Chapter 32:Sick

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Hey guys I need your feedbacks!! heheh!! please?? i need to know what you think about the story so far...(^_ ^)V enjoy reading!!

Taeyon’s story:

It’s a lazy day in the small apartment we are staying in Asami city, fortunately my bum- partner in crime Jeesu here learned to cook and somehow I was able to survive…haha okay I might sound lazy but—ok I AM lazy I admit, hands thrown in the air I surrender. But Jessu never complains if he’s the one to do the chores, unless of course if I boss him around but if I let him do his stuff he never complains, somehow living with him for a few months strengthened our little bond called friendship.

Absorbing all that has happened and the people I have met on earth was really unbelievable, I have my wings but I can’t go to heaven yet unless I find this person whom I’m suppose to guard! WHERE ARE YOU PERSON?? The higher ranked angels never gave a clue on how to find him/her; they just said I’ll know in time…crap!

Besides that, I can’t go to heaven unless I help Jeesu with his wish…we had a deal that I should help him become human and I couldn’t just leave him because—well angels aren’t suppose to do that! And honestly I don’t know if turning him into a human is possible either or I could bargain with him at least…I could search for that girl in his childhood instead of making him human, aww hell both are difficult anyway! That girl could have died or maybe she has been married already.

“Lunch is ready!” Jeesu called out from the kitchen, my stomach grumbled as soon as I smelled the scent of what he fixed…a normal kimchi soup but the maker is not normal and I’m sure the taste isn’t also.

I hungrily ate with him and I was right the kimchi wasn’t normal, it tasted very good actually! I was happily eating when I noticed his blank expression, he gazes at his bowl of soup yet it looks like he is staring somewhere far.

“You know that soup won’t reveal any images but the vegetables in it” I joked and he looked at me raising an eyebrow, I interrupted his deep thoughts probably, well good! Sitting towards someone who stares at their soup for so long is weird.

“Just eat and mind your own business” he scoffed at me, what the heck?

“Is that how you plan to finish your soup? Evaporate it with your stare? Is that some ability of yours? Haha!” my tone mocked him so much he grunted at me.

“I’ll eat it, why are you so concerned eh?” I almost laugh at his question, I wasn’t worried or concerned! Psh!

“What are you thinking hmm? Why are you in deep thoughts so much these days, since you told me about that little girl in your childhood you seemed to wander your thoughts most of the time” Note, I wasn’t worried…just curious.

“Well I was thinking of our little deal, I wonder when we can start searching for a way to turn me into a human…” Oh no…here it is, he’s opening this topic! His gaze focused on me this time, a longing expression on his face…gawd…he really looks like a pitiful dog! But then, that kind of look from dogs is kind of cute, wait…WHAT AM I SAYING?

“Well we can start if we do have a lead on where we are going to go but I have no idea, I’m sorry Jeesu but—“

“Is that all? All you need is a lead then we can go?” he cut me off, he suddenly brightened up.

“Yes we need a lead, do you have one?” I answered and he started eating his soup and smiled.

“I thought you were too lazy to fulfill your promise, well anyway I remember that there is someone who can reveal the wishes of your heart in Shinbi mountain, that person is probably a witch or someone magical, it was a rumor but I’d like to take my chances…maybe she can help me find or achieve the one I want…”

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