chapter eleven. kevin.

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"Hey, Double D!" I shout, running down the hallway towards the tall kid in a sweater vest. My Spanish binder is resting under my arm, while my other is raised in the air, waving to Edd. My backpack is slapping against my back loudly.

Double D turns around and smiles, a light pink shade spreading across his cheeks.

"Hello, Kevin!" he calls. "How are you?"

I come to a halt a few feet away from him. "Good, good. But, uh, I have a question." I state, smiling nervously.

"What is it, Kevin?" he asks.

I bite my lip and rub the back of my head. "Are you comin' to the game tonight?"

"Unfortunately, Kevin, I don't believe that I will be able to go," he sighs. "I do not think that I'd have anywhere to sit without being harassed."

"I-I'll save you a spot," I oppose. "You just gotta come early with me to the game. I'll get changed, and then I'll make sure you'll have a good spot."

"Are you certain that is okay?" he asks.

"Of course it is, dweeb," I respond.

"Oh, Kevin," he groans, smiling. "Again with the rude names?"

"It's your name," I laugh. "Double D as in Double Dork."

"That is incorrect," he says matter-of-factually. "My nickname is Double D as in there are two D's in the beginning of my name: 'Eddward'."

"Yeah, yeah," I say, rolling my eyes. "So, I'll see you at my house before the game?"

"It is a date!" he says.

"Wait, what?" I ask, my cheeks growing warm.

Finally realizing what he's said, Double D begins apologizing and stuttering.

"N-no, I did not mean it like that!" He says, face a dark shade of red. "I meant as in a day in which we will both meet! A date on the calendar!"

"Y-yeah," I say, biting my lip to hide a smile. "I get it."

I clear my throat and say, "W-well, I'll catch ya later, Double D."

"Indeed," he says; though his voice is different. "Later."

I walk away without saying anything else, but I look behind me once to see him shaking is head with his hands in his face, a deep red trailing to his ears. I end up thinking about him for the rest of the day.


"So, Nat," I say on the ride home. "I'm takin' Double D to the game tonight."

He smiles and nods. "Aw, yeah, Kev! Get 'im!"

"What?" I say, blushing. "No, man. I'm just taking him. Right to the game."

"You takin' him in your mom's car?" he asks.

"What else would I take?"

"Why not try your dad's motorcycle?"

I glare at Nat as if he should have known that what he asked was the dumbest thing he's ever said.

"Are you nuts?" I ask. "Do you know how mad my dad is when I look at that thing? Riding it is a no-go, my friend."

I sigh and look out the window.

"Aw, c'mon," he says. "Don't you realize how much of an opportunity that would be?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, him finally sparking my interest.

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