Chapter eleven

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"Beth honey, breakfast" Jace calls from the kitchen and I hear the smile in his voice.
He said the same thing yesterday, it feels like already it's our morning thing. God he has so much energy in the mornings, I woke to him doing sit ups beside my bed. I really should tell him this building has a gym on the basement level but he was still naked and I enjoyed the show way too much.
I zip my dress as far as I can behind my back then reach over my shoulder to finish it off but it remains out of reach, I jump and twist and growl at it as if that will intimidate the freaking thing into submission. It doesn't.
"I could help with that" Jace says leaning into the doorframe of my bedroom with his demon smile and dimples on full display.
"No, I'm changing. I hate this dress anyway" I grumble embarrassed.
I don't, I love this dress.
"Please don't. Breakfast will get cold and you'll be late for work" he smiles at me through the mirror zipping me up.
He places his hands on my shoulders and kisses the exposed skin of my neck.
"Thank you" I blush.
"C'mon, let's eat. You really need to shop, the fridge is almost empty" he smirks as we make our way to the kitchen.
"I think I did mention I was supposed to go yesterday. Sorry got a better offer" I tease.
Hmm, cheese and mushroom omelette with a side of bacon and toast. I sip my coffee first, white and one, he remembered.
"This is awesome thank you, Monday's I usually just go without till the sandwich girl comes round with big fat muffins. Not very good for the waistline but her blueberry muffins are so good"
"Your welcome, you shouldn't skip breakfast. Monday's I'm at your disposal, let me be your breakfast chef" he flashes me a grin.
"How do I turn down a offer like that?"
"You don't" the dimples come out again, how will I ever refuse him anything when he does that.
"Did you still want to join us girls for pizza tonight? I promised to help them study for chemistry, but really I have no idea what they are even talking about. I just read the answers from their cheat sheets" I ask nervously, I'm not sure where we stand when it comes to Lilly.
"Yeah I would love to, I'm sorry Angel but I think it will still be better if we are just friends tonight though" he looks very apologetic.
"Then I guess you should come over around six, the girls will get home before me and you should probably knock on the door instead of using your key. Don't call me Angel, just stick to Beth and don't smile at me like you do. I will want to kiss you" I babble with my eyes on my plate.
"Beth, Angel. You know in my heart you will always be more than a friend to me. I'm sorry"
"I understand Jace, and I agree with you. I want the girls to be good with us being an us. They need to get used to the idea that we even know each other" I sigh.
"We can make this work, I know we can. I'll bring the pizza" Jace takes my hand and kisses it.
I stare into his eyes and swallow the lump in my throat, we have to. I meant it when I said I was all in. He has my heart in his hands, I'm in love, I know I have been for a while. Since the night Sam broke into Izzy's, as we stood in her kitchen clutching each other in fear I could only think of one thing. I want Jace. When he came through that door he came straight for me and when he pulled me into his arms I felt safe, I knew everything would be okay now because he was here. That was the first night we spent together, he was the perfect gentleman, wouldn't even sleep under the blankets with me and I was grateful. He made me feel safe but I wasn't ready to be in bed with a man.
"Honey, you okay?" He asks worried at my silence.
"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks that would be great" I smile.
"Go finish getting ready, I'll clean up" he smiles back but he looks kind of sad.
"Thank you, breakfast was delicious" I move to his lap and kiss him while I still can.
"Hmm totally worth it" he sighs happily the sadness gone and I smile for real this time, I made him feel better.
"I have a feeling Monday mornings won't be so bad from now on" I tease him and kiss his jaw.

I finish getting ready and fix my face, applying my red lipstick that matches my dress and my favourite perfume because I'm in a good mood today. It's time to leave and I know this means goodbye, the next time I see my boyfriend he will be just my friend, not even really my friend just a friend of a friend.
As promised I hand Jace the key to my apartment and I get him to scan his thumbprint into my alarm. I will feel safe knowing he can get in without kicking the door in if I ever needed him to.
In the elevator I hug Jace close not wanting to let go and he hugs me back as best he can holding onto my dry cleaning.
"I hope you enjoy your day off, don't work out too hard, or maybe do. I can give my friend a massage if he is in pain right?" I giggle into his neck.
"A good friend would yes" he kisses my temple with a chuckle.
I release him with a sigh, it's going to be a long day.
"Sorry, I smudged on you. Please add your shirt to my dry cleaning" I blush trying to wipe my lipstick from the collar of his shirt.
"It's fine Angel" he smiles at my embarrassment.
We step out of the elevator and I smile at Bill.
"Morning Bill, I'm sorry I forgot introductions yesterday. This is Jace, he is Lilly's brother. He has an open invitation to my place like the girls do so please just let him up, he will be back tonight" I keep it formal.
"As you wish, nice to meet you Jace. Would you like your messages?" He nods at Jace then turns back to me.
"No thank you" I smile and wave as Jace holds the door open for me.
"I get the feeling it really wasn't nice to meet me" Jace grins cocky.
"They take their job seriously, Bill is the friendly one, wait till you meet Frank" I laugh.
"Can't wait" he chuckles as we walk to my little red Alpha Romeo.
"One Tuesday morning when I was sick I overslept and didn't answer my phone, Frank came bursting in guns drawn, scared the shit out of me" I shake my head remembering.
"They can let themselves into your home?" He asks horrified.
"I selected that option when I moved in, they hadn't seen me since Friday after work and if I don't check in for more than three days they can yes. They call first and if I answer three questions correctly they stand down, if I don't answer or I give them the wrong answers they bust in" I shrug.
"Okay" he nods but I know he doesn't like it.
"See you at six Masters" I smile up at him opening my car door.
"Absolutely Bee, I'll miss you today" he leans his forehead to mine and I grin like a complete moron.
"Really? No one has ever missed me before" I blush.
"I have, all the time" he kisses my nose.
"I'll miss you too" I kiss his lips soft and quick.
"Have a good day at work honey" he smiles and closes me in the car.
I start the engine with a smile and he watches as I drive away. The image of him in my rear view holding my laundry makes me giggle, I think I'm going to like having a boyfriend.

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