Chapter nine

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"I really like your family, thanks for inviting me today. I'm sorry about Lilly, I swear I didn't know. I understand that changes things for you" I tell Jace in the car.
"They liked you too, Beth, Lilly is like my baby. I believe you, you nearly pissed your panties when she jumped you" he chuckles.
"Why was I there Jace? You don't take girls home. What are we doing? Last night you were supposed to take me to bed, we were supposed to have hot sexy jungle sex and you were supposed to leave me in the morning. I was supposed to go home eat a shit ton of chunky monkey in my pyjamas and watch a bad chick flick. I was supposed to go to sleep tonight dreaming about finally knowing why people rave about sex. We were not supposed to be spilling our secrets and feeling things other than sexy pleasure" I babble nervously playing with my fingers in my lap.
"You wanted to use me?" He asks clearly offended.
"No Jace, I just wanted to know you, be with you once and get out before you hurt me. I know it doesn't really sound like it but there's a difference"
"You were planning to make me leave and I was playing to make you stay, when we left the wedding last night I thought we were together Beth. I thought you thought we were together, I thought I could make you mine" he drives looking straight at the road not turning to look at me.
"I don't get fairy tales Jace, I get nightmares. If you want some magical love story I'm not your girl, I'm sorry" I whisper knowing I would sell my right kidney to get a happy ever after. "I really like you, really like you. I can't help wanting you but you deserve more than I can give you" I sigh.
"I want you too Angel" his hand covers mine in my lap and I stare at his angry red knuckles.
He punched his sisters boyfriend for me, kicked him out of his mothers home and made him breakup with his sister. Because I didn't like the guys hand on my shoulder, it's not like he was feeling me up.
"Here you go queen bee, home sweet home" he smiles at me.
"Thank you for driving me home" I say holding onto his hand tighter, I don't want to let go.
"Can I come up? I should carry your bags and I'd really like to see my sisters room, she doesn't even have her own room at my place" he shakes his head, these are legitimate reasons to want to be in my home.
"Thank you, I'd like that" I answer quietly.
Jace opens my door and offers me his hand to step down, I ignore it and wrap my arms around his waist instead. I press my cheek to his chest hating myself for being so needy.
His arms hold me and he sighs.
"I'm sorry Jace, I didn't mean to objectify you" I mumble.
"Angel it's fine, it's all anyone has ever wanted from me" he tries to sound smug and cocky.
We grab my stuff from the back and I lead the way to my apartment block.
"Afternoon Beth, would you like your messages?" My doorman asks me.
"No thank you Bill, not this time" I smile at him letting him know I'm okay and he nods looking over the hulking form of Jace and the sour look on his face.
"If you need privacy, I can give you space to read your messages" Jace grumbles and I call the elevator, it's already on the ground floor and opens without delay.
"No Jace, I don't have any. It was code. I'm paranoid, he's the buildings security guard. He was asking me if I needed assistance" I blush embarrassed.
"Oh okay, that's very clever. Good girl" he gives me a genuine smile.
"I make sure the girls are always safe here, they have there own codes and no one comes up without being invited" I assure him.
"She has boys over when she's here?" He frowns.
"Jace she is almost eighteen" I smile and his frown deepens.
"Don't think she comes here to get her freak on, I'm not a pushover and Lilly isn't like that. She's a good girl Jace, her innocence is still intact" I tell him.
"Whoa! That's too much Beth. Her brother doesn't need to know those things.... But I'm glad, if you could keep it that way I'd be grateful" he flushes and I laugh at him.
"I'll see what I can do"
We step out on my floor and I open my door for him, I press my thumb on the pad that disables my alarm, it feels weird to have him in my place.
"Wow, nice. This is big. Where do you want it?" He asks and I blush, that was straightforward. "The suitcase Elizabeth" he rolls his eyes at me.
"On my bed? I have a hard time getting it up there" I say then groan blushing even more.
"Oh honey, just relax. It's only me" does he think that makes me feel better when he says that?
"I have never had a man in here, I'm sorry" I wave him to follow me dropping my keys on the entryway table and leading him through the open plan living and dining. I disable the hall alarm and I kick off my shoes and toss them into the coat closet and feel the smooth floorboards under my feet. I have no carpet in here so I can hear when people are moving about.
I open the last door down the hall and wonder what he will make of my bedroom, the large four post bed is solid black wood with billowing white fabric that's held open to see the bed on the inside, white sheets, white blankets and white cushions adorn the top and a built in black window seat houses rows of books on the shelves underneath, as we walk in the bedside lights come on automatically.
