Once picking Donovan up, they met Terrell at the indoor basketball court they usually went to. The place they went to was a sports complex combined with an exercise facility. They all had a membership with the place, and spent most of their time there.

They enjoyed going against each other in a nice game of two on two with Terrell's younger brother joining in. Terrell and his brother, Terrence, would be on one team, and Quincy and Donovan would be on another. Terrence was a freshman, but was skilled and fairly tall for his age. Terrence also wasn't a stereotypical annoying freshman, so the boys had no problem with him hanging with them from time to time.

"Wassup lil bro?" Quincey greeted Terrence with a dap.

"Wassup," he nodded as he dribbled the basketball that was in his free hand. "You and Dono ready to get whooped, or na?"

"Shoot," Donovan sucked his teeth. "You ain't whopping nobody over here."

"We'll see about that," Terrell challenged with a chuckle as he took the ball from Terrence hands in one swift movement.

About halfway into their game, Terrence claimed he needed a time out because he was tired and thirsty. Quincey and Donovan looked at it as a sorry excuse to pause the game since they were currently whooping his butt, along with Terrell's, but they needed a drink of water too so they didn't mind.

"Hold on wait, isn't that Gavin?" said Donovan as everyone suddenly looked in the same direction that he was looking in.

Donovan was the only one who referred to Trigg by his real name. Everyone had been calling Gavin Trigg ever since they could remember, but Donovan was always the type of person who referred to people by their real name, no matter how many people recognized them by their nick name. Just the other day the guys were having a conversation about Boosie being let out of jail, but not Gucci, and Donovan kept calling Gucci Radric.

"Wassup," Trigg nodded to everyone.

Everyone nodded in reply as Roland and Jesus suddenly appeared behind him. Trigg wore a plain white v-neck along with a pair of Tru Religion jeans and spotless white forces. A gold chain bracelet sat on his left wrist as Roland and Jesus wore the same thing but instead of a white v-neck, theirs were black.

"What y'all niggas up to?" Trigg asked.

"Nothing, whooping they butt in some basketball," Quincey beamed as Terrence and Terrell rolled their eyes.

"Don't y'all do this same shit every Sunday?"

"Yeah," Terrell shrugged. "Ain't shit else to do. We not Gavin Davis - busy every second of our life."

Trigg chuckled as he lightly shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, I have to do what I have to do. The streets is always calling."

As if on cue, his cellphone suddenly began ringing. Trigg ignored it though as he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket, checked the screen, then ended the call without answering. "See, that was a customer right there," he stated.

"Damn you just send yo' customers to voicemail?" Terrence asked, surprised that he would pass up money.

"When you're someone as known as me, you'll learn that the customers chase you, not the other way around. I have enough money that I can ignore customers calls for the rest of the year if I want," Trigg replied. "I do have an important customer I have to make a deal with though in a few minutes so I'll catch up with y'all later."

"Alright then," Quincey nodded.

"What y'all about to do though?" he asked.

"About to finish -" Donovan started but got cut off by Terrell.

"About to grab something to eat."

Quincey and Donovan shot Terrell and Terrence a death glare as they let out a laugh because of how pathetic they were. They knew they just didn't want to finish the game because they were loosing.

"Where y'all about to go eat at?"

"Probably no where but Big's," said Quincey as he gave in.

Quincey was pretty hungry himself and Big's is where they always went to go eat after leaving the sports center.

"Y'all wanna come?" Q added, referring to Jesus and Roland.

"If I finish handling my business in time we'll slide through. I also have to handle some business that has to deal with the shooting last night so I don't know."

"Speaking of the shooting, what happened?"

"Nothing," Trigg shrugged. "Just some jealous ass niggas that were trigger happy that's all."

"Did you know who it was?" Quincey asked.

"It was like four of them that came up to the loft armed with guns and shit but it was only one of them I recognized."

"Who was it?"

"Some blood who calls himself Jay Rock," he shrugged. "But I'm not tripping off anything."

"Damn," Quincey sighed. "Well I'm glad you straight bro."

"Right on," Trigg nodded. "I'm bulletproof so I'm always gone be straight. But I'll hit you up later Q."

"Alright then."

The boys nodded as Trigg took his cellphone from out of his pocket, made a call, then was on his way with Roland and Jesus following behind him.

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