Jessamine: ..........

Renee: .....So you get to be the GUYS all day! Isn't that swell?

Jessamine: .........*mutters*

Renee: *leans forward* I'm sorry what?

Jessamine: Why are you doing this to me?

Renee: *smiles and stands up straight* Well there's a simple answer to that. You see, Dean has been known for his...promiscuous ways. So, to make sure he stays loyal, I keep him happy. But then YOU came along and he started treating you like you were royalty and I was a fucking servant. But now, *strokes Jessamine's hair* he sees as the world saw you. A worthless, dirty, good-for-nothing, pile of garbage that the peasants fuck every once in a while. *giggles* Hell, even the guys think of you as nothing but a sex toy. *bends down to her level* I bet they haven't even touched your pussy yet, have they?

*Jessamine gags in response, making Renee*

Renee: I don't know why you're gagging. I mean, I saw what they would do to you in the basement. Sodomy, bondage, whipping, more sodomy. They really acted like not a single part of you was human....*shrugs* Oh well.

*Renee starts to walk out the bathroom before at the doorway and starts laughing*

Renee: Actually, *goes and turns of the shower* You've been here long enough.

*Renee grabs Jessamine's hair and drags her, kicking and screaming, into the hallway. She stops at basement door, opens it, and throws Jessamine down the stairs*

Jessamine: *holds back in pain* AHHHH!!!

Renee: SHUT UP!!! *closes door* Now, you are gonna stay down here until the guys get here. So, *walks over to her* Make yourself comfortable because...

*Jessamine kicks Renee's feet from under her, knocking her to the ground and punches her in the face. She throws herself to the ground in pain as her brain gets stabbed with memories*

~Jessamine: *turns to Renee* And now you.

Renee: *puts hands on hips* Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do bi...

*Before Renee could finish, Jessamine pounced on her and started beating her senseless*


*Jessamine grabs a handful of Renee's hair and punches her powerfully before slamming her head against the floor and pounding her in the chest*

Big E: JESSAMINE!!! *grabs her* THAT'S ENOUGH!!!

Jessamine: Let GO!!! *starts kicking* I'M NOT DONE YET!!!

Big E: YES YOU ARE!!! *lifts her up* Just...let it go.

Jessamine: *sighs* Okay. Okay. I'm done. Let me go.~

Jessamine: ........

Renee: *holds nose in pain* OWWW!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH?!?!?!

Jessamine: .....*smirks* Oh fuck the hell yes.(If you got this reference, I love you)

*Jessamine pounces on Renee, ignoring her injured back, and starts punching her repeatedly. She smiles as Renee starts screaming in pain and begs for her to stop. Jessamine beats on her for another ten minutes until she gets tired. Renee stopped fighting four minutes ago because she passed out from the pain. Jessamine stands up and spits on Renee*

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