Chapter 21:Troublesome arrival

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Taemin’s story:
Home…surprisingly it’s not the place where I want to be right now, we arrived earlier this morning and Zephyrine and I are once again separated, damn…but we have to so our plan will work. Yunho is probably informing Jonghyun, Key and Onew about our plan, and they better be careful discussing about it! Now I have to put on my poker face, be a good actor for this girl who has been good at acting too…
“Taemin! Your home!” Krystal hugged me tight when I arrived, she looked stressed out I don’t know why, I faked a smile, I have to…ugh.
“Thank gawd your home! It’s been hell since you’ve been gone! They made me do all these stupid exercises that could help me be a good queen! I doubt it, I mean duh! Like balancing a teacup on your head as you run will make you a better queen! Jeez!” she complained, balancing a teacup while you run? The hell? What did Yunho instructed to the teachers anyway?
“Don’t worry I’m sure the exercises mean well Krystal…” that’s the only thing I was able to reply, it’s really hard to accept that this girl is a two-faced sea witch! I mean…I trusted her and in the end she’s the cause of all these chaos? This is not easy for me to fake smiles and act along with her, the worst thing is…I have to think of a plan to distract her.
“Taemin? You ok? So how was your trip?” she asked holding my hand as we entered the castle.
“Uhm…it was ok, kind of boring without you…” I lied and faked a smile again, that school trip was THE BEST EVER! I discovered the truth, found my true mate and did some naughty stuff with her and then—ok summarizing it all it was the best damn thing that happened in my life.
“ sweet of you! I prepared some meals and you are going to eat them to grow healthy!” she cheered…no way lady! I aint eating your poisonous foods no more! Zephyrine warned me about those, but how do refuse without offending her or making her suspicious? Shit this is hard…
“I-I’m not hungry Krystal, I want to rest for awhile…” Oh shit wrong move I have to distract her! “Oh wait, we can go somewhere else if you want, make up for my absence…want to watch a movie?” phew…Taemin don’t blow it!
“Really? Okay, let me just change my clothes and we’ll go to town!” she hurriedly went to her room to change and I sighed heavily, I texted Yunho that we are going to watch a movie in town and they better have their meeting somewhere else…I hope they are doing well.
Yunho’s story:
I received a text message from Taemin…great they are going in town and we have to find another place to discuss the plan! These cousins of mine are clueless, well not for long.
“Yah Jonghyun teleport us to the next town!” I called him, he was busy daydreaming.
“What the hell? Why?” he scoffed.
“Just do it!”
“Aish! Fine!”
Soon Onew, Key, Jonghyun and I are in the middle of a plaza, people around started to stare because we suddenly popped out of nowhere.
“Mind telling us why we are here?” Key raised an eyebrow, I know he’s a little cranky because I made him skip his work today and have to leave Amber behind but this is important.
“Ok guys listen, we have a lead on the abductors of our dear friends and family…the reason why we can’t tract them is because…they are demons and—“
“Holy cow DEMONS???” Onew reacted.
“Yes Onew, demons! And I discovered that we cannot fatally harm them, they are powerful beings but we can scare them away…but this time we need them to catch us, well chase us for awhile that is…”
“Shouldn’t we be the one chasing them?” Jonghyun commented looking interested.
“Well technically yes, but you see we have constructed a plan…”
“You haven’t told them about us?” Three figures appeared out of nowhere and they were all wearing hooded robes, “Never mind that I‘ll do it myself…” one of them took off their hood and revealed a pretty face…Zephyrine.
“Hallooo!!” Taeyon greeted and Jeesu was behind her.
“Who are these guys hyung?” Onew asked and Key just smiled happy to see someone familiar.
“They are allies, and they will help us rescue Minho and the others!” I said.
“Zephyrine!! I miss you! Where the hell did you go?” Key embraced Zephyrine and the two hugged for a moment.
“Long story Key, but now we need to discuss some things…important ones!”
“Whoah…we haven’t seen you for awhile and you go all serious ha-ha well ok…what is this? Secret meeting for another trip?”
“Yeah trip to hell! Well we are the ones who will be going there anyway while you guys stay here and deal with two troublesome demons!”
“You joking right?”
“She’s right Key, oh by the way this is Taeyon and Jeesu, for those who don’t know Taeyon is an angel and Jeesu is a hellhound…yeah I know what a weird couple but they are here to help” I cut in and the two gave me glares.
“She looks familiar…” Jonghyun muttered looking at Taeyon.
“Of course I am, we met before…can’t remember well?” Taeyon poked Jonghyun’s head.
“Hmm…oh yeah! When we were looking for the light of the Angelos you were there!”
