"Something happened, causing Levi to be hurt as a result." I explain.

"I'll kiss it, make it all better." She tells me, looking around for him. I give a small smile.

"He's with the doctors at the hospital right now, but I'm sure he'll love that when we see him."

"Why's he at the hospital?" She asks confused. I let my shoulders drop. I can't keep it from her, I don't want to be pessimistic but what happens if the worst happens and he dies.

"Sweetie, he was hurt badly, so they needed to give him extra help." I tell her. Her bottom lip starts to quiver as tears fall down her face. "He'll be OK. The doctors will make it all better. We'll go and see him as soon as we leave." I reassure her and myself. I pull her into a hug and press a kiss onto the top of her head.

"Look what I have." Brody says. I look up and see he is holding the big teddy bear. I study it and see that it is exactly the way we left it, thankfully. When Sophie sees it, she lets go of me and extends her arms towards it. When I know she is happier with the bear and Brody is talking to her, I excuse myself and move around them to where Ryder and Jesse are walking back from speaking to the cops. Ryder sighs as if exhausted and pulls me into a hug.

"Do you need anything out of your car? They'll have to take it in for evidence." Jesse asks me. I think for a moment before answering.

"Sophie's car seat, there should be nothing else." Jesse nods before walking off and retrieving it. Ryder rest his chin on my head.

"We should be going soon, we're just waiting for Trystan to finish on the phone." Ryder lets me know.

"Who's he talking to?" I query. Ryder is silent for a moment.

"Levi's family, he's letting them know what's happened." He finally tells me. Something in his voice, however, makes me think that it's not the whole truth. Jesse comes back with Sophie's car seat in hand.

"Looks like Trystan is finished." He comments. I look to where Trystan and Ashton are walking towards us. I catch the end of Trystan's conversation.

"...OK, we'll see you there... Yes, I've let his family know... OK. Bye." He finishes, bringing his phone down from his ear. I look up at Ryder, who is trying to avoid my gaze and looks like he wants to hit his brother over the head, confused. I keep my mouth shut however. Slowly, everyone gathers in a group and we make plans of who is going in which cars. Sophie, now slightly happier, is hugging the huge bear close.

After everyone is assigned a car, we all finally make our way to the hospital.


I sit in the waiting room, hoping for some news.

After what felt like an eternity, we arrived at a different hospital as to the one in which my mother is in. We walked into the reception and Ashton went to the desk. After a minute he comes back to us, and updates us.

"He's gone into surgery. There is no other news, but we can wait in a waiting room and they'll tell us as soon as they have some."

That was 2 hours ago, and there is still nothing. The guys eventually got hungry, and we all went down to the dreary cafeteria. I hardly ate anything, a feeling of dread present in my stomach. I am resting my head on Storm's shoulder and watching Brody and Colton opposite me, with a smile on my face, trying to cheer Sophie up. Sam nudges me with his arm. I look at him next to me.

"Tanner's a bastard." He whispers. I let out a chuckle.

"Yes he is." I agree.

A phone goes off, causing me to jump. Trystan pulls it out, looks at it, before getting up and leaving the room. I watch him leave curious.

Another half an hour goes by, and Trystan still hasn't come back. I look around at the guys and see that they don't seem curious about Trystan's disappearance. My eyes fall on Jesse and see that he's sitting quietly, staring at the wall opposite him blankly. I get up from where I am sitting, causing Storm to watch me, and sit in the empty seat next to Jesse.

"How are you doing?" I ask him, remembering how he told me he didn't like hospitals. He turns to me, giving me a slight smile.

"I'm OK, my mind is more on Levi than anything else." He admits.

"That's good, well bad that you have to worry about him..." I stop talking, thinking I'm making it worse. He chuckles at me. The door opens and Trystan walks back in, closely followed by a doctor. I lean forwards eager for the news.

"He's just come out of surgery, we thought we would lose him at one point..." He says, causing me to have to swallow the food down that I ate today. "But he's OK. We were lucky, the bullet just missed the femoral artery, otherwise I would be here with different news. You'll be able to see him in 10 minutes." He finishes. A sigh of relief goes around the room. He's OK. I feel myself lose all the tension in my muscles, and I see a lot of the guys relaxing. Ashton stands up and quickly talks to the doctor before he leaves. As the door is just closing behind the doctor, it is pulled back open and a man enters the room.

Here you go! I hope you liked it (or didn't because Levi was shot)! ;)

Who was Trystan talking to on the phone?

Who is coming into the room? Is it anyone important?

Who agrees with Sam about Tanner? I know I do. I had it planned that Tanner was going to miss, but then Tanner shot Levi! I wasn't expecting it!

What did you think?

What will happen next?

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, sharing and following!!

CC ;)

Endings Are New Beginnings (Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now