Chapter forty eight

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Two fucking hours! You're kidding me?
I need more sleep than this, fucking jet lag and changing time zones. My beautiful Angel is sound asleep like it doesn't bother her at all, I'm definitely not waking her up. My babies need their mother rested and today is a big day for her, I want to go with her and see all the different dresses she tries on. Iz better be fighting fit to go with, fucking Bentleys.
I hold no judgement, I know they both love her. I know it wasn't just a drunken hook up and I have to give Cole credit for bowing out, that boy is crazy for Iz and I know he was hurting when he left for his room alone.
I kiss my woman's pretty face and gently move from under her head, I throw on my sweats and lock the door behind me.
"Bentley!" I bang on the door three down from me. "Dude I know you hear me, open the door" I bang again.
"Man, what's wrong with you? It's six in the morning" Coop opens the door and let's me in, naked.
"It's good to see you too, I'm not here for that you can stand down" I cover my eyes laughing.
Ha! I didn't even have to ask, Beth was right, not even close.
"Huh? Oh. Uh yeah, still adjusting to the clothing rule again. Sorry" he shrugs unconcerned.
"I can't sleep, you sober yet or what?"
"I've been sober for a while, I can't sleep either. I've just been laying watching my wife sleep. She talks in her sleep you know?" He sighs.
"I didn't, what's she saying?" I ask.
"She's dreaming about the club, dancing with my brother. Fighting, and making out with your fiancée. Me" he shrugs.
"What's got you worried man?"
"What? Apart from the obvious?" he runs his hand through his hair.
"It was just partying Coop, Izzy knows who her man is and Cole got over it pretty quick. It wasn't some cheap fling with a stranger in a club, none of you need to feel guilty about it either. You love her, he loves her, she loves you both, in different ways but my point is it is what it is and just let it be. Today is a new day and last night is done, go on like any other day. When Isabel wakes up you tell her you love her and let Cole know nothing's changed, out of all of you he is going to feel the worst. He's the outsider, you and Iz have each other but he is the one alone right now and I'd bet he's feeling guilty as shit" I tell him and he nods as I talk.
"Okay" he says quietly and hugs me.
I hug him back, it's crazy how much I missed this man.
"Put some pants on and come with me, I need a spotter"
"Sure, give me a minute" he flushes embarrassed and I laugh.

"So, you and Beth look good. Everything sweet?" Coop asks as I bench press more than I should be.
"So sweet, she's all I think about. I'd feel like a bit of a pussy saying this but I've seen you with the Mrs, you speak pussy like it's your first language" I tease him.
"That's good man, she's a good woman you've done well. I'm not even worried it's all happened so fast, you both took your time getting here and you both knew what you were doing"
"It's only been a month but I'm not sure how I ever lived without her, I never imagined she could get under my skin like this. What's she's been through..... She breaks my heart every damn day" I tell him sitting up.
"Beth told Iz to tell me, I'm so sorry man. That shit is so wrong, Beth hides it well. Her smile and bright personality doesn't give anything away. I'm so sorry I never knew, she lived in my house for weeks and I didn't even know she was there. They should have told me, I wouldn't have let him get away with it then. He should have never had the opportunity to get back to her" Coop tells me frustrated.
"I could have killed him man, only the guns pointed at my back stopped me. He not only threatened the woman I love but my children, my baby sister, our girl. He was going to take every female I hold dear to me, I wanted to take his life" I shake just thinking about it.
"I understand that rage Jace. I have it inside me. Bury it, let it go, but you can't let it out. Your woman needs someone gentle right? She's afraid of anger, I saw it yesterday. I've never seen you so gentle and attentive as you are with her, you will need that with your newborns in a few months too. Let me help you when you need it, we can put the gloves on and go a few rounds" Coop tells me sympathetically and I nod.
"Can you believe I'm going to be a dad?" I grin and jump on the chin up bar.
"Yeah I really can, two at once though? That's a kicker man, get ready to get real busy real fast" Coop laughs taking my spot on the weight bench.
"Two car seats, two cribs, two hungry mouths to feed every four hours. My Angel is going to need me twenty four hours a day" I panic.
"Hey easy big man, your baby mama has plenty of love. We are all here for you, you have three very eager babysitters right next door. Even Cole would drop everything to watch them for ten minutes while she gets a nap. As long as I don't have to change them I'm good to help in anyway I can" he smirks.
"I know, I just hate that she has to be put out for me. I guess you know it's love when you're brand new girlfriend is puking her guts up in front of you and all you want to do is hold her because she is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, or when her moods change so fast you don't know whether she is pissed off, sad or fucking turned on but all you can do is kiss her and hope you don't get slapped" I chuckle.
"Fuck dude, you have fun with that" Coop laughs out loud.
"I am, I've never had so much fun. Oh god she would kill me for saying this but the sex man, oh my fucking god..... I've had a lot of sex but nothing even comes close to what we do, it's some next level shit. I meant it when I said I can't think when she gets naked, I'm fucking Jace Masters, I've got mad skills that have them lining up but when I'm with her none of that matters. I'm talking zero control" I close my eyes and see Beth the way she was when we got back from the club, she gets more confident every time.
"Dude, I'm hearing you. Isabel has the power to turn me into a fucking caveman, speech eludes me and I will actually growl like a fucking animal at her" he shakes his head laughing. "My God our wedding night... When I saw that tattoo it was almost over before it started, I've never felt so possessive in my life" he sighs lost in his thoughts.
"Uh what? Iz has a tattoo?" I say shocked.
"She didn't tell you? My wedding present. Cooper in big letters across her ribcage, fucking sexiest thing I've ever seen. Ask her to show you" he grins.
Wow, if that's not commitment I don't know what is, you can take off a wedding ring but that shit is staying put. Instantly I know I want to do that for Beth.
"Dude! Return the favour, come with me and get one today while the girls are busy. I'll even pay" I slap his arm excited.
"You want to get tattooed?" Coop raises his brows doubtful.
"Fuck yes, I've always wanted one but I've never knew what, I know now. And you're just going to let your woman one up you? I've never met a couple as competitive as you pair" I plead with him.
"Sure, but if I'm getting one so is Cole" he smirks and we both hit the treadmills.

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