Chapter 25: Last Blow

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Zephyrine’s story:

Light…the light is too bright! Where am I? What happened?

“I’m sorry Zephyrine…but this is needed” those were the last words I heard before I passed out, Taeyon…why did she stabbed me?

I find myself alone in this unknown place; it looks familiar though even though this is such an empty, bright spot. Have I been here before? Wait…yes I think I remember now, it seems that this place is similar to the one when I was granted my wish…but why am I here now? Am I dead?

I walked and walked but there was nothing else around but the bright light, I frowned…

“Zephyrine!” I heard someone called out; I thought it was just my head playing with me because I saw no one.

“ ZEPHYRINE!!” I hear the voice this time louder, I felt the urge to call back.

“I’m here!” I shouted back and looked from left to right, from afar I saw a tiny spec, a figure who’s growing bigger and bigger as it comes near towards me, then I realized it was a person…as it draws nearer I finally recognized her…it was Taeyon running.

“Zephyrine!” she called out again and I ran to her, I don’t know why I did but I felt the need of a companion even though I knew she stabbed me, she hugged me when I approached her, her embrace was tight and she was crying.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry but I needed to do this, this was planned already when I started hunting for demons…” she cried and cried and I’m not sure what she’s talking about.

“What do you mean planned?”

“I needed you to die to get you into this state, the angels wanted to talk to you, and I need you to be my witness for my good deeds so that I will receive my wings…”

“You mean I’m dead?? What!?”

“Well technically you’re in a 50-50 state, I’m so sorry!”

I can’t believe I’m dead! Or maybe unconscious in the real world, I stopped Taeyon from crying and said it’s alright, after saying that she whined even more. I heard flapping of wings coming towards us and out of nowhere an angel appeared and smiled at us.

“Aish trainees are such babies” the angel chuckled referring to Taeyon. “I see the half breed that has been doing well on Earth; it’s nice to meet you finally…I am angel Armatt, the angel who grants truth, goodness, and wisdom, appealing to those seeking harmony. I have asked Taeyon to bring you here when the right time comes, and now is that time…you might be a half-breed Zephyrine but you still have the potential to be a pure angel because your heart is pure and you have done good deeds on Earth. You might not know this but in the real world you have sprouted wings already, the angel blood in you is strong but it was concealed and was released again when Taeyon stabbed your back. “

“Wait…she sprouted wings? What about me?” Taeyon interrupted Armatt.

“Hush-hush just wait…anyway, I would like you to become one of us, join us in heaven Zephyrine, leave the world that has been hurting you, and has been cruel. It’s a place where you don’t have to cry and feel pain; a place that you won’t feel hungry or tired …would you?”

I thought for a moment, I have done my part on helping my friends and the angel’s offer was tempting but…

“I’m afraid I have to refuse, my life on Earth is precious to me even though I have been hurt, but the happy moments prevail. The feeling of having your loves ones around you is the greatest thing on Earth, and life on it is a gift that I wouldn’t want to throw away for anything…”

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