chapter fifty-seven. kevin.

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Nat keeps telling me that I should see a doctor.  He says that I'm showing signs of depression and anger management issues, but I don't want to see a doctor.  There's nothing wrong with me.  But, he thinks differently.  He tells me that since all I've been doing is waking up and going to the hospital for a week, I'm just avoiding my problems.  But my problem is my boyfriend being in the hospital, struggling to stay alive. 

I've stopped going to school, because when I see people being happy and laughing while my boyfriend is currently comatose with a very slim chance of survival I get angry.   And I tend to punch people when I get angry.  This is the "anger management" part of Nats' plead to get me to a psychiatrist.   

Of course, my mental health is not the only thing Nat talks to me about.  He asked me if he could see Edd in the hospital after school today.  I didn't ask why, but he told me anyway.  He said that he was only coming for moral support, and that was most definitely it.

"Oh, and the hot nurses, of course!" He added.

I knew he was joking and wanted to see Edd.  He really misses him, and even if he pretends to be happy-go-lucky about the situation, I know he's hurting too.


When we got to the hospital, we were informed by a nurse called Enrique that Edd has been moved to a more private room.  It's spacious and smells like bleach and prescription medication.

Enrique leaves quietly after showing us to the room, and I sit down on a chair to Edd's left.  Nat sits on the windowsill and stares at Edd.

"Hey, Edd," I say quietly, my hands trembling as they hold Edd's.  "Nat's here.  He-He came to see you."

Nat sounds pretty calm when he says, "Hey" to Edd, but I can tell that he's kind of scared, or at the very least freaked out.  

"Nat, I'll be right back.  I'm going to get some water," I tell him as I stand.  

He nods.  "Okay.  Get me one?" 

"Sure," I say.  Before I leave the room, I turn around and say, "You should talk to him.  He can still hear."

I close the door lightly when I leave.


The hallways of the hospital echo with my footsteps, making it sound as if I were the only person in the building.  Though, when the thought crosses my mind I always search for the sound of high heels tapping on the tile floor.

When I eventually start walking back to Edd's room with two waters from the vending machine in lobby, I hear hollering from down a hall to my right.

I curiously follow the sounds of shouting down the bright hallway until I get to Her room. 

I can't remember her name, or even if she had told me, but I can hear her screaming.

"I don't even know what you're talking about!" She shouts.

"Smoking is prohibited, Eliza, and I know you've been smoking!" Her doctor says back, her voice calm and quiet.  "And please try to be quiet."

"Are you kidding me?" Eliza asks.  "Maybe you should try to stop accusing me of stuff without evidence."

"Without evidence?  I found this pack of menthols behind your flower pot and your room smells like an ashtray, not to mention your clothing!"

"Ugh, I've had enough!  Get out!"


"Leave!" Eliza yells before pushing her doctor out of her room.

Eliza's doctor stands at the door for a second before shaking her head and tucking the pack of cigarettes in her back pocket.  When she turns to walk towards me, her phone rings.  She digs in her pocket and pulls out her phone as I walk up to Eliza's door.

I knock twice on her door.

"Don't fucking come in here Nancy or I'll snap your skinny ass in half," Eliza says on the other side of the door.

"It's, uhm, it's not Nancy."

The door opens slowly and when Eliza peeks her head out, I wave.  She opens up her door more and let's me come in.

She has a glowing cigarette hanging from her ruby red lips, and she's replaced her gown with a tank top and boot cut jeans.

"Long time no see, carrot top.  What're you in for?" She asks.

I shrug.  "My boyfriend is in a coma that he might not wake up from."

"Wow," she says, taking a drag from her cigarette and blowing it out her window.  "That's tough.  Cigarette?"

"Sure," I say. 

Eliza hands me a box and I take a lighter and cigarette out of it.  I hold it up to my lips and breath it in.  This time, I don't choke on it.

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd your boyfriend get in a coma?" Eliza asks.

"He caught me being raped by my ex-girlfriend and thought something else as going on behind his back," I release the smoke from my lungs, savoring the burn.  "He drove off into the night and eventually got hit hard by another car."

Eliza doesn't say anything as she stares out her window, chainsmoking cigarette after cigarette.  "I hope he wakes up."

"Me too," I say.

"You see that cluster of stars right there?" Eliza asks. 

I look up at the sky.  I don't really see a specific group of stars to look at, but I nod anyway. 

"That constellation is named after Hercules, the legendary hero from Greek mythology. He was ruthless, and never stopped fighting until he got to the top."

I hum and take a drag.  "What's that gotta do with anything?"

"Nothing, I just thought you'd want to know."

I nod again, and exhale.  I understand why she told me.

Hey guys!!!  Ajax here, and long time no see eh? I missed you all so much, you have no idea!  I've been craving to write for so long, and finally, I can!!!

Well, I'm back and posting Mondays and Thursdays again!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't be afraid to vote and comment ((:

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