Chapter 61

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~Amber gets her hands busy as she washed the dishes in the café, it’s been a long time since she came back and good thing the manager wasn’t fuming in anger, he said he understood Amber’s absence because of all the demon attacks that had been going on. She had another reason for coming back though; Jonghyun had advised her to do some things while Key is asleep but it doesn’t help that Amber keeps on remembering the moments where Key and her worked in the kitchen of the café, when he was still perfectly fine smiling handsomely and being energetic.

A loud crash was heard…a plate slipped from her hands due to her being disoriented from reality, the kitchen door opened revealing an angry co worker.

“UGH! AMBER THAT’S YOUR THIRD TIME TODAY!” the waitress shouted and quickly cleaned the broken plate on the floor, being the neat freak that the waitress is Amber got scolded a lot in one day just because she couldn’t concentrate and kept messing up in work.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It will never happen again!” Amber apologized nonstop and kept bowing her head as if her life depended on it.

“You said for the third time also ugh! Focus Amber! What’s wrong with you?” the waitress gave her a glare and went out of the kitchen, Amber sighed heavily and returned to washing the dishes, carefully this time.

“Everything is wrong…” she whispered to herself holding her tears that were forming in her eyes.

She looked at the wall clock and realized that her shift is ending soon, she took off her apron and went to the employee’s locker room to change, her tears flowed freely seeing Key’s locker next to hers.

“Key…please wake up…” she banged her fist on one of the lockers not knowing she had startled another co worker in there.

“Whoa dude if you’re angry take it outside!” Amber turned her head and saw the café’s cashier holding his hands up like he was surrendering or something, but then the guy immediately smiled at her.

“Amber, whatever it is your going through…be strong okay?” the guy said and patted her back then went away, she of course was hell confuse because the dude was never close to her. She reminded herself to befriend the guy when she’s all better.

When she exited the café she found a familiar figure looking at her, standing in front of the café just waiting for her to come out, and the figure’s expression brightened as soon as Amber stepped out.

“Jonghyun…” she muttered and gave him a weak smile, Jonghyun ruffled Amber’s hair and hugged her.

“How is work?” Jonghyun asked, slinging his arm on Amber’s shoulder as both of them walked the streets.

“Not so good, I got yelled at by a coworker…totally my fault!” Amber shrugged and pouted, Jonghyun pinched her cheeks hard that made her cringe.

“OW! That hurts you jerk!” Amber rubbed her cheeks and Jonghyun gave a hearty laugh.

“You got yelled at because you were thinking of Key again! Aish…he is alright, don’t worry I checked on him this morning…”

“But he is still in a coma…that’s the difference…” Amber stopped walking and Jonghyun studied her face, sad and grim…not as lively as before.

“I thought we talked about this?” Jonghyun placed his hands on Amber’s shoulder giving them a gentle squeeze, Amber looked away feeling guilty that she couldn’t keep the promise she made with Jonghyun that she won’t let herself  engage in self pity about Key.

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