chapter thirty-four.

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Kevin was a curious boy, and even as he had his arms wrapped around Edd, hugging him from behind in his bed and breathing in the scent of the raven-black hair on his boyfriend's head, he wondered about various things.

He wondered mildly. Of things like if Edd was asleep and why Edd was exactly two inches and a half taller than him. And things like why was his boyfriend so handsome? And why is Edd so nice? Why is he so smart?

But there was a thought that disrupted the peace in Kevin's head: Why was Edd always being beaten up?

This thought brought upon others; dozens and dozens of awful thoughts hiding behind closed eyes. One ugly thought stood out among the rest: Did Jared tell Edd anything at the party?

Granted, it has been weeks. Months. But that doesn't lessen the painful blow of the thought.

But, really. What did Jared tell Edd when they were alone? Did he call Edd names and make fun of him?

Probably not.

After all, he knows Kevin's secret. He knows their secret.

Maybe he should just let it go. Edd hasn't said anything about it, after all. So it must not have been that bad, right?

No. It has to be that bad. Really bad.

Was Edd scared to talk about it, Kevin wondered. Was Edd intimidated by Jared too much to talk to Kevin about the problem? Or was he scared of what Kevin might say?

Does he think I will break up with him?

Now he has to talk to Edd about it. Now he has to say something.

But not now. He recognizes Edd's slow, calm breaths as those of slumber, and decides to wait until later.

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