chapter fifty-five. kevin.

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I ended up going to the hospital after my fight with Jared, but not because l was hurt.  I really need to see Edd.

When I walk into the waiting room, my back is slouched and my hands are in my pocket.  The nurse was different than who I met yesterday, and saw me as I came in and directed me to Edd's room.

"He's doing well for his current state," she says, holding her clipboard to her chest.  "But there are things that are also concerning."

I take a deep breath.  "Like what?"

"Well," she says, stopping outside the door to his room.  "I don't want you to be upset.  These are very tough times, for both Edd and his family.  Please understand that we are doing everything that we can to keep him alive, Mr. Barr."

"What's wrong with him?"

Nurse Sarah hesitates.  "Follow me, please, and I can show you."

The blonde causiously opens the door to reveal a room that is separated into two by curtains.

Though, I don't complain.  I'm too focused on seeing Edd, despite the discouraging words from the young nurse. 

"He's in the curtain on the right," she says, leading me to him.  After she pulls away the curtain, I hold my breath and follow her.

When I walk inside, the first thing I notice is all of the wires that are leading to the bed.  As I walk to the side of his bed, I finally see Edd.  It's horrendous, really.  I could hardly look.

Edd's body was covered in them; all types of wires connecting to different parts of his body.  The two that were on his temples were almost hidden behind Edd's long hair, which was held back with a bandage that is wrapped around his head.  His eyes were closed, which made me notice the bags under his eyes and his long eyelashes.  There were band aids all over his body too: on his forehead, his cheeks, his chest, and who knows how many were being covered up by his light green gown.

"So, how long has he been sleeping?" I ask.

"For a while," the nurse says.  "Actually, he's been sleeping ever since he got to the hospital."

I turn to Sarah, devastated.  "He hasn't woken up at all?"

"No, and he won't for a while.  He's comatose."

"Comatose?" I ask, scared.  "What do you mean?  Comatose as in he's not gonna wake up?"

"Mr. Barr, please calm down, and stop yelling," she pleads.  "There's still a chance that Edd will wake up."

"How much?"

"Well, considering how young Edd is, he'll have a much better chance of surviving this coma.  We should also be in the clear so long as he opens his eyes within a thirty day period,"  Sarah smiles at me.

"That's good," I say, relieved and chuckling.

"But, sir, that is only part of it," Sarah says, her smile fading.  "We also took a CT Scan to look for swelling and bleeding, and Edd's brain is suffering a lot right now."

"Oh."  I hold my breath and look at Edd.

"Oh!" The nurse exclaims.  "But here's some good news: even though his body is not functioning, Edd's brain is still wide awake.  It's said that comatose people can still listen."

"Oh, yeah?" I ask.  "Even what we're saying right now?"

"Yes sir!"

"May I...?" I ask,  pointing to Edd. 

"Yes!  I'll be leaving now, so feel free to talk about anything!  This may even help your friend wake up."

I nod and look at Edd.  When Nurse Sarah leaves, I sit on a chair for guests and hold onto Edd's bruised hand.

What should I say?


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