chapter fourteen. kevin.

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We were three points away from winning the game and only had ten minutes to score the only way you can for three points even.

We needed to kick a field goal.

I was the only kicker on the team that could kick the ball powerful enough to get it through the goal and earn those three needed points.

Once getting closer to the field goal, I looked at my coach and he called a Down.

The crowd got quiet as the football was sat on the ground, one of my teammates holding the point.

I step back, focussing on the ball and the goal. The ball was centered almost perfectly, and in order to guarantee a goal, I'd have to run and kick with all of my might.

You've been practicing this for this for years, Kevin, I tell myself. Don't screw up.

I nod to myself and bite down harder on my mouth guard. After backing up a few feet, I gather up my strength and run forward.

The crowd goes wild when my foot touches the ball, sending it flying into the air.

We only have two minutes left in the game, and I feel like the ball is moving in slow motion.

The ball flips through the air as the time ticks down.

Finally--in what feels like forever--the ball makes it through the goal.

Our fans break out in laughter and cheers and screams while the other side boos and shouts the curses of sore losers.

I laugh in awe as I take my helmet off and turn to face my team, who are already on their way to bombard me with pats on the back and congratulations.

Smiling, I look up into the stands and look for Double D.

I looked out into the stands, seeing people screaming and jumping, and some simply smiling at their school's close win.

But the one person I noticed first was not the blonde in the top row with her shirt up so far her boobs are almost showing completely, and had a beer can in-hand as she screamed loudly for our victory, but the tall, thin boy next to her who was sitting quietly and staring right back at me and smiling, even through his neighbor's rants of drunkenness. He was smiling and I could tell tell that--even though he didn't show it--he was just as happy as Blondie.

I looked at him and smiled, giving him a thumbs up. He laughed and did it back, closing his eyes and smiling as wide as ever. I bit my lip and return my gaze to my teammates. They all lead me to the locker room to change, still patting my back for scoring the winning points.

After I got changed and turned to leave, Coach Cox stops me.

"Good job out there today, Kev," the buff man with light blond hair bellows. "You really saved us from losing."

"Uh, thanks, coach," I say.

He pats my back and tells me I can go.

As soon as I walk out of the door and into the school's hallway, I get giddy with excitement.

He said yes, I think to myself, remembering what happened with Edd. We're finally a thing!

I start walking faster in order to meet Double D outside the school like we arranged, but stop when I hear a voice call out behind me.

"Yo, Kev!"

I turn around to Nat as he runs down the hallway. I stop and wait for him. When he catches up, he bends over and puts his hands on his knees.

"You look a bit out of shape there, bud," I say.

"Can it, Carrot-Top," he pants, standing up straight. "Cuz I got somethin' to say."

"Oh, really?" I ask, walking again.

"Yes," he says as he follows.

"What is it?"

"Guess who just got Kelsie Diamond--lead cheerleader and ranked number three hottest girl in the eleventh grade--to kiss him?"

I chuckle. "Who?"

"Me!" he shouts. "Ha ha!"

"Wow, what a surprise," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, but I was kind of disappointed," he says, shaking his head. "She's not as great of a kisser as the other players say."

I laugh, and he continues talking.

"Anyway, I saw Double D out on the field and in the locker room," Nat points out. "Did you do it?"

"Yeah, I did it."

"And?" He asks impatiently.

"He... he said he liked me," I say, smiling. "And then we hugged for a little."

Nat frowns and groans, wrapping an arm around my neck.

"My little Kev is all grown up now," he wails. "His first crush, his first boyfriend, his first hug from his first boyfriend. What next, the world?"

"Nat! Shut up!" I say. "What if someone hears you, idiot?"

"Oh! ome on! Nobody's in this hallway!"

"Whatever, you're lucky this time Goldberg!"

We laugh and walk out the front doors. I see Edd sitting at the stairs, and Nat and I part ways.

"Hey, Edd," I say, helping him stand. "Ready?"

He nods.

"Were you waiting long?"

"Only a minute," he assures.

"Good," I smile.

As we walk to the dark parking lot, I grab Double D's hand and hold it with my fingers intertwined with his.

He looks at me confused and I smile at him.

"Nobody's around," I whisper, looking at the empty lot.

He nods and smiles back, walking a bit closer to me.

When we finally make it to the motorcycle, I slip my hand away and grab our helmets. After giving Double D his, I put mine on and get on the bike.

"You ready?" I ask Double D after he gets on.

He nods and hugs my waist tighter as his way of saying yes.

Without wasting another second, I revv the motorcycle and head out, causing him to grip me tighter.

The action makes me wish that I showered before leaving.

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