"Motion sensor" I shrug at Jace who looks at me questioningly.
"Are you that lazy you can't flip a switch?"
"No that batshit crazy that I put a sensor in my doorway to wake me if anyone enters my room while I'm sleeping" I chew on my lip waiting for him to laugh at me.
"Do you get scared here alone?" He asks me without any humour.
"Sometimes" I shrug and Jace lifts my luggage onto my bed. "Thanks" I smile, he's standing so close I can smell him.
"Anytime Angel"
"Would you like something to drink?"
"Do you really have apple juice?" He brushes my hair back.
"Yeah I do" I lean into his touch and close my eyes.
"So beautiful" he breathes.
"Jace" I whisper and his lips are on mine, kissing me slowly.
Of their own accord my hands move under his shirt to the warm skin of his hard stomach. Jace's move to my hair and he deepens the kiss, I move forward making Jace step back and he hits the bed. I push him and follow him down moving to straddle him without breaking our kiss.
I have Jace in my bed. His hands slide down my back to the exposed skin at my waist and his gentle fingers caress me.
"Are you try to seduce me woman?" He groans into my mouth.
"I don't know what I'm doing but it feels so good" I breathe.
"Then don't stop" he pants kissing me some more.
"No, I should stop. Jace I want you"
"Oh god Angel I want you too, I've never not given into my body's demands. I'm on fire for you"
"Hmm no one has ever wanted me like this" I almost sob.
"I have never wanted anyone like this, honey you are too beautiful" Jace purrs moving his wicked lips to my neck and I jump. "It breaks my heart that you can't take a compliment or a passionate touch" Jace holds me tight.
"I'm sorry" I whisper and he sits up with me leaning into his chest.
"Beth, you don't need to apologise"
"I'm sorry" I repeat then grimace, do I apologise for apologising again?
"What am I going to do with you?" He sighs with a smile.
"I have an idea" I blush.
"Oh I bet you do" he grins and I wiggle my hips in his lap.
"Hard not to when this is blocking out all rational thought, pun intended" I bite my lip.
"Oh god don't do that" he grips my hips stilling me then with a groan he grinds me into him once more.
I let out a cry and he does it again, we move in a gentle motion and it feels so good, we are both fully clothed and there is layers of denim and cotton between us but it feels better than skin on skin with anyone else.
"Oh Jace" I breathe.
"I would never hurt you Angel, please try to trust me"
"I want to, so bad" I moan as he arches up to me.
"Will you try? I want you Beth. I want us" he kisses my open mouth and his tongue mimics the sex I need so badly.
"Lilly?" I ask reminding him of why he brushed me off only a few hours ago.
"Maybe she doesn't need to know just yet. Maybe we can keep us a secret till we know what we are?" He begs.
"I want you" I repeat.
"Angel, I can't give you what you need. Not yet"
"Then when?" I ask needy and whiney and he closes his eyes.
"When you love me" he breathes.
Oh god, love? He wants love? With me?
"You don't want me Jace, not forever. I can give you now, I can give you tonight" a tear slides down my cheek and I turn my face.
"Tonight could never be enough. Not with you, one night is not enough for me anymore I'm sorry honey" he pinches my chin and turns me back to face him. "Elizabeth, I do want you, don't tell me I don't" he is serious and my tears come faster.
His face nuzzles into my neck and his breath is warm and fast.
"Ask me to be your boyfriend and I'll make the pain between your legs stop, I'll do everything I can to make the pain in your heart stop. You have to mean it Angel, you have to want to give me a fair chance to win you over" his lips kiss on my neck and lower to my collarbone.
"Jace" I groan.
"Yes Angel?"
"Jace, I"
"Say it, ask me" and his tongue flicks over my hammering pulse.
"Jace Masters, you drive me bonkers" I growl.
"Jace? Will you be my boyfriend?" I whisper barely audible.
He stops his kisses and looks at me, his hands cup my face and he kisses my lips soft and gentle.
"Can I think about it?" He asks deadpan.
"Oh you wicked demon, you can go back to hell" I groan, my stomach sinking, I look at the canopy of my bed above my head trying to control my breath.
"Yes Beth, I will be your boyfriend. Thank you for asking. Now about that ache" his grin is wide showing off his dimples and I'm not sure he has ever smiled like this for me.
