Chapter 18

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"I'm only here because I don't want the General waking me up again..." you groaned as you elbowed your way past the Commander into the dreaded room.

As you stared into the empty room you sighed, being there would surely prolong your misery. At least he hadn't caught on to your little run in with the General...yet. It felt amazing, like every thing had been cleansed. A clean slate. No more Lucia and minimal suffering by Kylo. Hopefully.

"As punishment..." he started.

"Punishment? Punishment! I'm not taking your bull shit Kylo. I'm here to learn if you can't swallow your pride for ten seconds," you paused and sighed, "look, if you don't want me to go inside your head - don't teach me how to go inside peoples heads. Your logic baffles...." 

"Go back to your quarters. I want you at the Command Shuttle in one hour..."

"But. What. Where are we going?" you scowled.

"We need more space to practice. You should know where we are going, you really are incapable of reading me when I actually want you to, aren't you girl?" he groaned.

"Fuck you Ren," you said as you stormed out of the room, out of his chambers and back to your quarters. 


Sweat poured off every inch of you. You'd packed for cold wet bitter rain, but Kylo was making you work hard. Every inch of you ached, he'd made several points to you, for you to feel it.

"Your stance. Wrong again. Tell me how it goes. I want to hear you say it." Kylo seethed, you'd assumed he looked as badly as you did under that mask of his.

You spat out some of the lactic acid that had built up in your throat, and turned your eyes back up to meet his. You glared, chest heaving with exertion from the sparring, where he'd nearly taken your head for an ornament. Again. 

"My weight should be on the side that's about to be attacked," you boiled trying to burn every ounce of sarcasm you'd wanted to use. You moved slightly reignited your saber and took in a deep breath. 

You knew the correct footing you'd been at this two weeks now. In your spare time, you'd bettered every aspect of your knowledge that you could, in hope that just one time you'd get to ruin him. But Kylo Ren was unpredictable, every session you'd taken with him was never like the last. His tactics didn't flow, or make sense, he was erratic, although it didn't really surprise you-his personality was just as sporadic. 

"You're doing it again." 

Fuck you Kylo, you_are_unpredictable. Give me a break.

Again. Battle is...

Unpredictable-I know. I say it in my sleep now.

He lunged forward, giving you little time to hesitate. His saber swung vertically towards you and you parried the attack with a horizontal slice. The strength of his strike had caused your whole arm to reel backwards and yet you still tried to steady it. Once you were happy with the stability you'd managed to regain, you drew the fizzling light back and rested it on your hip. 

"Do you expect to win? You're constantly defending yourself ____." He stepped to the left his pacing beginning once again as he eyed you up from head to toe.

The wind picked up at that moment a refreshing cold to the heat that still coated your exposed skin. You wiped the sweat off your brow onto your sleeve and fixed eyes on his towering frame. 

He limbered his wrist mockingly and you knew exactly that it was a reticent chiding for not doing the same after his blow. You grimaced, holding the hand opposite the one wielding the blade in front of you and widened your stance. You twisted the blade around in your hand just as you had when you'd been practising shook the thought from your head.

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