Chapter fifty three

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What the fuck is going on with my girl? Something's wrong with her but she's hiding it, not on her birthday.
"Sweetheart, I'm going to go cheer up the birthday girl. Stay with the Bentleys okay?" I kiss my woman's head and Beth smiles up at me, I nudge Coop's shoulder to gain his attention off his new bride.
"Why don't you tell Beth about that time we took the bikes away for the weekend and got locked inside the national park?" I tell him laughing and he chuckles as he remembers.
"Dude you got us locked inside a national park" he corrects me.
"Oh yeah, maybe leave out a dew details" I smirk and he winks shaking his head.
"Oh fuck, what have I done?" I grimace down at Iz who was watching us and I wrap my arm around her shoulders as if we are old lovers.
We walk down the busy street in silence for a moment before Izzy sighs.
"How was your dead sea insect?" I make a face at her.
"Delicious, how was your chunk of dead cow?" She laughs at me.
"So good, I feel like I can't move after finishing Lizzy's pasta and dessert. Wanna take a run with me in the morning? I'll race you up that driveway" I grin evil at her.
"You've already lost big man, loser has to do one hundred push-ups for the winners entertainment" she grins back and I smile.
"Deal" I chuckle and kiss her hair. "You had enough of this kid yet? Want me to take him home with me in couple of days?" I nod to Cole walking in front by himself.
"Nah, think we have some shit we need to sort out before we get home" she sighs and loses her smile.
Okay so her mood is about him, I kinda figured since she went funny after going to find him but came back alone.
"What's he got going on if a porn star is begging him for a go?" I shake my head.
"Didn't know you were a connoisseur of the arts?" Izzy smirks.
"I dabble" I wink at her and she laughs.
"He can do better" she grumbles.
"I don't know, I have seen her work" I tease.
"Now I'm not a judgemental person but she's just not good enough for him, Cole needs someone special, someone who won't drag him back into the drugs and deadly lifestyle he indulged in while he was with her. She's not right for him" she tells me watching Cole .
"Then who is?" I ask, obviously she wants to get this off her chest.
"I wish I knew, someone fun, Cole's girl has to laugh a lot. Someone pretty, someone smart. Someone who can kick his ass into line, someone amazing" she sighs smiling.
"Honey you just described yourself" I say gently.
"Not me Jace, there's a million girls who fit that description. One of them is the right girl for him, he won't look for her. He can't see her because he doesn't want to" she tells me frustrated.
"Well that's his problem not yours, and it definitely doesn't need to be solved tonight. Tonight is my girls birthday, tonight we party. I didn't come all this way and miss out on all that work to watch you mope, chin up and smile poppet" I squish her face in my hand and kiss her nose.
"Grrr, I'm not a baby" she growls at me and I laugh.
"Are you sure? Lilly was only seven when she was this big" I tap her head and she punches me in the sternum knocking the air from my lungs.
"Could she do that at seven?" She raises her brows at me.
"Uh uh, six" I choke out.
"Fuck you" she laughs and punches my stomach.
"Love you" I hold her arms to her side in a tight hug and drag her along with me.

Izzy relaxes and jokes with me as we make our way to the car although I'd be happy to walk all the way back up the mountain, I have so much energy and not nearly enough work out time over the last few days.
I turn to check on my woman again and smirk at the annoyance on her face, I nudge Iz to look behind us and she laughs.
"Don't even start, I'm protesting right now" Beth grumbles.
Coop has taken Beth into his arms carrying her like a child to his chest while keeping her dignity intact considering the length of her dress.
"Honey you chose those shoes not me" Coop chuckles and Beth frowns.
"Yes I did, and that's why I want to walk" she tells us.
"You want to trade man?" I ask Coop and Beth looks hopeful.
"Nope, Blondie and I are having a great time. I've convinced two groups of Asian tourists we are newlyweds and insisted on photos" Coop laughs wicked and Beth scowls.
"Why would they want photos of random crazy people Coop?" She giggles despite herself and I smile.
"Two blonde beauties like you, who wouldn't? Jace Coop has my phone, can you take one for me? I love random crazy" Iz laughs and I do as I'm asked taking a shot of Coop grinning and Beth looking frustrated.
"What's wrong with my baby mama?" Cole asks worried as we catch up and I narrow my eyes on him.
"My baby mama is fine. What's wrong with you? Her feet hurt and you were nowhere in sight?" I ask with accusation.
"Sorry gorgeous, wanna ride?" He smiles softly at her.
His mood is no better than Izzy's but like I knew she would Beth brings out the side of him that cares for someone more than himself.
"Don't think I could fit any more kids in here, better not. I've heard about you Bentley" she teases him and he barks out a laugh.
"Elizabeth?!" I gasp and Cole smacks my arm.
"Hey like you can talk, you don't pull out either" he smirks at me and Izzy grips my shoulder to keep me in place.
"I don't even want to know" I say calmly while taking a deep breath.
"Yeah man you tell yourself that" Cole chuckles and winks at my fiancées blushing face.
"Thank fuck, the cars here" Coop tries to keep a straight face and walks with Beth still in his arms to the car and I rush after him to open the door like the gentleman I'm supposed to be for my Angel.

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