Chapter sixteen

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"So you do this everyday?" Cole asks I reach the top of the salmon ladder.
"Sometimes multiple times a day" I grunt as the sweat drips from my brow into my eyes.
"Why would you do that to yourself?" He is doing bicep curls with what is I'm sure Izzy's weights but I won't tell him that, it looks like it's already hurting.
"Because I like it, yeah sitting on the couch watching a movie is great but you know you're alive right now right? Your heart is beating, you can feel your lungs working, you are aware of your body and what it can do when you push it to its limits" I answer as I jump down and start it again.
"Sure, and the ladies love the muscles right?" He laughs.
"Haven't had any complaints, not one has told me to put my shirt back on anyway" I chuckle at his screwed up facial expressions.
"You know I'm the odd one out at the bar? I'm the only one without guns and a six pack" he grumbles.
"Yeah I noticed, so has the ladies. Frankly I'm surprised Coop hired you, we all know our roles and that Coop's bar caters for the female clientele" I wink at him and he doubles his efforts. "Cole, get on the weight bench, lie back" I sigh and jump down.
"Dude, buy me dinner and say please" he says shocked.
"You're not going to get hard doing that, don't try this without a spotter till you know you can handle it. I'll workout with you if you want since I'll be here for a while anyway" I tell him putting the weight bar in his hands.

"Use your exhale to bring it up, lock your abs, relax your back and neck" I tell him.
"How many?" He grunts.
"Till it feels like you're gonna die, then one more" I smile down at him
"Thought you had your own gym, what are you doing here?" Cole pants.
"Long story" I mutter.
"Girls" he grunts.
"Yeah" I agree.
"Blondie giving it up for you yet or what? Shits gonna get awkward real fast if I'm the only one not sucking face when we're hanging out"
"Dude, shits gonna get awkward for you real fast if you keep disrespecting Beth like that" I sigh, I know he's doesn't mean to sound offensive that's just how he speaks.
"Take that as a yes" he grins and I place my hand on the bar adding a little resistance.
"Fuck, alright. Point taken" he grunts and I change my grip to help him put it back.
"Leg presses" I tell him and go to do squats with the kettle weights.
Three sets in my phone beeps a text at me and I smile, it hasn't done that all day and I love the fact I don't have to hold my breath while I check it anymore.

I cut out of work early today.
Pretty sure I just got my supervisor
fired. One down, two to go 😏 feeling
super guilty about it so I'm heading
to my favourite place for kisses
and walkies.

Kisses and walkies? What the fuck does that mean? Who is my Angel kissing? I don't want her kissing anyone but me.

Angel please explain the kissing.
I'm kind of freaking out at the
thought of you kissing anyone but
me. Don't feel guilty for being
ambitious, you are amazing and if
your supervisor can't keep his job
that's not your fault. I'm in Coop's
Gym for another hour, I'm covered
in sweat but I'd be happy to kiss the
guilt out of you 😘

I stand waiting for the reply, she wouldn't make out with anyone else right? She's having me on. If she's trying to drive me crazy it's working, the way she kissed me after lunch fucking made my toes curl. Her lips are the most addictive drug I've ever tasted. My phone beeps and I jump to open it. It's a photo of my Angel, sitting with her legs crossed on the floor surrounded by a sea of brown and white puppies that are jumping all over her and licking her face.
I release my breath, kisses and walkies. It looks like she's at an animal shelter and it makes me smile and feel sad at the same time.

Oh thank god! I was about to lose
my shit over here. Angel that is too
cute, can we keep one? Or three?
Can I come with you next time?

I wish! We don't have room for a
puppy let alone three, buy me a
house and we'll talk.
I'm definitely bringing you next
time, I didn't know you liked dogs.
We really need to play twenty
questions or something, I'm sure
there is a million things I don't
know about about you Masters.

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