Chapter forty

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"Just breathe, c'mon Blondie you're okay" Cole shushes me kindly as I sob into his chest ruining his shirt.
"Sorry" I mumble and take a deep breath.
"The player is right, what happened to that girl is not your fault. Yes it seems obvious he chose her because of you but that hardly makes it your fault. I understand the guilt you are feeling, you think if you had of just stayed with him she would be fine. Maybe she would be, and maybe you wouldn't be. If you stayed with him you wouldn't be in love right now, you wouldn't be engaged to that man back there you find so fascinating. You definitely wouldn't be mama to those tiny little bubba's inside you right now. But you did leave him, you got away and you should be proud of that. Because you were stronger than him you have a great life now, you do have that man you love and his babies to look forward to. You are not responsible for what he does, or the fact she was not as strong as you" Cole strokes my hair patiently and comforts me with his words.
"Cole, you saw them. He was holding her, she asked him to choose and he did. Maybe she is the better version of me, they both chose her over me" I hiccup and sniffle.
"What?! Beth that's crazy, you don't want that motherfucker to choose you, you want him to fucking die a slow painful death. One where his dick preferably falls off or shrivels back inside his nut sack" Cole say exasperatedly.
"I know, I was always jealous when he hurt other women. There is something wrong with me" I admit.
"Stockholm syndrome" he shrugs.
"Jace was the only person to ever put me first, now he chooses her" I can't even bare to look at Cole, what do I do now?
"No Mama he doesn't, he has chosen his woman. He put a fucking giant rock on her finger and fucked her so good he knocked her up twice at the same time, that's definitely choosing a woman" Cole chuckles and kisses my hair.
"They were holding hands, he went inside with her. His look told me he had changed his mind. I understand, I know I'm too much, I won't fight this" I sigh.
My heart is crushed but my head understands, my head expected this. Not with her, nothing about her was expected. Jack hates me, why would he get another me? I guess my looks were what attracted him but she is just a better person than me, that must be it because now my forever has chosen her too. Jace made me believe it was the two of us together forever, he told me so, didn't he? Maybe he didn't, maybe it's just what I wanted to hear.
I want to fight this, I want to fight to keep my man but Jace's eyes told me he was sorry. He's made up his mind and I'm not his first choice anymore.
"I know, I saw but I don't believe he has changed his mind. She just needed him to feel safe and she was all alone, you can understand that right? He was just trying to help her, that's all. You know how I know this?" He asks at my ear.
"No" I whisper praying he is right.
"I checked her out, and mama she's not close to being stacked like you. Yeah her tits were okay but nothing like yours, I bet your player loses his mind for your tits right? And her ass wasn't as perky and perfect as yours is, woman you know your ass is the shit. If you're right and Jace is taking second best I'm moving in on you myself, I'll have you and his kids calling me daddy" Cole whispers so Jace couldn't possibly hear and places a kiss at my temple.
I can't help it, I burst out laughing. My body shakes with it and Cole holds me tighter.
"Damn, way to burn my pride to ashes Mama" he feigns hurt.
"You're right, Jay does like my boobs" I look up at him and he is smiling at me.
"That's better, so pretty" Cole tells me and uses the hem of his shirt to wipe my face.
"You're pretty awesome Cole, thank you for being my friend" I swallow my sadness and take a large breath.
"Thank you for letting me, I know true friends are hard to come by and I'm glad your mine. You're pretty awesome yourself Blondie, never doubt that" Cole smiles and plays with my engagement ring.
"You don't get something like that for just anyone right?" I ask looking at the perfect pink diamond shining up at me.
"I've never seen anything like this, fuck Coop just gave Iz some old ring he had in his cupboard. Player is crazy for you, this must of set him back years of savings but more importantly this is exactly you. Girly and pretty, sparkly and perfect. He sees you, he gets you. He wouldn't throw that away for a imperfect imitation of you honey" Cole smirks.
"I love crazy" I smile.
I look around the room and see it's pretty much empty, the men are still moving everything out with great speed and Jace must still be down the hall working hard for me while I sit here doubting him.
"They are almost done, if we sit here a little longer I bet they will finish without us having to do anything" Cole wiggles his brows
"Then you better get back to work" I shove him off the couch with a smile.
"Wow bossy much?" He grumbles and picks up two boxes and takes them through the door.
I pick up my phone and a bottle of water from the kitchen counter and think it's time I go face my hopefully still fiancé.
Jace is boxing the books from under my window seat and has his back to me, his back is tense and his hair is in disarray as though he has run his hands through it many times. Fuck I hope it was him and not my neighbour that he was alone with for way too long.

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