chapter forty-nine.

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It's common knowledge that most of the stars you see in the sky are most likely all dead (or, to be more specific, have transformed into a different type of star that no longer produces light). And it makes sense to estimate that the light we're seeing is probably centuries old, because the sunlight that you are seeing right now is 7 minutes of light from the past--7 minutes old. It makes sense to assume that the stars are "dead," because while the Sun is in our solar system, and our closest star, all the other stars that we see aren't even close to the solar system, no matter how big or bright they seem.

So, why is Kevin so comforted by the light of "dead" stars?


As soon as the ambulance pulled into the driveway, doctors and nurses were yelling and telling people to get whomever was in the vehicle to the Intensive Care Unit.

Kevin's hands started shaking and he dropped the cigarette he had in his hand, stepping on it.

"I gotta go," he says, trying to put on a calm face. "See you around."

"You, too," the woman says. "Good luck, kid!"

Kevin nodded and ran out the door to meet the ambulance. On his way to the lobby, the gurney holding a body ran past him. He looked over it as it went past, and saw that it was Edd. He almost cried out in relief upon seeing him, but it was short lived.

"The boy's name is Eddward Vincent. He's seventeen, and had a very bad collision with another car," an EMT explained to another doctor. "He's been in-and-out of consciousness since the accident, mumbling random slurs."

"Okay, let's get him to the ICU, stat!" The head doctor said, proceeding to the tell the nurses and doctors to hook Edd up to machines and check his vitals again.

Kevin rushes to the gurney and grabs the shoulder of a male nurse.

"Sir, I need to follow that kid," he says.

The nurse shakes his head. "Sorry, you can't. If you're his friend, friends can only visit with permission from the parents, of whom haven't even been informed."

"I can tell them," Kevin says desperately. "I can call them and let them know. But, they're in a different country!"

"Listen, come back tomorrow. He's not doing well right now, so you won't be able to see him, anyway."

"No," Kevin persists. "I'll stay here until I can see him."

"Fine, whatever," the nurse says, turning around. "Sorry, sir, I have to get to the ICU. Excuse me."

This makes Kevin mad, but he knows that there's nothing that he can do. Edd needs help, and Kevin doesn't want to interfere. So, instead, he takes a deep breath, and goes to the waiting room to call Edd's parents.

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