Chapter 2

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The next morning, Quincey was awaken by his mother barging into his room wearing a dress that stopped a little past her knees. Every Sunday was always the same thing between the two. She would ask the same question, and Quincey would reply back with the same answer.

"Quincey are you going to church with me today?" she would ask.

"No Ma." he would reply in a nonchalant tone.

She would then leave his room with a sigh and return back home an hour later to smoke a cigarette.

He didn't understand why she didn't stop asking him the same question a long time ago. He couldn't even tell you the last time he attended church or picked up a bible. He didn't even pray anymore because he felt as if it was a waste of his time.

He also didn't understand why she went to church if she was going to act the exact same afterwards. She always claimed to turn her life around, but every Sunday was of course, the same thing.

"Are you going to church with me today?" she asked, keys and purse already in hand.

"No ma'," he replied as he pulled the cover up more over his head.

Quincey hadn't even got out the bed and washed his behind yet. He woke up on his own time, which was normally a little past noon. It was currently only 11.

His mother let out a sigh as she started to turn around to make her way out of his room, but stopped dead in her tracks as she eyed him suspiciously.

"What?" he groaned.

"Have you seen my pack of cigarettes?"

"Last I saw them they were on the couch," he lied, pulling the cover back up over his head.

"I just checked there," she shrugged with another sigh. "I'll just buy another after I leave church I guess."

Quincey shook his head as she closed his door behind her. He tried to force his self to go back to sleep, but he was already awoke. With a sigh of frustration, he made his way out the bed and to the bathroom to wash himself.

Once throwing on a pair of basketball shorts after hopping out the shower, he brushed his teeth then proceeded to go downstairs to find what he could find to eat. After settling on a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, he decided to smoke to pass by time. But as soon as he took his first hit from the blunt that he had just rolled, his phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Quincey answered with a cough as he mentally rolled his eyes. It was nobody but Donovan.

"What you doing bro?"

"Smoking. Why what's up?"

"Without me?"

"I mean we can match later I don't care," Quincy laughed. "At Terrell house though."

"Hell yeah," Donovan agreed. "That nigga has all the snacks, and a cool ass mom."

"I swear," Quincey chuckled. "But what you up to?" 

"I was actually calling to see if you wanted to go to the court with me and 'Rell. He wants to go but I don't have a ride."

"Sure. I don't have shit else to do. And Dono' you know I'll pick you up. You live just a street over. Give me 15 minutes then I'll be over there."

"Alright then," Donovan replied.

With that, Q then hung up the phone, and went to throw on any t-shirt he could find. After also getting on a pair of shoes, he grabbed his cellphone and keys then was out.

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