Chapter 26:Blank SLate

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~”W-who am I?” Zephyrine asked herself and looked at the people around her like she didn’t know them, well she doesn’t anymore.

“Zeph…” Taemin pulled her into a hug but she resisted.

“No! Let me go! Get away from me!” she protested and started to hit Taemin, Yoochun grip her hands and punched her stomach, just enough to make her unconscious again.

“Why the hell did you do that!?” Taemin shouted at his cousin who is now carrying Zephyrine in his arms.

“Well as you can see she was totally going to get wilder and violent if we don’t stop her! Clearly Krystal did something to erase her memories; even the memory of her identity was affected, maybe I should examine her for a few days in my hospital. First we go home and rest, don’t worry I’ll try my best to come up with a solution…” Yoochun said and everyone agreed, though Taemin couldn’t erase the worry in his face.

Zephyrine was being taken care of in Yoochun’s hospital for two days already, he tried explaining to her everything she needs to know but it seems that Zephyrine couldn’t just believe it.

“Your name is Zephyrine, Zephyrine Kriemhield” Yoochun started, he was seated beside her hospital bed while she hugged her knees and looked at him blankly.

“Are you sure? That name is kind of weird” Zephyrine raised an eyebrow.

“Blame your mother or whoever named you my dear, not me!”

“DO you know my mom?”

“Uhm well no, but I know what she is…she’s a fallen angel who died giving birth to you…”

“Riiight, and my father was a devil in disguise? You expect me to believe that? It seems that you’re the one who needs treatment doctor!”

“Aish, that’s the truth Zephyrine! This world is full of beings that you didn’t think that could exist!”

“Aish whatever! Who are you suppose to be in my life anyway?”

“I’m a cousin of your husband…”

“Husband? I have a husband? What the hell? How old am I?”

“Your 20, and yes you are married, yes you have a husband, you were married when you were 18 and—“

“WHAT?? I was married that young? That couldn’t be! I won’t marry at a young age; you have got to be mistaken!”

“Hey you’re the one who lost your memory young lady, and I’m just filling you in with the basic details of your life! I know you more now than you know yourself”

“How do I know you’re not lying huh?”

“Why would I do that?”

Zephyrine ran out of things to say and frowned at him, Yoochun massaged his forehead before he could lose his temper, this was the first time a patient annoyed him and he couldn’t believe that it would be her. Suddenly a nurse knocked on the door and said that some visitors have arrive for Zephyrine, he went out to meet them and told her before he could go that she better stay put there and don’t wander anywhere.

“Like I have a choice!” Zephyrine stuck her tongue out at him and he did the same to her, he just laughed it off before Zephyrine’s childishness gets to him. He approached the visitors who were his cousins, Onew brought fruits for her while Key brought drinks, Minho brought flowers and Jonghyun brought some of her clothes. Apparently the wounds of Jonghyun, Key and Onew from their battle has been cured, Amber was still in the hospital trying to recover her strength, all in all everyone was fine but Zephyrine.

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