“Ok-ok enough…let’s get down to business because we need to devise a plan while Krystal is distracted” I cut them again until Onew raised his hand.
“Krystal? What is her involvement in this?”
“Onew, she’s responsible for all of this! She summoned demons to kidnap Minho and the rest; also those demons are responsible for the increasing number of missing and dying people around. Krystal is not Taemin’s true mate…Zephyrine is” I pointed at Zephyrine and Jonghyun , Onew and Key couldn’t believe what I just said.
---After a brief explanation---
“I still can’t believe it!” Onew’s eyes were wide as plates and kept pointing at Zephyrine.
“You kidding us hyung?” Jonghyun cocked an eyebrow.
“…” Key was speechless.
---After a FEW more explanations---
“WOW!! Welcome to the family then! Well…not yet but we’ll feel it in” Onew put his arm around Zephyrine’s shoulder and pinched her cheek.
“Uh…ok…this is weird…nice to meet you then!” Jonghyun being shy for the first time I’ve seen him.
“……” Key is still speechless, aish!
“Ok guys listen, we need you four to distract the demons, you must try not to let them contact Krystal or at least do not let them return to their nest. Remember, you cannot kill them but you can hurt them or scare them away, you guys need holy water…lots of it! The point of the holy water is for protection…you need to protect your bait!” Taeyon started the serious lecture.
“Bait? Who would that be? And why?” Key asked feeling a little uncomfortable.
“Hmm…one thing is for sure, it cannot be one of you! The bait must be a human, he/she will be the one to be chased by the demons, and you four will secure that the bait will be alive of course until we find your friends”
“That is awfully hard! I mean who could we ask for such a task? Can it be just one of us? How do we even attract those demons?”
“Well you can call them by some ritual but that will take time, they are attracted to those who are interested in them or those with poor faith but there are a lot of people like that around and your bait needs to stand out at least…there is one thing though, these demons love to feast on blood and flesh, like other beings who loves to feed on blood they prefer virgins. So you need to find a virgin…”
“Oh great are we going to ask girls around ‘hey are you a virgin? Can you come with us and be bait for demons?’ is there no other way?”
“I’m afraid that’s the best way Key…”
That is definitely hard, we can’t just ask an innocent female to be part of this, at least our bait should be willing to do this task as well and knows what is at state, then an idea hit me…I know this will be a little selfish but I can try and convince him to make someone volunteer.
“Key…” I said calling his attention, I was holding back to say my next words but I have to.
“Amber is still a virgin right?”
He wasn’t able to answer the question and he just froze right in front of me, his face showing fear and hesitation.
“I-I…”he was holding himself to answer, and I think I know why.
“Key answer the question, well I think she’s not anymore considering what a beast Key is in bed! Ha-ha, no offense to my best friend” Jonghyun laughed but Key was still silent, and that made Jonghyun think again. “Oh gawd…she’s still a virgin? WOW! The first girl you ever hold your desires from!” Jonghyun busted Key.
“She is a virgin, we did some things but I didn’t really get inside of her…but still I won’t let her be the bait! She’s too precious for me and you know that hyung!” Key shouted at me and I felt guilty thinking of that option.
“But we need her! It’s like you said, we cannot just ask girls around to be our bait! I’m sure Amber would be willing; one of the prisoners is her cousin Key, and she is capable of running away from those de—“
“ARE YOU CRAZY? She’s my mate and I cannot let her life be in danger! What if things go out of hand and we cannot save her huh? We can’t kill those demons, but they can kill us! They can kill her!”
“Key…” Zephyrine hugged Key to comfort him, “We need to make sacrifices, and I’m sure all four of you are capable of protecting Amber, I know you can and will try your best right? Please Key? Can you at least ask Amber if she agrees?”
Key calmed down and sighed, he had no choice but to ask Amber and he was not happy about it. “Thanks Key…” Zephyrine patted his shoulder.
“We can choose this town for you guys to distract the demons, Zephyrine and I will have to find them first and lure them here, I’ll expect Yunho to form a plan about your procedure and if the demons are already lured here then I’ll contact Yunho for you guys to start…probably tomorrow night is the best time, please update Taemin about this secretly, he needs to do his part as well…” I nodded to what Taeyon said and I decided that we leave now and explain the plan to Amber.
“Good luck to us and to you, we have to go now and tell Amber about this, we mustn’t waste time…” the rest agreed with me and the four of us teleported to where Amber works while Zephyrine, Jeesu and Taeyon stayed.

~The three who were left continued to prowl the town thinking where could they find the nest of the demons, where they can enter hell and save their friends.
