Chapter twenty

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Oh my Jace... I spin in my new plush office chair feeling like a kid in my fathers office. Just playing grown ups with no idea what I'm doing. I have that feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster and you know you can't go any higher and any second the world is going to drop out from underneath you and there is nothing you can do about it now, you made your choice, you got on and now you have to live with what comes next. What if the car comes off the tracks?
People die every year on amusement rides, and people die from broken hearts.
Every second I spend with Jace I climb a little higher, I know I'm almost at the top, I know it and I'm scared. I want to get off, it's too scary and I didn't know it would go this high.
How did I forget I'm scared of heights?
It's him, he makes me forget. When he holds my hand I'm not afraid but as soon as he lets go I panic.
I'm panicking now.
"How are you settling in?" Charles asks from the doorway snapping me back to reality and solid ground.
"Great thank you, just taking a moment to plan everything out in my head. Where everything will go" I smile
"Take your time, your new position doesn't start till Tuesday and you have already finished your old one. Technically I'm not even your boss right now" he smiles sitting on my large empty desk.
"So if I had anything to say, now's the time. Is that what your saying?" I smile
"I guess it is, you get straight to the point. I like that about you Elizabeth" he tells me.
"Then I'll give it to you straight, the work Christmas parties suck. There I said it. No one enjoys them, the music is well, not very festive and the food is always cold" I tease.
"Guess who just got put on the Christmas party committee this year?" He laughs and reaches for my hair. "Sorry, carrot?" He holds up a small piece of coleslaw from in my hair, thanks Jace.
"Oh wow, that's embarrassing" I blush.
"Have you selected the furniture from the catalog yet? You have a lot of space to fill up here" Charles asks flipping the pages in his hands.
"No, but I was liking that red sofa and the black chaise" I grin.
"Get both, the chaise is good for naps if you ever feel the need to think things over after lunch" he winks.
"I'll be sure to remember that" I nod
"Elizabeth, do you have plans tonight? Maybe we could grab a drink, something to eat and go over your job description a little better?" Charles pins me with an intense stare.
"I'm sorry yes, I have plans with friends" I tell him apologetic.
"With that fellow who was here today? Is he your boyfriend?" He asks and I get a feeling in my gut that's says I shouldn't answer this question.
"Jace? He will be working tonight but I'll see him around" I smile.
"Saturday? My weekend was cancelled last minute and it seems I'm at a loss of what to do with myself. You will be doing me a favour keeping me company" he presses.
"I'm really booked all weekend, family commitments. I have a younger sister that stays with me and it's coming up to her finals, she graduates in a few months" I grimace, not a good start on flexibility. "I should be free Tuesday, I know I will have already started but maybe we can grab something after work and we can go over anything I'm having trouble with?" I offer knowing I'll only be going home to an empty house Tuesday.
"Sounds perfect, I'll book us a table. If you make a decision in the next hour your furniture will be delivered Monday ready to go on Tuesday" Charles tell me tapping the catalog as he stands and I nod. "Enjoy your weekend Elizabeth, see you Tuesday" he smiles down at me and brushes a finger over my hand resting on my desk.
Okay, that's weird.
"You too, hope you find something to fill your time" I reply friendly, I want to try and start this new work dynamic as equals.
I plan to take his job or best him in the next twelve months and I don't want him to see me as someone beneath him.
"Maybe I'll just bombard you with useless workplace trivia via text message all weekend and quiz you next week to make sure you read them" he chuckles wickedly.
"Sure you do that, I'd love to see your face when I pass your test. I always pass" I tell him smug and cocky.
"I bet you do, Elizabeth" he winks and leaves me be.

I select wall to wall white shelves for the long wall in my office and a low set that will double as a window seat to go under the window that gives me a spectacular view of the city. I choose cushions in all shades of deep blues to cover the top. I order the black chaise lounge not thinking about napping but more lunch time visits from my boyfriend. I like the red sofa but the dark blue leather calls to me and I change my mind, I see Jace stretched out watching me work and my stomach clenches. The dark blue echoing his beautiful eyes. My desk is large and I order six chairs to fit around the other side for small meetings.
I think my first meeting will be with Becky when I fire her slutty ass.... no I wouldn't do that but I'd definitely call her in for inappropriate workplace attire.
And speaking of inappropriate workplace attire, I need to go shopping before work. Firstly I haven't shopped all week and I'm getting twitchy and second I don't own any shorts that my ass hangs out of and I think that needs to change, and boots... I definitely need boots to complement them, ooh and a belt. Maybe some earrings? Definitely new lipstick. I check my watch, three o'clock, good enough for a Friday.
I'm out bitches.

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