chapter twenty-five.

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The lavatory upstairs smelled of body odor and vomit, but Edd pushed through it as best as he could.

As he flushed the grimy toilet and began scrubbing his hands very roughly with soap and hot water, he heard an irritatingly familiar knock on the door.

"S-Sorry!" He calls loudly. "One minute!"

The calm and composed Edd may have sounded nervous or neutral (depending on who you asked) while he answered to the knock on the door, but truth be told, he was not the least bit happy. Edd was very irritated by the amount of times in the last minute that the person at the door as knocked on it (seventeen, to be exact. He counted).

After Edd dried his hands with his pants (better than that disgusting dishrag that these people call a hand towel!), he opened the door. To his surprise, the person outside was someone Edd didn't recognize.

Edd didn't know why he was so surprised, for there are plenty of other people in this party that he wasn't familiar with, but he figured it had to do with the man's large, bulky stature or small square face.

"Excuse me," Edd says, walking past the large man.

He replies with a grunt and walks in, slamming the door behind him.

"How rude," he mumbles, walking back down the stairway. On his way down, he glanced back at the door, which caused him to bump into a body that was walking up the stairs. They stared at each other for a second before Edd tried to apologize.

"Oh, excuse me--"

"Watch it, nerd!"

The vampire pushes past angrily and stomps up the stairs. Edd looks up towards where the make-up cladded vampire walked away and then down the steps with a face of disgusted awe.

What is it with people nowadays? he thinks. So impolite!

He walks back down, winding his way between couples kissing in the stairway and getting far too intimate for his liking. He wonders silently to himself as he walks, thinking about the teenage vampire. He seemed... familiar. Oddly familiar. He also wondered if some couples come to this party only to osculate.

At the bottom of the stairway, he notices a crowd. Glancing inside the circle, he notices it is a crowd of males and females alike surrounding two girls that are kissing rather roughly against a wall.

Blushing, he runs from the crowd and into the dance floor.

I wonder, he thinks. If it would be acceptable for... Kevin and I to...

He shakes his head and furrows his brows.

No. Impossible.

After looking around a bit, he concludes that it is probably wise to check the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, he surveys the scene, spotting Kevin at the punch bowl, pouring himself a drink.

Call him crazy, but when Edd sees him, he thinks that Kevin looks rather distressed over something. His eyebrows are etched together and his lips are squeezed together tightly.

Edd walks up to him and he looks over, and smiles.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Kevin asks, the loud music Edd left to being replaced by a slow dance.

"Oh, nothing," Edd says back. "Do you know how many people at this party have poor manners?"

He laughs loudly. "Well, they are high schoolers!"

Edd pouts, but recovers quickly. "How's the punch?"

Kevin shrugs. "Tastes like some crappy kid's juice. Didn't you have any?"

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