“It must be near the castle of the Ferus, Krystal was the one who called them so maybe their nest is somewhere there…” Zephyrine thought.
“It could be but we can’t be so sure, we cannot just risk going there because Krystal might see you …” Taeyon disagreed and then Jeesu suddenly stopped walking and looked grimly.
“What is it?” Taeyon asked wondering why Jeesu stopped, “We need to hide, and they are coming here! I can smell them!” Jeesu suddenly grabbed Zephyrine and Taeyon’s hands and run.
“Who are coming?”
“The demons! And they are coming fast! Zephyrine needs to separate from; she cannot be seen with us right now or they will suspect and tell Krystal!”
“But we cannot leave her alone!”
“Give her one of the daggers then, I think she’s capable of using them now that she can make them glow, we can watch from afar and if things get ugly then we’ll help her.”
“Oh great why did they arrive early and unexpectedly!”
Suddenly Zephyrine stopped running and faced her two companions, “Go and leave me here just give me one of the daggers…I’ll meet you up in the apartment when they are gone okay?”
“They know you Zephyrine! We can’t leave you alone! You might die!” Taeyon protested.
“Krystal won’t let them kill me, you see I’m still keeping our deal right? Taemin and I are not together here so those demons might think I’m just wandering around…”
“They might not follow Krystal every time Zephy, demons are quite treacherous” Jeesu was now concerned of her.
“I’ll be fine, I’ll fight when needed, for now we cannot be seen together or they might suspect that we are planning something against them!”
“You can’t see them when they are trying to be invisible, but you can feel them and hear them. If your shadow s different than what it normally looks like…one of them is beside you already…be careful Zephyrine” Jeesu warned and took Taeyon with him and run, Zephyrine was left and sat on a nearby bench, ironically the street that she’s staying in is somehow deserted, and there she waited.
A sudden cool breeze swept the nearby leaves and she felt a chill run down her spine, she acted normal and looked at her shadow…it was distorted, Daniel was already near her but she couldn’t see him.
“Isn’t this beauty quite familiar?” she heard Youngwon whispered but she pretended that she didn’t hear it, she pulled her cell phone out and played some games to distract her attention.
“She’s that half breed that Krystal is jealous about!” she heard another whisper that came from Daniel, Youngwon was making himself invisible and he sat beside Zephyrine on the bench and stared at her scrutinizing. She could feel the evil aura beside her but once again she ignored it, she doesn’t want the demons to know that she can actually sense them.
“Her blood smells good even for a half breed, I’d like to taste her” Youngwon cupped Zepyrine’s face and licked her neck, she cannot believe herself that she almost wanted to moan but she suppressed the feeling. The she felt something hovering around her body, this time she cannot help but feel uncomfortable, “Her body is quite something too!” Daniel chuckled; Zephyrine never thought that demons could be so perverted.
“But we cannot harm her; too bad…she could be one delicious treat!” Youngwon snickered and played with her hair, “At least for now we can’t! he-he-he!”
“We better play with her first before we eat her when we get the chance!” Daniel hovered around her and licked the other side of her neck, “Your right! Even her skin tastes good! I guess angels are good food for us!”
The two demons were trying to get her attention but she tried hard to ignore them, Youngwon slithered his tongue up her neck down to her cleavage while Daniel kept nipping her shoulder and neck.
“FUCK! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING!!?? My body is going to betray me sooner or later! I might as well kill these two if they continue!” Zephyrine screamed in her mind, she was already sweating but her expression didn’t change, she still played on her cell phone and this time she was pushing the keypads real hard because of what the demons are doing to her.
“She’s not budging, tough girl eh? I guess she doesn’t like our little teasing…” Youngwon smiled evilly and Daniel pouted as if he was disappointed.
“I’m hungry let’s find something else to eat! Fresh human meat!”
“Let’s head home first…we need to regain our strength!”
“Goodbye pretty angel…see you soon!”
Youngwon gave her a peck on the cheek and the two disappeared in an instant as another cold breeze passed by.
“Shit! Finally!” Zephyrine shouted out loud and began to breathe heavily, she was holding her chest and smiling to herself that it was finally over.
“Good work, at least now we know where they are heading…” Jeesu startled her when he suddenly appeared behind her.
“Jeesu? Why are you here? I thought you were with Taeyon?”
“I stayed because Taeyon asked me to, besides demons wont suspect other demons if they prowl around…I heard everything even though I was hiding far away, the direction of that breeze was headed to the town where the castle of the Ferus is…your right, their nest is somewhere there.”
“Then we better start looking there!”

Novus Ferus: Lost memories (sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora