Chapter 58

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~Yoomin had been craving ice cream and so Myungsoo went out to buy some, he swore he would charge Janii of the expenses that he had spent because of Yoomin’s “needs”, the weirdest encounter he had would be buying the high school girl some pads for her period that didn’t even occur, “Women…” Myungsoo murmured and went inside a small grocery store and quickly headed to the dairy product sections, he was choosing what to pick, strawberry or coffee mixed flavors, he really wanted the coffee crunch but he ended up buying the strawberry instead.

“Pinkness…” he sighed looking at the pink container of the ice cream and then pouted as if he was deprived of a need, he went to the counter to pay when suddenly his phone rang.

“Oppa where are you?” Yoomin asked from the other line impatiently waiting for Myungsoo to arrive home.

“I’m still here in the grocery store buying her majesty’s royal ice cream!” Myungsoo joked and chuckled but Yoomin groaned on the other line.

“Oppa you’re so slow sometimes…”

“Complain and you will not have ice cream!”

“WAAAH…so cruel!”

“Just wait there okay and—“

Myungsoo was distracted when he saw the news from the television placed above the corner of the store, the place where the reporter is doing her report was so familiar then it hit him…it was the hospital where Janii is currently admitted. Realizing that he listened intently to the report…bad news, since last night mysterious deaths have occurred in the hospital where two patients and three nurses have been found dead in isolated rooms in the hospital. A cold sweat trickled down Myungsoo’s forehead, without second thought he put his phone in his pocket and left the grocery store leaving the ice cream behind. He transformed into an eagle and flew towards the hospital right into the window of Janii’s room, his beak tapped into the glass and window and the curtains flew open revealing a cranky looking Janii.

“What the hell an eagle?” Janii said surprised as a magnificent creature was tapping on her window and disturbed her sleep. But when the eagle started acting funny she knew it was Myungsoo, she opened the sliding window and Myungsoo went in.

“I thought you wouldn’t open it! Are you okay here? I heard there were some people who died in here!” Myungsoo ranted and Janii looked at him confuse.

“I don’t know about that, his place is so huge Myungsoo probably that happened on the other wing or something, you came here because of that?” Janii jumped from her bed and pinched Myungsoo’s sides that made him yelp.

“I’m serious Janii, you could be in danger! You better transfer to another hospital!”

“I’m checking out today anyway, I’m just waiting for my doctor to release me…and he is freaking late! You want me to go out already because you’re tired of taking care of Yoomin already?”

“NO! Well I’m charging you of the money that I spent on her anyway, if you are checking out then I might as well just bust you out of here!” Myungsoo grabbed Janii’s hand and dragged her out of the room but he stopped his tracks to come face to face with a doctor, with an unnerving aura, Janii seemed to feel it to, he had a dark cloud all over him.

“Where are you taking that patient?” the doctor asked coldly, Myungsoo noticed that the hallway was too quiet, there should be busy nurses around delivering medicines to neighboring rooms. Now that he had noticed it, it seems that the whole floor was quiet…too quiet. His thoughts were interrupted when the doctor suddenly grabbed Janii, her wince made Myungsoo glare at the doctor.

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