{I'll start this duel off with offense to lure him in}-Yuko

Summons Gearfried the Iron Knight(Earth/Lv.4/1800 atk). Sets 1 card.

"{I set my Mirror Force trap. That'll send Kenji packing}Your turn Dragon Master!"-Yuko

•Kenji(4000): Draws. Summons Mirage Dragon(Light/Lv.4/1600 atk).

"Remember this guy Yuko?"-Kenji


"Good because I don't want to use old cards against you!"-Kenji

Banishes Mirage to Special Summon Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon(Dark/Lv.10/2800 atk).

"That's a new one!"-Yuko

"Thank you. I can summon him by banishing a dragon I control."-Kenji

Activates Red Eyes' effect.

"Now let me show you why I'm called The Dragon Master! My Red-Eyes has the ability to Special Summon a dragon from my hand or graveyard!"-Kenji

"Uh oh. This is bad."-Tammi

Special Summons Alexandrite Dragon(Light/Lv.4/2000 atk) from his hand.

"But that's not all."-Kenji

Activates Mystical Space Typhoon and destroys Yuko's set-Mirror Force.

{My trap card!!!}-Yuko

"Now Yuko's wide open!"-Benta

"Time for my assault."-Kenji

Attacks and destroys Gearfried with Alexandrite. (Yuko:4000/3800) Attacks directly with Red Eyes. (Yuko:3800/1000)

"Keep on giving me your best Kenji. This duel is going to be a good one."-Yuko

"Will do."-Kenji

Sets 1 card.

"This duel is already getting intense."-Tammi

"I know right and they've only had one turn each so far."-Benta

"My turn!"-Yuko

"Yuko wait."-Kenji

"What is it?"-Yuko

"Summon Tora."-Kenji


"Why do you want me to summon Tora?"-Yuko

"That card bothers me. I need to defeat it."-Kenji

{Kenji's serious about this?}-Yuko

•Yuko(1000): Draws. Activates Monster Reborn and Special Summons Gearfried(Earth/Lv.4/1800 atk). Summons Sonic Chick(Earth/Lv.1/300 atk).

"Since you want me to summon him so badly, here's Tora!"-Yuko

Melds Gearfried(Earth) and Sonic Chick(Earth) to Zeo Summons Tora(Earth/Lv.6/2500 atk).

"Time for his effect."-Yuko

Activates Tora's effect. (Tora:2 ZU/1 ZU)

"Go on ahead Yuko. Draw your card. Get lucky."-Kenji

"Fine then!"-Yuko

Reveals a monster. (Tora:2500 atk/3000 atk)

"Now let's slay that Red-Eyes!"-Yuko

Attacks Red Eyes with Tora.

{He fell for it}-Kenji

Kenji activates Shadow Spell.

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