Chapter Thirty Five

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"What do you want for your birthday?" Zander smiles sitting next to me.

"Nothing," I shrug. "I've got my family," I giggle at him. "And that's all I need."

"You have to want something," he groans.

"Nope," I shrug. "I don't want anything," Zander has stepped in saying he could act as the dad for baby Adam when he arrives, telling me how no girl deserves to be left like how Shawn left me.

"Ian?" He looks to Ian for help.

"No she really never wants anything," he shrugs.

"Baby stuff?" He cocks his head to the side. "Clothes, books, jewelry?" He lists.

"Nope," I shrug. There is a knock at the door and I walk over to open it. Zander stands behind me. "Hi Shawn," I smile weakly. "Hey Zander can I talk to him alone do a second?" I pout.

"Sure," he nods giving Shawn a strange look before walking off.

"So you've gotten someone new," he scoffs trying to hide his pain.

"He's just gonna help me with Adam," I sigh. "Come on Shawn don't be like this." I plead as he crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"No you've made your decision," he shrugs.

"Shawn," I groan grabbing his arm, and pulling him back.

"You replaced me," he shrugs sounding very hurt. "I even found a way to be able to come back," he looks down.

"No Shawn, I do still love you and you mean the world to me, I just didn't want out baby to be without a father," I whisper.

"Well now he won't have to," he rips himself out of my grip. "I want him," he looks at my stomach.

"Full time? We have to be able to agree Shawn and I want him too," I shriek.

"You've got whatever the hell that kids name is and I have nothing so I at least want my baby," he sighs.

"Half of the time? Please Shawn," I sniff. "Don't take him from me,"

"Half of the time fine, but I get to come to the birth and we'll be together on special occasions and there is no, 'I get him half of the day on Christmas' he's not an object and I don't want to treat him like one." He crosses his arms.

"Thank you," I smile wrapping my arms around him. Zander coughs awkwardly. "Shawn this is Zander, Zander this is Shawn," I step back.

"So this is the one who left you to parent alone?" He looks towards me and gives Shawn a smirk.

"She's really down graded, such a shame her love will have to he wasted on you," Shawn squeezes his hand and they pretend to be civil.

"Such a shame it was wasted on you," Zander shakes his head. "She could've done much better," he shakes his head.

"Bitch," Shawn spits.

"Bite me," Zander growls. Shawn smirks balling his fists. Before he does anything Zander hits him smack in the face.

"Zander," I gasp. Shawn looks at me and ten Zander again letting him continue to throw punches. "You wouldn't hit me would you?" I slide between him and Shawn.

"Maybe," he smirks. Soon a large amount of people who's have become very familiar to me surround us. "I'm Zander," he smirks. "Zander Nash's cousin." He winks at me.

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