Chapter 49

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Jeesu, Taeyon and Youngmin had arrived in the island. They noticed that its quite peaceful for a place where demons have stayed in, well its morning and night is yet to come. Youngmin is having a hard choosing wether he should go now and return to Kwangmin or he’ll accompany Jeesu and Taeyon until they reach Shinbi Mountain. He wanted to look around for awhile just in case he could meet his parents if he had the chance, the clueless look on Taeyon and Jeesu’s face made him decide to stay.

“We need rest, especially you Youngmin! Is there a river here somewhere? Damn I’m hungry…”Taeyon whined and scanned the place.

“Quit your yapping woman and walk!” Jeesu playfully scolds her and the three of them started to look for a place to rest, luckily for them they did find a river and the boys had made a bed of leaves for them to lie on. Jeesu caught some fish and Taeyon started a bonfire, while Youngmin managed to make a small tent for them.

The three sat around the bonfire and ate their fish when suddenly they heard laughter, the three stopped eating and looked at each other, the laughter became louder and they stood up to see who’s making them. Jeesu spotted two large hyenas from afar laughing and pouncing on each other; he raised an eyebrow and just ignored the two creatures.

“They are just hyenas…ignore the silly creatures, but they are awfully large than their normal size…this island is strange…” Jeesu gestured Taeyon and Youngmin to sit down.

“Hahaha! Did you see that old woman run? Wahaha! I’m going to pee with all this laughing!”

“Yeah the pitiful face she pulled was priceless! Too bad we are not the ones that are going to catch her though; I would like to wish for a year supply of food! Hahaha!”

“Idiot! Make that a lifetime supply of food!”

“You’re the idiot!”

“No I’m not, you are!”

They heard the hyenas quarreled; Jeesu was interested when he had heard the words ‘old woman’ and ‘wish’.

“The animals here could talk?” asked Youngmin surprised of what he had heard.

“Well…you’re a squirrel and you can talk that’s not surprising at all when you can hear those hyenas talk, hell they can even laugh!” Jeesu replied and stood up again to talk to the hyenas.

“YAH! I’m a special kind of creature hmmp, and where are you going?”

“To talk to those hyenas, they might know the person who could grant wishes here and maybe they could help us” before Taeyon could say something Jeesu ran off.

“Hey you two! Have you been talking about an old woman? Does a human live here?” Jeesu randomly appeared in front of the hyenas and asked them, the animals blankly stared at each other and then to Jeesu.

“Who the hell are you?” the hyenas said in chorus as they snorted at Jeesu.

“Oh…I’m Jeesu, if you don’t mind me asking do you know of a being who grants wishes in the island?”

The hyenas shared an annoying laugh and then smirked at each other, “Those beings you are talking about are all dead pal” one said.

“Yeah! Yeah! And they don’t live here anymore…” another said laughing once again as if he never gets tired of doing that, obviously Jeesu was annoyed by the sound of their laughter.

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