chapter sixty-one. kevin.

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Now a year has passed
Alone I stay inside
And I await the rain
To wash away your face
So I don't have to hide
The sight of you is painful


I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

When the doctor walked me to Edd's room, I was scared to see him. I wondered if this was all real. Maybe I'm still sleeping?

I stopped outside the door, catching the doctor off guard.

"Mr. Barr?" He asked.

"I just need a minute," I say. "Have you talked to him yet?"

The doctor shook his head. "Hardly. It was almost an hour after waking up before he said anything, and when he did, the only thing he said was that he wanted me to get you."

I hold my breath and ball my hands into fists.
"This is... This is real, right?"

The doctor smiles and nods. "It couldn’t be any more real, Kevin."

I nod my head and sigh. Then, I finally open the door.

"Actually, it's kind of a miracle that he's alive," the doctor says quietly as we walk in.  "He honestly wasn't meant to live over a few weeks with the damage he suffered to his body."

I hold my breath upon looking towards Edd, scared at first to look, but then I see him and I can hardly believe that it’s the same person.
Edd was very pale, and his lips were light purple.  His dark eyelashes contrasted against the crescent of stitches on his cheek bone, and he didn't have any tubes in his mouth anymore.  Edd's sprained ankle was strung up in the air and his broken arm was resting on his lap.

Though, I wasn't completely startled by the sight. I was completely relieved when I saw that he was breathing well, and as I stepped forward, I noticed the new bandages on his chest.

“What are these from?” I ask the doctor.

"Oh, don't worry.  Sometimes to restart the heart, doctors end up breaking a rib or two.  But they'll heal very nicely soon."

I hum, but smile.  I gently touch Edd's hand and thank God that Edd is finally alive.

When I do this, Edd's eyes flutter open, and I finally get to see his marvelous blue eyes again.

I bite my lip and squeeze his hand.

"Kevin?" He asks.  His voice is scratchy, and not very articulate.  I could hardly make out what Edd was saying, but I couldn't be happier to hear him speak.

"Hey, Edd," I say.  I laugh in relief and kiss his hand again.  "How are you feeling?"

"Better," he says and tries to smile. "You?"

I smile brightly and bring his hand to my lips.  "I'm just so fucking happy you're awake," I say against his hand.  I feel like I could cry if I hadn't cried myself to sleep only a few hours before.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"The hospital."

"What happened?""

"I'll tell you later," I say.  "You just focus on healing, okay?"

Edd nods and leans his head back on a pillow.   We sat like that for a long time, me touching him and humming into his hand, and finally just loving my boyfriend without any fear of death.

The doctor interrupts by clearing his throat.  I look up at him, and he nods toward Edd.  Edd's eyes are closed when I look at him, and the doctor tells me to come outside with him.

"Edd's vitals are fine for now, and be should return to everyday life after a few weeks more in the hospital for observation," the doctor explains. "Maybe three months of physical therapy for his arm and leg as well if he trains them on his own as well as with his trainer."

"So, he can come home with me in a few weeks?" I ask.

"Yes," the doctor smiles.  "Though, do be mindful when holding his hands, and refrain from hugging him until his ribs are healed, okay?"

I nod, and the doctor and I go out separate ways.  I head to the lobby to tell Lennard that Edd's awake.


When Nat opened the door to his house, I practically jumped on him.  He fell backwards and almost fell, but hugged me back.

"He's awake!" I say loudly.  "Nat, he's fucking alive!"

We both hug and laugh for a while at the amazing news, hitting eachother on the shoulder and just having a good time.  We were both excited and happy beyond belief.

And we were so relieved.

Nobody that I love is being lost.

Finally, something goes right.

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