I'm smiling too as he flips me over, laying my head gentle on my pillow.
"Is it okay if I strip you honey? I want you naked" he asks kissing my exposed stomach.
"In the daylight?" I ask nervous
"I would like that but if it makes you more comfortable I can close the blinds, shut out the light?" He rubs his cheek on my belly lifting my shirt.
"Thank you, it would" I tremble.
I want to be everything he wants but I'm too ashamed.
"Don't run away on me now" he grins cocky.
I watch as he moves the suitcase from the bed to the window seat and he closes the white wooden Venetians that sit behind the white sheer curtains.
"That better?" He asks in the low light and I nod. "Sorry honey I can't see you, you'll need to speak up" he teases.
"Yes thank you" I smile.
"That's better" he says leaning over me and unbuttoning my jeans.
I lift my hips and he slides them down along with my underwear and I'm left naked from the waist down. My hands cover my eyes in embarrassment.
"I don't think so, my girlfriend's face is too pretty to hide" Jace removes my hands and kisses them. "I've never had a girlfriend before, I want to scream it to the world" Jace smiles shyly at me before my shirt blocks the view of him as it is lifted over my head.
"Jace" I groan.
"No, no take backs. You asked, I agreed. It's final" he tosses my bra to the floor staring down at me with hungry eyes.
"Your turn" I say.
"You want me to ask you out?" He smirks.
"To get naked" I finish.
"Naked naked?" He asks and I nod
"If I can't get what I want, I want to at least know what I'm missing out on" I blush.
"You're not scared of me honey?" He asks gently lifting his shirt over his head.
"Not right now, right now I just need my boyfriend" the word seems wrong, nothing about Jace is boyish.
"Then you got me" he fumbles with his belt, fingers moving clumsy over the zip of his pants.
Is he nervous? I'm sure over a third of the legal female population in this city has seen his goody bag, why would he be nervous for me?
I can't take my eyes off his hands as he undresses for me, then it hits me. Jace is naked, Jace is in my bedroom naked standing over my bed while I'm naked. My mouth goes dry and I swallow. I look at him, all of him. Oh holy fudge balls!
"Um Jace, I'm not sure this is going to work. That's not going to fit in me" I blurt out loud, damn that was definitely supposed to be in inside my head thought.
"I'm not putting it anywhere today Angel, but trust me, when the time comes it will fit, I promise" he fights a grin.
"Do you have anything, you know, if you change your mind?" I ask embarrassed as Jace lays himself beside me, leaning over my body to kiss my neck.
"No, I don't carry condoms anymore. If I don't have one I can't change my mind. When I make love to you, it will be deliberate and special. I want to romance my woman" he whispers against my neck and his breath makes me shiver, his words make me moan.
"See Angel, you want that too. You don't want me to quickly fuck you right now then leave when I'm done. You want me to take my time with you, love you and never leave. I can give you that, just not today" his mouth lowers to my chest and he pushes his face into my breasts, nuzzling and kissing.
"Jace.... I'm not easy to love, no man has ever loved me. Even before, before I was... Broken" I whisper.
"I don't want to hear about other men, I'm not other men Beth" he says patiently but I can tell he is agitated.
"Then kiss me"
He does, he moves up my body so he can reach my face and his skin is warm on mine. Our chests press together and I hold him to me, just this right now feels better then any sex I've had. My skin feels alive, tingling and hot and over sensitive like I've never experienced a touch before. My heart pounds and my breath is harsh.
I need more, I want to feel him on top of me, between my legs even if he is not inside me.
"More" I beg on a moan.
"Beth, did you like what I did to you last night?" Jace asks to my lips and I nod.
"What you did to me was amazing, Jace nothing has ever felt so good" I tremble remembering the first orgasm I have ever had.
"Can I do it again? This time I want to do both at the same time" his voice has gone deep and rich and I release a shaky breath.
"Yes, oh god" I tremble.
"I will stop as soon as you need me to honey, but please don't stop me this time because you like it okay? Just relax, I got you" he stares into my eyes making sure I want this, I blush.
I had to stop him from finishing me last night, I wasn't sure what was going on down there but I didn't want his face there when it did. I thought something was going to explode.
"Okay" I whisper.
His hands and lips move over my body as he moves south, I feel inadequate, his beautiful toned body making mine look lazy and lacking. He doesn't seem to notice, he touches me and looks at me like nothing I have ever experienced before, like I am beautiful too.
