chapter nineteen. kevin.

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That's the only word I can use to describe how fucking mad I was when I took Edd's small hand in mine, clutching it tightly as we walked to the water park changing rooms of Longburg Park.

Why was I mad? Oh, yeah. Because every freaking person around me in the damned park is a bigot that doesn't understand anything about us. So what if Edd and I were both men? Sure, at first it seemed kind of odd; two guys getting all lovey-dovey together. But now, it just feels natural.

Nobody here understands anything, I think, sighing angrily. Everyone thinks we're disgusting.

"U-Uhm, Kevin...?" Edd squeaks.

I look down at him, my eyes softening and my hand loosening. "Yeah?"

"I don't... I don't care what anyone thinks about our relationship...," he blushes, looking away and biting his lips.

I smile at the ground and squeeze his hand. "Yeah. Me neither."

Looking up, I notice that we're coming close to the locker room.

"We're close," I say, smiling brightly and dragging Edd forward behind me. "C'mon!"


Inside the changing room was loud and basically an ordinary restroom but the stalls were empty of any toiletries and had a bench attached to the wall. The room is covered in beige tiles, tan stalls and thick windows that let sunlight through, but you can't see through them. I walk around the inside to check for an empty stall, but all except one is full.

"Hey, Double D," I say. "One's empty. Wanna use it?"

"Sure," he says.

When he walks into the stall, I grin slyly as a wicked idea pops into my mind.

Just as Edd shuts the door, I quietly push my way through.

"K-Kevin?!" Edd gasps. "W-What are you--"

"Shh!" I whisper, covering his mouth with my hand. "It may be loud in here, but we can't really draw attention to us."

"W-what if someone notices us?" he whispers.

"Oh, please," I scoff quietly. "These idiots are only concerned with drugs, sex, and comparing dick sizes. They won't notice."

I smile reassuringly, but he only bites his lip and avoids my eyes.

I sigh to myself and say, "Lets just change, okay? Then we can go to the park."

Edd nods slowly and turns around to face the concrete wall. I smile and watch as he reluctantly takes off his shirt while I take mine off quickly.

I begin to pull down my pants when I notice that Edd is gripping his waistband tightly, refusing to pull his own down.

"Double D?" I ask. "What's wrong?"

He doesn't reply.

"Edd?" I ask, walking toward him.

"W-Would you...," he finally utters. "Mind t-turning around as I continue?"

I smirk and bite my lip, walking closer to him. He shivers as my hard chest touches his soft back.

"Need some help?" I hum into his ear.

He doesn't say anything when I wrap my arms around his torso. He doesn't shake his head when I move my hands down his chest and to his waistband. All he does is tremble at my touch and release random gasps for the breath that he didn't know he was holding.

As I began to pull his pants down, I suddenly realize how quiet the locker room is now.

I wondered if everyone had left. But if so, then why was it so hot in here?

A bead of sweat trailed down my forehead and off of my nose, onto Edds sweaty shoulder.

I didn't notice my eyes were closed before I forced them open to see Edd's face.

And, wow.

He looked different like this--vulnerable almost. With his hooded blue eyes sparkling with tears and flushed cheeks that contrasted the rest of his pale skin obviously, Edd looked perfect. He lips were red and close to bleeding due to his reluctant lip-biting.

I pulled his baggy shorts down, dropping them to the floor and leaving Edd in his tight baby blue boxers.

And wow, did he look fucking amazing.

"Stop it!" He whispers, laughing and pushing me away. "You're too embarrassing, Mr. Barr! Get changed!"

I laugh back and pull down my own pants, replacing them with a pair of swim trunks.


It was only 6:45 p.m. when the sun his herself on the other side of Earth, and the moon took her place. The sunset was beautiful as ever, and was the only light in the park for right now.

I took Edd's hand at 6:46 p.m. and guided him to the Ferris wheel. He asked me where we were going, and I told him it was a surprise.

He was amazed by beautiful pinks and oranges that hid behind the giant wheel, and stared in awe until it was our turn to be on.

He was uneasy about the stability of the carts, and whimpered when they started moving, rocking back and forth, but I was fine. After all, Edd just happened to be gripping my arm with one hand and holding a large stuffed bear that I won him in the other.

After a while of slowly spinning on the Ferris wheel, and finally stopping at the side, I realized that I picked almost the most perfect time to get on. The sun was orange and the sky was dark blue, almost black.

And the lights were amazing.

Concession stands were lit up brightly with white, and the roller coasters were vibrant with all different colors. It was like looking at rainbow colored stars in a pavement sky, but not as marvelous.

Though, I think think one on the ground is only a bit better tonight. I noticed when I moved my gaze from the park and to the sky, that no stars were showing.


I stopped at Edd's house, and he invited me in for coffee. I accepted his invitation and followed him to his kitchen, despite it being almost 10 o'clock at night.

"Did you have fun?" I asked, blowing on my hot coffee. My eyes are tired, but I try to look up at him.

"Yes, very much so," he says. He sounds tired, too. "It was very fun, and the Ferris wheel was beautiful."

We finished our hot drinks and talked about little nothings, and I left with the satisfaction of earning a hug and his whispered, "Thank you."

It took only three minutes for the sun to set and disappear behind the horizon, and twenty minutes for Edd and I to get home.

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