chapter fifty. kevin.

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The familiar monotonous beeping of my cell's ringtone is giving me a headache. l've been listening to it for at least ten minutes, trying to call Edd's father. And, finally, after a few more rings, his father answers.

"Doctor Vincent, here,'' He says, his voice professional, but raspy with sleepiness.

"Hi, Doctor Vincent, it's Kevin."

"Kevin, my boy," Edd's father says, his voice changing to a happier tone. "What on God's green earth inspired you to contact me at three o'clock in the morning?"

"Sorry for calling so early. I didn't really think about the time difference...," I sigh. "It's about Edd."

"Eddward? What of him?" Dr. Vincent asks.

"He's in the hospital," I say. "He was in a car accident."

The phone goes dead silent, and my heart aches. I've never told someone something so important. Am I doing it right? Should I have said it more subtly?

"How is he?"

I don't know why, but after hearing Dr. Vincent ask that, I almost began to cry. Maybe it was the worry in his voice? The desperation for a good answer? Who knows. All that I know is that I'm sick of feeling the same urge to cry.

I clear up quickly.

"I'm... I'm sorry, sir, I'm not able to see him yet."

Dr. Vincent sighs. "It's fine, young man. There's not much you can do, I suppose. What hospital are you in?"

"Summersville Regional," I tell him.

"Thank you." He pauses. Through the phone, I hear a ruffle of clothing, and then the scratching of a pen on paper. "I'll contact the hospital and tell them that you are allowed to see Eddward as if you were family."

He sighs again. I realize this time that he's sighing out of concern.

"Since I'm in the middle of work, I will not be able to leave until the village I am in is cured of their illness," Dr. Vincent says. "Keep a keen eye on him, okay?"

I had my questions, but I didn't think it was right at the moment to ask.

"Yes, sir," was all I replied.

"Don't call me sir, anymore," he says, forcing a laugh. "Just call me Lennard."

"Okay, Lennard," I say. I think I should feel weird saying that, but I don't (as I've said before: I can't really feel anything right now). "I'll call you every day and tell you how he's doing. Is that okay?"

"Yes, and if I don't answer, feel free to leave a message. Understand?"

"Yeah, I'll be sure to do that," I say. "Sorry for calling so early."

"Oh, no problem, son. I'm glad you called." He pauses. "Also, don't forget to sleep. I know this may be worrisome for you, but you must sleep. A person deprived of their sleep may become ridden with many illnesses, and I know that Edd would hate seeing you in such a state."

"Alright," I say. "Thanks for your concern. Good night."

Lennard hangs up first.


Hey, guys! I think that chapters from here on out may be a bit short, considering this book is coming to an end! Sorry to disappoint some of you, but this it is not the end yet! So please continue reading, voting, and commenting on chapters! It means a lot to me every time I see a notification!

Thanks, and good night!


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