Touka had been standing there for the past month and even the CCG's employees know her as Haise's ex-girlfriend. No matter how the weather was, sunny or rainy, she would remain at that spot, patiently waiting for him.


One day...

After returning from their tedious ghoul extermination mission, the Quinx squad, including their mentor, finally reached the Chateau and plopped down onto the couch, drained of energy.

Shirazu walked over to the window and stared outside. It was raining heavily and claps of thunder and lightning could be heard and seen. "I can't believe we still have to write a report later in this weather... I'm gonna complain that the CCG is abusing us!" He whined.

Haise let out a chuckle and closed his eyes to rest for a bit. But he was shocked awake by Shirazu's shouting.

"Sassan! Your ex is standing out there!"

"What?" He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Getting up from the couch, he walked over to where Shirazu was and looked out of the window.

There she was, standing in the rain, drenched from head to toe. Despite knowing the dangers of not being under shelter in a thunderstorm like this, she continued standing there, determined to tell Haise her feelings.

His eyes widened and grabbing a bath towel from the cupboard, he rushed to take the lift downstairs and ran out of the building towards her. "Touka!"

Her heart skipped a beat as he called her name and she turned, watching as he ran towards her. Draping the towel around her, he pulled her under the shelter but still outside the CCG. As he started to wipe her face, he spoke, voice laced with concern. "How long have you been standing there? You could have caught a cold!"

Looking up at him, she moved to cup his cheeks. Her hands are freezing... He thought. She caressed his cheeks while gazing at him. "It doesn't matter... I need to tell you something."

Before she could tell him, she saw the world in black and fell backwards, losing consciousness. Haise managed to catch her just in time and placed a hand on her forehead. She's burning up!

Okay calm down, Haise! Think!

The male spun his head towards the building. He had to quickly bring her to some place warm but he knew he couldn't bring her into the CCG because the scanners would pick up that she's a ghoul, so he wrapped her in the towel and used himself as a shield from the rain before running in the direction of Re.

Please hang in there, Touka!

Upon reaching the doorstep of Re, he found the keys in her bags and struggled to open the door while holding her but managed to enter the cafe. The lights of the cafe was off and no one was there. He decided to try anyway. "Hello is anyone there?"

No response came and he made his way up the stairs and into her room. He placed her into the bathtub and looked down at her damp clothes. I should change her clothes for her... His cheeks warmed at the thought and he went to her cupboard to search for clothes that she can wear.

He cleaned her body dry and helped her in her clothes before carrying her to the bed, pulling the blankets over her. He proceeded to do the necessary steps for a person with fever to heal (place towel on her forehead and bla bla bla. Yes I'm lazy 😂).

Pulling a chair to beside the bed, Haise sat down and held her hand tightly, staring down at her. Her soft and silky hair, her long eyelashes, slim nose and those pink lips. He stopped himself there from going any further and shook away his thoughts. But just one touch.

Running his fingers through her soft hair, the sleeping lady stirred and slowly opened her eyes. He quickly withdrew his hand and asked, "how are you feeling?"

She shot straight up in bed, turning to him. "S-Sasaki! I need to tell you something!"

"Calm down! I'll just be here and won't be going anywhere. I'll listen to what you have to say."

"I..I missed you, Sasaki..." She said, with sorrow in her words.

His heart skipped a beat and she continued.

"I just wanted to tell you that after we broke up, I thought about a lot of things and I realized that the person I really loved was not Kaneki, but you. I know you may find this hard to believe but it is a fact. I can't imagine a life without you and I want to live it with you by my side. I miss your silly puns, your smile and your warmth. It was everything of you that kept me going everyday. I'm sorry, I was wrong. I want to start over with you. Will you please give me a chance to make things okay again?"

After hearing what she had just said, Haise decided that he would forgive her, only if she would call him by his first name. "Touka... Could you call me by my given name?"

Her eyes widened and she looked down. "B-But I've done such a horrible thing to you, I don't deserve to do that..."

"Please. I want to hear you say it." He pleaded, squeezing her hand.


The black and white haired male tackled her with a tight hug and continued, "say it again."

She was shocked by his sudden action but slowly wrapped her arms around him. "Haise."


"Haise." Touka repeated.

He felt tears secreted in his eyes. Leaning in to press his lips onto hers, he sucked gently and savored the taste that he missed so much. Withdrawing hesitantly, he smiled and spoke, "I forgive you."

The ends of her lips curved up and tears fell down. "I'm so glad.."

Using his thumb to wipe away her tears, he cupped her cheeks to make her look at him and leaned forward to capture her lips again. They kissed until they had to separate for air.

Staring at her, his dirty thoughts arose again and Haise used his hand to cover the growing blush on his cheeks. "Shit. I have the strong urge to make love with you right now."

She blushed. "I-I don't mind..."

He placed his hands onto her shoulder and pushed her until she was a certain distance from him. "No I don't want to, when you're sick. You have a cold and you need rest. Now come on, lay back down and get some sleep."

A/N okay it gets a little dirty from here.

"If I'm having a cold, then shouldn't you be helping me to warm up?" She asked, smirking as she tried to seduce him.


Placing a hand on his thigh, she slowly moved it up towards his crotch. "You must be feeling cold right now..since your clothes are wet... Why don't you warm up with me?" She spoke with a husky tone.

Haise felt shivers down his spine and flushed as she moved to rest her hand over his crotch. He inhaled. "Y-you really sure you want to?"

"Yes." She grabbed his tie and pulled him towards her. He saw lust in her eyes.

"O-okay..." He swallowed and moved to discard his clothes before getting on top of her.

The two made love all night long, quenching their thirsts of being away from each other for too long. They finally laid sated in each other's arms and Haise kissed her forehead. "I love you."

Touka snuggled into his chest for warmth. "I love you too, Haise."

Thank you for giving me another chance.


Yes I know I said I would update after my exams but I couldn't wait to write and publish this so here you are! Please wish me luck for my exams next week cuz I really need to get good grades so I need a little luck ><

Wow I just realized this is the 100th chapter of Touken one shots! I feel like I've come a long way since last year, February / March (I can't remember) and I would like to thank everyone for your support and I hope you will continue to do so in the future.

I may update slow in the future due to exams / busy with stuff but I will find the time to do so because I enjoy writing. Once again, thank you for your support! :D

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now