"Touka-chan, could you help me cut the carrots and cabbage?"

After almost burning down the kitchen, Kaneki made a rule that he will always be the one cooking meals for the both of them and if Touka were to help, she was not allowed anywhere near the stove.

He smiled as he saw her trying her best but still failed in the process. He then stood behind her, took her hands into his and taught her the correct way. "You hold the knife like this and then you cut like this..." He whispered into her ear as he showed her the steps.

Pleasantly surprised by his skills, she quickly turned her head and immediately regretted it. His face was so close to hers that she could even feel his breath on her face. "Ken-"

She was interrupted as she felt him coming closer. She closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her but it never came. Opening her eyes to see Kaneki smiling, he said, "If you get what I taught you correct, I'll kiss you as a reward."

Gritting her teeth, she tried her best to repeat his actions earlier but still failed. Though she failed, he still kissed her as a form of encouragement.

And just like this, whenever both of them were in the kitchen, they would have fun cooking together.


Dinner was ready and they placed the food on the table before settling opposite each other. On the table was turkey, ham, cabbage soup and some red wine.

Picking up a fork, Kaneki took one piece of ham and held it in front of Touka. "Say ahh..."


He pushed the ham into her mouth and she felt her cheeks warm as she chewed. Even though it's embarrassing, she doesn't hate it when he feeds her like this. The couple slowly savored their dinner and by the time they were done eating and washing the dishes, it was already 9.30pm. It was presents time! 🎁🎁🎁

Standing in front of their Christmas tree 🎄, Kaneki excitedly brings out a present that has his name labeled on the wrapping and turned to Touka. "Can I open this now?"

Seeing him acting like a kid, a very cute one at that, she just couldn't refuse him. "Yeah you can."

He carefully tore off the wrapping and she scoffed. "You can just rip off the wrapping. It's going to be thrown away anyway."

"I can't do that. After all, you did use your time and effort to wrap it so nicely." He said as he smiled at her. She can't help but blush at his words. He was always good in talking.

She watched as his eyes lit up and his mouth widening to a grin as he brought out a thick grey wool scarf that matched the color of his eyes. Underneath his fingers, he felt the material of the scarf and looked up at her. "This is handmade?"

"Yeah. I noticed that you always don't have a scarf with you whenever we go out together so I thought maybe your neck was cold and decided to get you a scarf you know, to get you through winter... I actually wanted to buy but I thought making it myself would make it more sincere."

He rushed to hug her. "You could have just bought one. I haven't bought a scarf since my aunt threw away the one my mom made for me. Thank you so much. I really love it."

His voice sounds as if he's about to cry. Her arms went around his back and she leaned her face against his shoulder. She's glad that she decided to make the scarf for him. "You're welcome."

After separating, Touka took the scarf from him and wrapped it around his neck. Her hands then rested on his shoulder as she stared up at him. Standing on her toes, she pressed her lips to his. Just as she was about to pull away, an arm went around her waist, preventing her from doing so. He cupped her cheek and kissed her.

They separated hesitantly and Kaneki let her take the present from below the Christmas tree which had her name on the wrapper. She also gently removed the wrapping paper, following her boyfriend's example. Her eyes widened as she pulled out a pair of gloves. "This..."

"The other day you mentioned that you just lost your gloves so I decided to get you one. I'm sorry it wasn't handmade or anything..."

She quickly tried them on. "They're really warm... Thank you, Ken." She smiled.

He grinned. "I'm glad that you like them!"

Glancing at the clock, Christmas was almost coming to an end. There's just one more last thing to do. Kaneki held Touka's hand and they made their way to their door entrance. Looking up at the mistletoe above their heads, Touka immediately knew what her boyfriend wanted to do.

Standing in front of each other, they stared at each other. Kaneki's hands moved to caress her cheeks before running his fingers through her soft violet hair. He was drowning in her beautiful blue eyes.

Touka took her time to admire his facial features; long eyelashes, slim nose and thin lips. To be very honest, he was an average-looking man but what attracted her to him was his eyes. As what many people say, the eyes are the window to the soul. When she first met him, his eyes displayed sadness.

At that moment, she wanted to be by his side and give him all the happiness in the world that he could get. After what happened to him when he was little, he deserves so much more. She was glad that she asked him out and became his girlfriend. Ever since they ended up together, his eyes have displayed more happiness than sadness. Even now, as he looked down into her eyes, she can tell that he is truly happy.

The couple leaned towards each other and their lips touched.

"Merry Christmas, Touka-chan. Thank you for everything. I love you." Kaneki said as he smiled.

Touka cupped his cheek and smiled. "I love you too."

Merry Christmas.


So here's your Christmas one shot!

Though I don't celebrate Christmas, I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you receive many presents this year and have a good year ahead! 🎄🎉🎈🎁🎊

Gosh, I still remember last year around this time, I was writing my Christmas one-shot special and it was very fun writing it. I thank you all for all your support and hope you continue to do so in the following years even if I update slowly. Thank you so much!!! <3

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