Chapter 33:Puzzled

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~The heart rate monitor was in a normal range as Myungsoo lay on the hospital bed unconscious; fortunately for him Zephyrine was with him to call help since his fever got worst. A few moments ago she was panicking, now her breathing relaxes because the doctor said that Myungsoo will be fine as long as he gets his rest and medicines. Even though that was explained, the tears that are forming in her eyes cannot be stopped from falling, seeing him so pale and weak made her insides turn.

“You’re such an idiot!” Zephyrine sniffed, holding Myungsoo’s hand as she sat beside his bed, she felt how hot his temperature is and she ignored that burning feeling and kept on holding his hand hoping he’d wake up somehow.

“If we could have admitted you here sooner you wouldn’t be at this state…Myungsoo…please be okay…” she placed her forehead on his right cheek, closing her eyes as another tear escape her eyes, then she felt her hand got squeezed.

“You’re going to flood my bed if you keep on crying…” Myungsoo groaned as he turned his head towards her, she flinched and grinned while her tears dropped.

“Hmmp! You can still joke in that situation?”

“Ofcourse! So you don’t have to cry…and now you’re smiling, I’m so good at this!”

“Tsk…full of hot air inside eh?”

“My temperature is high you know…”

Both of them chuckled, and Zephyrine stood up to take some of Myungsoo’s medicines on the nearby table.

“Now that you’re awake, the doctor said you’ll have to take this as soon as you open your eyes!” Zephyrine showed him a pill and got a glass of water.

“What the hell? That pill is a size of a coin! Can I even swallow that?” Myungsoo complained, eyes widening at the size of the pill Zephyrine is holding.

“Aish…complains! Just take the pill will you? So you’ll get better!”

“No way! I might die if I swallow that…”

“No you won’t, now stop acting like a baby and take it!”

“No! You can’t force me!”

“If you don’t take it then I’ll leave you here!”

“Really? Can you really leave poor, sickly me here all alone?” Myungsoo pouted and Zephyrine rolled her eyes, she then tried to push the pill inside his mouth but Myungsoo uses his lips to push it away.

“Myungsoo…please take it, don’t be so stubborn!” Zephyrine stopped forcing him and her face softened then became worried, it almost looked like she was about to cry again.

“No-no-no! Don’t cry! Fine I’ll take it…” Myungsoo took the pill and the glass of water forcing down the pill to enter his throat as his forehead creases.

“See you didn’t die!” Zephyrine chirped happily.

“You just tricked me with that face didn’t you?”

“Yep! And it worked! I’m so good at this! Ha-ha!”


Their squabble stopped when the door of the room slowly creaks to close and this sent shivers to Zephyrine, she didn’t know that it was open and it felt like someone had been watching them inside.

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