chapter twenty-seven. edd.

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*warning: this may have some triggering content for some readers.*

My body... I don't know how to explain it. It feels like I've been sleeping for days, and my arms feel like they're being weighed down with sandbags. My neck can't lift my heavy head, of which had a booming headache.

I moved my head to the left, then to the right, trying to figure out my surroundings. I was quite obviously in a bright room. I didn't have to open my eyes to see that--the light shone through my eyelids dimly.

"Lights," I hear myself mutter. My tongue feels swollen and I can't utter a sentence--only simple words.

"Bright," I say, my face twisting in discomfort.

"Ah, too bright for you?" I hear.

My heartbeat quickens and I open my eyes as much as I can (which is really only half-lidded).

"Who...?" I ask

"Doesn't matter," the person says quickly.

"Uhm... where... we?" I groan.

"Stop asking so many fucking questions," he snaps, muttering, "God, you are so annoying. Even when you're drugged, you talk constantly."

I begin to protest, but my head suddenly pangs painfully, causing me to grope it. "A-ahh..."

"These headaches he's havin' mean that the drug's wearing off, right?" A different voice mutters.

"Yeah, we better hurry up," the first decides.

My heart beat quickens and I feel like screaming, what?!, but I can't. I look around me, allowing my eyes to adjust to the lighting. Squinting, I see the silhouette of a large body walking to my side.

"Alright, listen up, Edd," he says resting his foot on my ribcage. "You're gonna tell us what we wanna know, or else you're finished. Got it?"

He puts pressure against my ribs, causing me to wince and nod. immediately.

"Good," he says. "First, why are you here?"

"Uhmm...," I begin, thinking. My mind seems blank. "Party?"

"This isn't a party for fags, Double Dick. What, did you think you were welcome? That you'd fit in?"

I stare at him, my lip trembling. "N-No... J-Just..."

"Just?" He interrupts. "Just what?"

"Was invited."

"And?" He asks. "That doesn't mean you're any special, Dweeb. You're still just some lame bookworm that hangs around the football captain."

He kicks my chest, causing me to groan.

"Ugh...," I groan. The pain in my ribs feels so terrible, that I try to dull it by bending my knees under me and clutching my ribs. Most of my weight rests on my cheek as I press it against the carpeted floor.

"Jared!" the second voice says in surprise. "That's a little much, dude."

Jared, I think. The thought of him being here with me, harassing me as he is now, sends a shiver down my spine.

Jared scoffs, turning to face his lackey. "Well, it's fucking true! All this kid does is blind our captain from us! His teammates! His friends! Aren't you even a little pissed off, Donovan?"

That name, I think. I've heard it before... right?

"Well, yeah, I guess, but I don't care this much, Jared," he sighs. "I'm leaving."

I hear the shuffling of shoes walking away slowly.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Jared says warningly. "Leave, and I'll tell everyone that you're a fag."

"What the fuck?" Donovan says. I hear his sneakers squeak as he turns and says, "But I'm not!"

"Oh, really? That's odd... I could have sworn that I saw you and Austin Greer swapping spit yesterday behind the school."

It was silent, so I opened my eyes and lifted my head from the floor to see what was happening between the two. Donovan (who I now recognized as the dark-skinned teammate of Kevin's that I met earlier this evening) was standing close to the door across the room from me, looking surprised and scared. Jared was standing at my feet, facing away from me.

"How--" Donovan clears his throat. "When did you take those pictures?"

"Doesn't matter. Gonna stay or no? Say no, and these pictures go to everyone in the school come tomorrow, so choose carefully!"

As Donovan thinks about his decision, subtly try to rise to my feet. My legs feel stiff, but soon enough I am able to stand.

Okay, I think. On the count of three I'm going to stand and run.

"Fine, I'll stay," Donovan says.


"But, Jared, I don't really think--"


"--That doing this is a very good idea."


I quickly stand and run towards the door. As I pass an unexpecting Jared, I trip on my unstable legs and almost fall, but quickly recover.

"Catch him!" Jared shouts.


Donovan, as if on instinct, holds out his arm in my way. I crash into it and he folds his arm back, holding me tightly against his chest.

"P-please... l-let go!" I say, trying to wriggle from his reach.

"I'm so sorry, Edd," he says. "But I can't."

I feel like crying, but keep struggling. I squeeze my eyes together tightly and clench my teeth together tightly.

Suddenly, I hear slow clapping. I stop wriggling in Donovan's grip and look at Jared.

"Wow," he says, ceasing his clapping. "Who woulda thought that you'd actually try to run, Edd. I mean, did you think you'd make it?"

"Please, don't hurt me," I say pleadingly.

"Answer my question," he says sternly.

I clear my throat and bite my lip before I say, "Y-yes."

"Yes?" He asks, stepping toward me.

I nod, moving my head and looking away from him when he stands right in front of me.

He grabs my chin and makes me face him. He looks angry; serious.

"Who do you think you are?" He asks.

I begin to say something, but get interrupted by a slap to my face. my head snaps to the left, and I whimper quietly.

"Don't say anything until I command you to, got it?"

I straighten my head to look him and nod, feeling my cheek throb.


"Don't make direct eye contact either."

I keep my head down and nod.

"Good," he says. He chuckles and says, "Oh, man, are we gonna have fun."

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