Chapter forty four

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"Wow gorgeous, you sure I can't change your mind?" Oli sweeps me up in a hug and spins me around causing my stomach to roll.
"Oh god Oli stop!" I giggle slapping his wide shoulders.
"Had a few already sweetness?" He laughs and sets me down on the dance floor.
"Maybe?" I smirk looking over the tall mountain of sexy man.
"Well c'mon catch me up, I'm not working tonight" he takes my hand and leads me towards the bar.
"This way" I pull him behind the bar instead of lining up.
"Hey Mama, having fun?" Cole asks with a wink as I pass him.
"I haven't danced this much in forever, I promised my bridesmaid that her groomsman will save her a dance to get better acquainted before the night ends" I nudge his side.
"Again? She told you we are pretty well acquainted already right?" He smirks at me.
"No, sneaky little bitch. You've hit that?" I gasp.
"No but we've messed around. Tell her I'm on break in a few hours" he winks.
"Hey man, good to see you again" Oliver holds out his hand to Cole and Cole notices his other is still holding mine.
"Yeah man, thanks for coming down. Give me a few minutes and I'll give you the tour" Cole shakes his hand hard.
"I'd like that" Oliver tells him with a grin and I think he's baiting Cole.
I use my free hand to rub Jace's back as he pours five beers at once, his back muscles are tense and hard and I make note to give him a massage if I'm still awake when we get home.
"One minute sweetheart" Jace says over his shoulder with a forced smile.
It's crazy in here tonight and the bar line is long.
"Take your time" I smile.
"I guess help yourself Oli, you know how all this works right?" I ask with a shrug.
"Can I get you one? What are you drinking gorgeous?" Oli pulls me into a hug wrapping his arm over my shoulder to hear me over the music.
"Already on it, here you go Angel" Jace hands me a glass of soda and lime with a tight smile and hard eyes. "Oliver thanks for coming, you are a lifesaver" Jace fights to keep a good mood and I wonder what's wrong.
"Of course, what I wouldn't do for this pretty face" Oliver smiles down at me, his brown eyes kind and his teeth showing.
Jace steps closer to give Oliver a man hug and Oliver is forced to let me go as he hugs him back. I've never really known Jace to be a hugger but I guess he's glad he's here.
"Hmm what are you wearing? Fuck you smell good" Oliver leans into Jace's neck to inhale and I frown, dude he's taken.
"Armani, Iz gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago. I love it, I've had no complaints" Jace gives him a wicked smirk and I think he's flirting.
"I bet, you seem like you'd be very popular" Oli flirts back and I clench my fists.
"What's this? Two can't play?" Cole asks into my ear.
"Huh?" I ask confused and Cole gives me a knowing look nodding to the back of Oliver's head.
He thinks we were flirting? Does Jace? Is that why Jace is hands on with him? To get Oli's hands off me?
"He is very popular with me, remember when I told you I thought we were getting serious? I was right, say hello to my future husband" I say to Oliver while placing myself in between them and holding Jace around the waist and holding out my ring proud.
"Hello future husband! Oh girl congrats to you and your man, shit that's some ring, I'm so jealous" he says surprised. "You work fast man" he shakes Jace's hand and Jace wraps me in his arms.
"I had to, this one wasn't going to last long" Jace kisses my hair.
"Tequila sunrise right?" Cole passes Oliver a large glass with a little umbrella.
"You remembered?" Oli looks over Cole and he blushes, really?
"It's my job" Cole turns and goes back to taking orders from the customers.
"I'd so hit that one all night long, what's my chances?" Oliver nods his head back to Cole while smiling at me.
"Slim to none, he's off the market right now" I say feeling defensive.
"You won't know if you don't try" Jace smirks and Oli nods.
"Feeling good sweetheart? Go back to your friends and I'll come join you in a few, your hips are driving me crazy" Jace leans into my neck and kisses softly while he talks.
"Good, and yeah I'm feeling good. Don't be too long, the girls are dying to check you out" I lean into his touch.
"Oliver, want to hang back here with us? Get to know the place? We can meet the girls out there soon" Jace lets me go and I pout up at him.
Jace kisses my lips with a smile.
"Sounds good, set me up with codes and key's before I get too wasted to remember" Oliver laughs and I leave them to it.

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