Like I'm worthy.
"Oh god Jace!" I whimper as his lips touch my side right between my hip and my ribs.
"Ticklish Angel?" He smiles up at me.
"Yes" I breathe
"Good to know" he grins like the demon he is with his dark hair and shining blue eyes.
As he watches me his lips press a soft kiss on my pubic bone then his mouth opens to suck, kissing me just a little lower and my hips jolt, a cry breaks free and I can't look away from him. Our eyes burn into each other as his tongue works me into a frenzy, already I'm panting and writhing shamelessly. Slowly so I can see what he's doing he moves one hand from my inner thigh to slide a finger into me, never breaking his very naughty kiss. It moves in and out and both sensations combined drives a deep moan from me and I see the fire in his eyes as mine close, I can't keep them open any longer and my head falls back onto my pillow.
Another finger and I'm losing my mind, my hands pulling at my hair and I'm humming loudly. Oh god damn, is it supposed to feel like this? Nothing should feel this good. Nothing has ever felt this good, my body is getting tight and my legs want to close. Jace keeps them open pushing my knees to the bed and I groan.
"Jace" I pant and he sucks harder.
"Jace!" I cry out and his fingers go deeper.
"Jace!" I scream and Buck, my body convulsing and even my toes are scrunched tightly.
Jace moans and the vibration against my sensitive flesh draws out my orgasm making it linger, oh god I didn't even warn him. He sucks and licks at me as he holds his fingers still, oh god he likes it
"Jace" I whisper in awe of what this man can do.
"Fuck woman, that was beautiful" he kisses my thigh, his cheek pressing into my leg.
"Let me do something for you, can... Can I touch you?" I ask hesitant.
"What do you have in mind?" He asks, his eyes heavy and voice low and he moves back beside me.
"I don't know, what do you like?" I ask embarrassed, I am not experienced with foreplay.
The Deed was thankfully always just done and over with with minimal fuss with Jack.
"Just put your hands on me Angel, anywhere and however you like" his face gets lost in my neck, my hair pulled from my bun.
"Tell me if I do anything you don't like" I swallow as my hands move over his chest.
"Trust me I'll like" he groans as if in pain.
I move him to his back and place one knee between his, his thigh touching me intimately and I kiss his neck and chest. My hands move slowly, marvelling at his physique. The sparse black curls on his chest then smooth skin covering his rock hard abs, I kiss each muscle individually then run my tongue back up the middle where it's dips to separate them
"Jesus fucking Christ Beth, do that again" he Breathes, I look up to see him watching me.
I do it again and his hand cups the back of my head, holding my face to his body. My hands run up the length of his sides and he breathes hard and ragged.
"Lower?" I ask breathless
"Hmm Angel" he moans but doesn't let me move.
I move my hands to grip him and it takes both to make it all the way around this thing.
"Elizabeth, we are moving into dangerous territory here. I can't guarantee I can be gentle with you if you do that" his voice shakes and I feel his need.
"I, I trust you" I whisper and kiss his stomach as I glide my hand up and down.
"Okay beautiful, okay, just stop if you need to" he pants almost senseless.
"Jace, I haven't done this before. Let me know if I'm not doing it right" I mumble as I lower my lips to kiss the side of him.
"Oh fuck Angel" he almost jumps at my touch and it makes me braver, I open my mouth and take him in.
I imagine a lollipop and I lick the tip of him as I suck, he is not even half way in and I use my hands to make up the difference.
"Oh yes Angel, just like that" Jace sighs and his hands rub my neck.
I push further, my throat relaxing a little more each time and I take him almost all the way down.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck" he breathes over and over and the sounds of his pleasure and the friction of his leg is driving me wild.
I moan with pleasure of my own, I increase my speed and pressure and Jace's hands tighten on my neck no longer massaging but pushing me down. It doesn't scare me, it feels good and I moan again letting him push me further down till I can't breathe.
"Beth" my name just a whisper on his lips, he is close.
I'm turning him on, he likes this. I look to his face and see him still watching me, his face tight and his lips parted, he looks too sexy, to good to be mine and as I watch the pleasure I give him I find release again gripping him tight as I moan sucking so hard.
"Oh fuck Angel, oh god I'm going... I can't" he stammers out of his mind and it's all the warning I get.
I feel the pulsing first, the jerking of his shaft then the heat of him. I don't stop, I keep sucking and without even thinking I swallow.

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