Chapter three

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I wake at dawn, like always. No matter what time I fall asleep I'm always up with the sun. Not a good thing when I work nights, it means most nights I only get an average of three hours sleep. I am thinking I need to move out of my high rise apartment building and buy a house with a dark basement like Coop.
I use the bathroom and change into my work out clothes, in the kitchen I make two pre workout shakes and head down the stairs.
"Get your lazy ass up Bentley, we got shit to do" I call as I come down.
"Fuck you, I need my beauty sleep" comes the muttered reply from under a pillow.
"What you need is to work on those flabby arms, you think Izzy wants to marry a lazy slob?" I shake the bed with my foot till he rolls over.
"Fuck! I'm getting married today" he tosses the pillow aside and rubs his face with a smile.
"Not if you don't get that ass out of bed, here drink this and meet me in the gym in five minutes, if I'm still alone in six I'm calling my girl for a little more phone sex, I hear she's a little frustrated this week, should be hot" I grin holding out the plastic shaker and give it a little shake to make him open his eyes.
"Why are we friends? You're a pain in my ass Masters" he smirks finally opening his eyes and sitting up.
"Dude, you shouldn't really say that shit out loud when it's just two guys in a bedroom and one of them is naked" I joke making him grab for the sheet that was already covering him.
"Why? you homophobic now?" He looks under the sheet then throws it back climbing out of bed in his boxers.
"Not at all, not all my threesomes are BGG. Actually, the best I ever had was BGB, men don't scare me" I give him a wink.
He looks at me cocking his head to the side, trying to figure it out. He places his shake on the nightstand and walks into the bathroom shaking his head.
"Oh!" He calls after a minute.
"Really?" He laughs from the other side of the door finally understanding.
"Five minutes Cooper" I warn and head out back.

I stretch as I drink down my shake, thinking Coop is definitely the luckiest son of a bitch I know. Hot chick, hot cars, hot chopper, big bed in a dark basement and this kickass gym right in his backyard. Not to mention he owns the best bar on this side of the city. Fuck, I sound like one of his little groupies from the bar.
"Four minutes, you can kiss my ass" Coop grins coming through the door.
"Having second thoughts yet? I'll let her down gentle if you wanna bail" I say jumping to my feet and claiming the treadmill.
"The only thing I have second thoughts about is my choice of best man, the next six and a half hours can't come quick enough" I hear the excitement in his voice as he drops to the floor doing push-ups.
I wonder if I will ever get married myself, I want to, so much that when Beth had dragged my ass to the mall the last few weeks my eyes would automatically go the the big windows full of sparkling diamonds as I pass the jewellery stores. I do realise it's putting the cart before the horse to choose the ring before the woman but I just have this deep need to get my shit sorted, to be ready when the opportunity presents itself.
I wonder if Beth is the sort of girl who would prefer to choose her own ring or be surprised with some grand romantic gesture. Romance, definitely the romance for my
Angel. My Angel. That describes her perfectly. Sweet innocent face, golden hair that shines like a halo around her head and a sumptuous tempting hourglass body that would drive any red blooded male to the pearly gates or to his knees.

"What the fuck are you thinking about over there?" Coop chuckles breaking my thoughts.
"Kissing the bride" I wiggle my eyebrows panting hard and hit the stop button.
"Well you better stop or you'll be kissing my fists, I can see your hard on from here" he breathes doing crunches.
"Sorry not sorry" I grin copying Isabel's favourite saying when she is caught out being naughty.

An hour and a half later we head to the kitchen for breakfast and while I throw some left over chicken and vegetables in a pan to make up some omelettes Coop goes to wake his brother.
"Cole, once again I'm sorry man, I just didn't think" I apologise with coffee.
"Forget it, it's fine. The last time someone joked about my mamma he ended up in the hospital, I ended up in jail and Iz ended up mad with me. She told me I needed to grow up and get past it and I'm trying" he tells me leaning into the counter and blowing on his coffee.
"She's a smart woman, you should listen to her more often" Coop tells him pouring himself some orange juice.
"How can I listen to her when you have her on the other side of the world for two fucking months?" He grumbles.
"I know you have her number, fucking call her. I'll even free up her mouth so she can talk" Coop bites back.
"No, don't do me any favours brother, you know how much I love to hear her scream" we winks, cocky.
"Maybe she can pass me the phone, we can talk about the weather while she blows me" Cooper growls and Cole sucks in a breath, that hit a nerve.
"Both of you better shut the fuck up about my girl, no one, not even her fucking husband has the right to speak about her like that" I slam down the pan on the sink and slap the pair of them on the back of the heads.
"Oh! I'm a fucking douche bag" Coop hangs his head in his hands.
"Sorry man, my bad" Cole grips his shoulder standing beside him.
"No it was me, I can't believe I said that about my wife. That was disrespectful and I apologise" Coop shakes his head.
"The two of you need to calm your shit, today is a happy day. I get it. Cole your jealous your brother is taking your bestie away from you, Coop your jealous your brother has this thing with your wife, you can bitch about it tomorrow. In the mean time, Cole your best friend is getting married today, be happy for her, your brother is getting married today, be there for him. Cooper, today you marry the girl of your dreams, you have your brother here to stand beside you, don't take that for granted two months ago you didn't even have one. I know how that woman gets under your skin, you two are blood, you need to make this work, if not for yourselves or each other then for her. For some fucked up reason she loves you both" I rant looking them both in the eye.
"I hate it when this motherfucker makes sense, Cooper I'm sorry" Cole hugs him with one arm ignoring me.
"Thanks brother me too, I am glad you are here with me" Coop hugs him back.
"Take that Oprah, I've got this sappy emotional shit covered" I pat them both on the back laughing to break the tension in here.
"Dude, don't fucking touch me" Cole laughs at me in good humour and breaks free to set the table.
"Thanks big man, Iz would never forgive me if Cole had a black eye for our wedding photos" Coop sighs and we pile the plates with food.

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