Chapter twenty one

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"Bet you wish you never brought your woman to work now" Cole raises his brows at me, I am really not in the mood for his mouth.
"Why's that?" I ask anyway.
"Well because she has got to see the player in his natural habitat obviously" he tells me.
"Beth has watched me work a million times" I grumble.
"Yeah but how many times since you've been fucking her?" He asks flippantly making me see red.
I'm not fucking her.
"Man that's not even an issue, she had her flirt on more than both of us did combined tonight" I tell him but maybe it is, she saw those girls kiss me.
If any of those guys kissed her tonight I would lose it, she's lucky I didn't see the asshole touching her pussy. The fucker would have not walked out of here that's for sure.
"Not that I'm complaining, but maybe you should ask her to wear some pants next time. I have a soft spot for her and don't want to see her get into any trouble. She's my friend but even I wanted to grab that ass" Cole smiles like he can already feel it and I slap his shoulder.
"Dude, respect" I tell him.
"Duh, that's why I kept my hands to myself. Well that and I'm actually scared of Izzy, she will kick my ass if I go after her friends" he chuckles.
"Izzy's not here, you should be scared of me" I tell him and he laughs at me.
"Yeah okay" he scoffs.
"Dude finish that and let's go, I'm going to get Beth" I shake my head at him.

Using my keys I unlock the office door and see Beth curled on the sofa, her jacket as a blanket over her bare legs. She really does look good in the shirt.
"Beth honey, time to go" I say softly tucking her hair behind her ear and her hand flies up to batt me away as her eyes snap open.
"Sorry" I hold up my hands.
"Jace, it's just you" she breathes and I smile
"Yeah Angel, it's just me" I have been trying to get her to see that for so long.
"Take me home?" She begs sad and it's still there, in her voice, she's leaving me.
"Yeah, let's go home" I tell her telling her she is my home too.
I hold out her boots and she puts them on one by one not looking at me, I help her into her jacket and kiss her hair.
My chest is so tight I can hardly breathe but I smile as I close the office door behind her.
"There's the lightweight" Cole teases her.
"Fuck you asshole, I started work eighteen hours ago. I'll give you fucking lightweight with my foot up your ass" she shoves him and he laughs holding onto her, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Ooh feisty, you're a grumpy tired aren't you?" He chuckles.
"Yes and I bite" she actually bites his shoulder making him jump off her.
"Ow, Beth. Not nice" he frowns at her.
"You're right it totally wasn't" she grimaces like she sucked a lemon then smiles at him.
"C'mon you need to get your player home before he turns into a pumpkin or something" Cole tells her pulling her forward and turning to grin at me.
"What the fuck Cole? You don't even know him, if you bothered you would know he wasn't and you should wish you are one tenth the fucking man he is" Beth fumes at him defending me and I smile, that fucking bastard is provoking her on purpose.
"Yeah? Is that because he can make panties drop from across the room?" He goes on.
"You think you know love but you have no idea, Jace made me love him before he got anywhere near my panties. There's more to a man than his dick Cole, so what if he smiles at a girl? Can't he just be happy? He makes women feel good about themselves, what's wrong with that? Women sometimes need to hear that someone thinks they are pretty, doesn't mean he wants to fuck them"
Wow Angel, thank you.
"Yeah you're right, my bad. Have a good night honey" he kisses her hair and gives me a nod before disappearing into his car and I lock the doors.
He is good, has he always done that and I've never noticed? It's not the first time he has made Beth mad enough to speak out and defend me.
"Grr that guy makes me mad" Beth turns to me and I pull her into my body.
"He wasn't raised right honey, he's doing the best he can. Did you know not even his own parents ever told him he was loved?" I kiss her temple.
"Oh god that's terrible, is that true?" She gasps.
"Yeah, at least Coop had a good mother before she died. He didn't even have that, Iz was the first person to care for him" I tell her.
"Oh god, now I want to hug him" Beth leans into me and I hold her tight.
"Thank you for your kind words Angel. I love you too" I kiss her lips soft and gentle.
"Welcome Big Man"

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