chapter twenty-two. kevin.

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I'll admit it--I'm a bit anxious. l mean, this will be the biggest Halloween party--no, just the biggest party of my junior year in high school.

But, no, that's not the only thing I'm anxious about.


This is probably his first party--his first real high school party. He'll probably be overwhelmed--scared and weirded out and uncomfortable. And I don't blame him. With the amount of drunk high schoolers that will be doing shots and grinding on each other and upchucking everywhere, hell, I was nervous for my first party.

As I knocked on his door, I wondered what he'd be wearing. Maybe he'd chess up like Albert Einstein or something nerdy, l figured.


I tap my foot on the doormat and by glance at my phone before I hear the quiet stomping of feet down stairs and Edd opens the door.

Breathless, surprised, starstruck, in awe--all of these words described how I felt upon seeing Edd walk out of his house in his new outfit. And he was no Albert Einstein.

Edd was wearing black skinny jeans, like usual, except as I traced down his legs, I noticed that he was wearing black combat boots with silver studs on the seams. l moved my eyes up his body and notice that he also had on a black shirt that said Come to the Nerd Side. We have 3.14 as well as a leather jacket.

"Wow," I say. My voice cracks awkwardly, making me clear my throat and repeat. "Wow."

"Is that a good wow?" Edd asks, laughing nervously as he runs a hand down his shirt and folding his hands in front of him as he meets his thighs.

"It's--It's a great wow!" I say dumbly, running a hand through my hair and sighing to collect my thoughts. "I mean--what I'm trying to say is that you look great."

"Thank you, Kevin," he chuckles. "As do you."

I look down mindlessly at what I was wearing--a white button-up shirt, bright red suspenders and black skinny jeans. I pushed up my black lensless glasses up by the bridge that was wrapped with tape.

"Thanks," I smile.

"Shall we?" I ask, motioning towards Nat's car.

He nods and follows after me as I lead him to the car. I open the back door for him and shut it, then walking to the passenger side and hopping in.

"Ready?" Nat asks.

Edd and I nod.

"Then, we outtie," he says dumbly as we leave the cul-de-sac.


"So, how is my favorite couple doing tonight?" Nat asks as we drive. He's wearing a skin-tight policeman's uniform with the sleeves cut off. His hat was crooked on his head and the weapon in his holster was a water gun, but it still was fitting for him.

"We're doing well, I believe," Edd says. "Kevin?"

"Yeah," I agree. "We're doing really good."

"I'm glad to hear that!" Nat laughs.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Oh, well," Nat sighs. "Truthfully, I can't find anyone to be my partner!"

"Really?" I ask. "You?"

"Sadly," He nods. "I, unfortunately, couldn't find anyone willing to play the the naughty girl that gets arrested for being a prostitute."

"Oh, wow," Edd says choking on his breath.

"But I thought no one could resist 'Papa Nat'?" I ask in a mocking tone.

"That's what I thought too, but, unfortunately, that isn't the case for everyone." He laughs and stares at the road. "You guys excited for the party?"

"Ecstatic," Edd laughs, faking sarcasm from the backseat.

I send a smile back towards him and laugh. "Well, I'm excited. This will be the best party until, what, the beginning of January?"

"What's in January?" Edd asks.

"Uh, New Years?" I say, twisting my torso to look back at him. "You haven't heard of the infamous New Years Bash at Tracie McConnell's house?"

"I don't believe I have had the pleasure," Edd says.

"Where do you live, Double D? Under a rock?" Nat asks jokingly, looking at Edd through the rearview mirror.

I raise my eyebrow towards him and look at Edd. "It's really just a big New Years party that everyone goes to Halloween night. There's a costume competition, too."

"Oh, really?"

I nod. "I just hope that it isn't as bad as last year."

"What happened last year?" Edd inquires.

"Someone brought vodka and spiked the punch. We had people everywhere dropping to the floor in a drunken mess. There was vomit everywhere. I think someone even took a piss on Tracie's parents' bed," Nat says.

"Wow," Edd says, sounding disgusted, but curious, too.

"Yeah," I say as we come upon Austin's house.

"We're here!" Nat says excitedly.

I smile and look back at Edd. Needless to say, he looked sickly pale as we got out of the car and walked towards the big house with booming music that could be heard from a mile away.

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