chapter two. kevin.

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Eddward was his name. I just remembered. At least that's his birth name. Everyone just calls him Double D.

Somehow, I knew his name. Somehow, I remembered. I guess I kinda just forgot what to call him because I always hear his nickname around the school.

"Double D, help me study!"

"What's the answer to this question, Double D?"

"Double D, do my homework." (Mostly used by the jocks, and also more of a command he has to agree to).

"Double D, are you free after school?"

His name is everywhere.

I just never realized how close he always was.

I guess I always stayed away because being around him made me feel awkward and anxious. Just thinking about having a life like his would make me cringe.

He's the bullies prey; a toy for all the girls to ask out on a date as a dare from their bitchy friends; the punchline of everyone's joke

He has parents' that rarely ever come home and he's forced to do everything on his own.

And even through this, he is expected to maintain an all As report card and perfect attendance.

It's depressing. (At least to me).

But he always has a smile on his face.

That same dorky smile.

That same stupid smile.

That same smile that I can't seem to forget.

"But, why?"

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