chapter forty. edd.

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Updates on Mondays from now on!!!

Sorry for the late update!  I thought I updated last night but turns out I didn't hit publish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .  Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


It was heartwarming to see Kevin standing at my locker after the final bell had rung. Though, as I walked toward him, I noticed that he was frowning. He seemed to be thinking, and his eyebrows were furrowed tightly together as he stared at his phone and bit his lip.

When I approached him, he looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Hey, handsome," he said. "What's up?"

I grin and look down the almost-empty hallway, tucking a piece of hair that escaped my beanie behind my ear.

Chuckling, I responded, "Nothing really. You?"

He leaned his shoulder against the lockers next to me and watched me pull out my backpack from mine.

"Me too," he smirked. "How was your day?"

"It was pretty great, actually," I reply. "No surprise run-ins with any instigators, which definitely made my day better."

"That's great," Kevin said. His smile got incredibly wide. "I'm glad to hear that, Edd."

I bite my lip. "How was yours?"

"It was okay, I guess," he shrugged. "School is school."

"I suppose so," I say. I close my locker and put my backpack on. "Shall we?"


It's quiet inside my home. Very quiet.

Even as Kevin and I step inside, not a word is uttered until we reach my bedroom. I was the first to speak.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," Kevin responds, letting his backpack fall onto my floor. He turns around and smiles. "You?"

"I'm fine," I say putting my bag next to his and sitting on my bed. "You seemed upset earlier. When we were at my locker."

"Did I?" He chuckles and sits next to me, resting his arm on my shoulders. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I was just... thinking."

"May I ask what of?"

"How my grades have gone up," he replies. "How lucky I am."

I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Lucky?"

"Well, not only do I have the best tutor, but I also have the best boyfriend."

I roll my eyes, but can't help smiling. "You're sure nothing is bothering you?"

"Nothing that I can't handle," Kevin smiles. He startles me by turning me slightly and leaning in. "Trust me?"

I clear my throat. "Y-yes."

I look into Kevin's eyes, and he looks into mine, and for a second, I forget what we were talking about. And as the gap between us closes, I decide that I will trust Kevin no matter what. If he says that nothing is wrong, then I will believe him until he decides that he would like to confide in me. I understand him more than he may think; I know he has a pride complex. He doesn't like seeking help unless it's his final resort, and, though I don't think this is a healthy practice, I will do my best to respect this.

Kevin lays me down on my bed, straddling my waist, and kisses my ear, causing me to shiver. His hands travel under my shirt and up my chest, and a pang of fear runs up my spine, but I take a deep breath and trust him. I begin to unbutton my shirt so that it's easier to take off, and I think that Kevin can sense my fear because he holds my trembling hand in his.

"Are you okay with this?" he asks. "We can stop."

"No," I say, trying to offer a reassuring smile. "I am okay."

Kevin smiles and kisses my cheek. He helps me unbutton the rest of my shirt.

I sit up to slide my shirt off my arms, and am startled to feel Kevin's warm, calloused hands brushing the sides of my torso. I cover my chest with my arms and look away from Kevin.

"I'm sorry," I say, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. "I-I'm just not used to this s-sort of contact."

"Hey," Kevin whispers. "It's okay. We don't have to rush it. We'll take it slow."

I don't know if Kevin understands how much he can calm me down with just a few words.

"Okay," I say. "I think I am ready."

Kevin softly kisses my forehead and runs his hands down my chest, but this time, I don't feel scared. Kevin takes off his shirt and stares into my eyes.

And we kiss. A long kiss full of passion and desire that lead to the best experience of my life.

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