Chapter 55

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~”Seriously…I don’t want to be chased by any demon freak creature so we better keep our profile low okay?” Taeyon instructed the two boys but they only rolled their eyes as a reply, they were back on track again walking in the mountain trying to find Jiun.

“Oh God I’m hungry…” Jeesu’s stomach growled and he rubbed it, he looked around for something to eat but there were no fruit trees to be seen. “Oh great…no food around!”

“We could always eat those!” Youngmin pointed to a flying bird nearby and wriggled his eyebrows at Jeesu, the demon grinned evilly.

They were about to shoot the bird down but Taeyon pulled them forcefully, “Oh no you wouldn’t! What if that bird has a family of gigantic, meat eating, wing flapping demon creatures?”  Taeyon was glaring at the two boys like she had lost it, she was gripping their hands so tight that Youngmin was about to cry because of the pain, Jeesu on the other hand was frozen on his spot, forgetting to breathe due to the sight of Taeyon’s angry face.

“Okay! Okay! Just let us go!” Jeesu trembled and Taeyon’s grip on his arm loosened.

“M-mommy…” Youngmin said silently to himself, obviously afraid of the enraged angel.

“Ok…now that’s settled we should move on and find other options to eat, oh like that mushroom over there!”  Taeyon spotted some big juicy mushrooms under a nearby tree and wanted to grab some but as soon as her fingers touched one she started to itch like crazy.

“AAH! NO! SO DAMN ITCHY!!” she cried scratching her hand but the more she scratched, the pores that she acquired from the mushroom spreads on her body and now she’s scratching her back, shoulders and legs.

Youngmin and Jeesu raised an eyebrow at each other and tried calming her down.

“Help me!” Taeyon whined, she had red spots all over her body due to her scratching.

“Ew I don’t want to touch her, I might get itchy myself!” Youngmin avoided Taeyon’s cry for help, doing disgusted faces on purpose because of what Taeyon did to him earlier.

“Yeah Taeyon, if we touch you we’ll get infected!” Jeesu agreed with Youngmin and the poor angel was in verge of tears

“Ugh! I feel so betrayed! I never thought these would show the true colors of our friendship!” Taeyon pointed at her red spots as she scratched them, she’s making the boys guilty but of course they know what she’s trying to pull.

“Oh please, friendship my ass!” Youngmin smirked at her and patted his butt twice.

“YAH!” Taeyon screamed and began chasing Youngmin who successfully dodged her attempts to touch him.

“We were just kidding! But seriously we can’t touch you!” Jeesu managed to stop the two from fighting and Taeyon calmed down still scratching everywhere.

“Noona, that’s what you get for not letting us shoot the bird down mwahaha!” Youngmin laughed evilly and Taeyon just gave him a glare that made him shut up. Jeesu laughed but was cut off when something exploded and caused a portion of the forest across them to be trapped in ice, it looked as if the small part of the forest was in a snow globe and this intrigued the three of them.

“Let’s go there!” Youngmin said and began to run towards the towering ice dome, Jeesu was about to grab Taeyon’s arm but then he remembered about her itching, “Uh…let’s go!” he gestured her to come and she just frowned at him and followed. They have reached the location and when Youngmin touched the massive wall of ice he shivered, it was pure ice indeed he thought and pretty thick as well.

Novus Ferus: Lost memories (sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora