"Do you have a boyfriend?" Mutsuki continued.

The black and white haired male face-palmed. Even though he told them not to, they still did it.


"Just nice! Sassan was over there saying that he wants to find a girl to date! Won't you consider him?"

Touka turned to the male and he fumbled with his words, trying to explain. "W-wait I did not—I—", his voice suddenly became softer as he felt shy, "If you are okay with it, I would like to be your friend..." He mumbled whilst looking down at the table.

Shirazu rolled his eyes at the timidness of his superior. Why couldn't be a man and ask her out straight?

The violet haired female knows she shouldn't get involved with him and yet she does anyway. "Sure. What's your name?"

"Sasaki Haise..." He was still too shocked that she accepted his request.

Touka pulled out a paper from her pocket and scribbled something on it. She passed it to him and smiled. "That's my number. Text me when you're free."

She then went behind the counter and squatted down. Her cheeks warmed and she couldn't believe what she just did.

Shirazu smirked upon looking at his mentor. "Glad we asked her. You look so happy right now, Sassan."

"Eh? Do I?" He couldn't contain his widening grin.


That night, while taking a break from his work, he decided to send a text.

To: Kirishima Touka
Subject: Hello

Good evening, Kirishima-san. I am Sasaki Haise. It is a pleasure to have met you and gotten your number. I would like to be friends with you so maybe we could start with a topic?

- SENT -

After sending the message, then he started to worry whether it was too business-like or whether he typed the correct number. To his surprise, she replied almost immediately.

To: Haise Sasaki
Subject: Hello too

Hi Sasaki, it's nice to meet you. You don't have to be so formal. Just talk normally. Hm yes, do you like coffee? If yes, what brands?


The two exchanged messages countless times and after 2 months, Haise decided it was time for the next step, which was to ask her out.

Holding a bouquet of flowers in his left hand, Haise scanned his body from top to bottom, making sure his hair and outfit was neat. The two of them have gone out several times before but he was especially nervous today because this was the day he was going to ask Touka out. If he succeeds, this will be considered a date.

He stared at himself in the mirror and practiced his lines. His phone vibrated and a reminder popped up, showing that he has an outing with Touka today.

Taking a final look in the mirror, he grabbed his phone and keys before leaving the house. On the way to their arranged location, Haise found himself being stared at by everyone else around him at the bouquet that he was holding.

- 15 minutes later -

The black and white haired male spotted a lady in blue dress running towards him. She stopped in front of him and apologized, "Sorry, did you wait long? There were lots of cars today for some reason."

Shaking his head to answer her question, he blushed whilst looking at her outfit; a light blue skater dress and black flats with a white bag slung at the side. He's not sure if it's just him, but Touka looked especially pretty today.

Kaneki x Touka [Touken] One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora