself and smirked, “I’ll go down there myself missy!”  He took a cab and went to Janii’s apartment, he knocked on the door yet no one answered him. He could sense that someone is inside, he could sense it is Janii…but why isn’t she moving? He asked himself then fear crept in him. He knocked loudly and there was still no answer, he furrowed his eyebrows…”YAH! JANII! OPEN UP!” he shouted, still no answer.

He backed away from the door and with his full force tried to barge in, he succeeded. He looked around the empty living room and found no one, he had heard a faint heartbeat and it was coming from one of the rooms, it seems his senses is becoming sharper when he’s tensed.

He rushed to the first door near to him and opened it, revealing a fainted Janii on the floor. Myungsoo felt his insides tighten and quickly came to Janii’s side, when he touched her cheek he immediately withdrew his hand, she was burning from a terrible fever.

He immediately called an ambulance and lifted Janii from the floor, “Aish no wonder you haven’t been calling, you’ve been so sick all along!”

Myungsoo felt her hand clutch to his chest and he was relieved that she grunted in reply.

~”This is the result of your cold?” Myungsoo asked raising his voice at Janii who’s sitting on the hospital bed, when she opened her eyes awhile ago she was glad to see Myungsoo but then that quickly changed when he started nagging like a mother.

“AISH! Yes this resulted of my cold a few days ago damn it Myungsoo stop shouting you’re giving me a headache! You’re not my mom for goodness sake!” Janii answered back while she fixes the knots of her hospital gown on her shoulders.

“Yeah yeah whatever, you should take good care of yourself! You know Yoomin cannot live by herself right? She doesn’t even know how to cook! Without you she’ll be lost!” Myungsoo is eager to win the fight.

“Caring now are we? Well I’m glad you care for her Myungie” Janii teased and Myungsoo’s eyes widened.

“YAH! I care for you both okay? Aish sometimes I think that you’re doing this on purpose just to keep me and Yoomin close!”

“I don’t okay? Stop thinking that way! Hmmp!”

 “Just don’t do that again…” Myungsoo’s voice became serious and so does his expression.

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