Chapter one

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I stand hunched over my self, hands gripping my knee's in a concentrated effort to find my breath. My lungs burn and my legs shake. I've been in the gym all fucking day, just trying to clear my head. Two fucking hours I just spent on the treadmill, and still I'm tormented with the fact that I have no fucking control over my life.
I pick up my phone, just in case, nothing. No calls. No texts. I stare at the screen and will it to ring, I need to hear her voice. And why wouldn't she call? She must be freaking the hell out by now, tomorrow is the big day, we have planned furiously for weeks together and now it's so close I get nothing? She is avoiding me I know it.
I jump like a pussy as my phone comes to life vibrating in my hand and playing rhi rhi's work.
Sighing I answer, trying to sound cheerful.
"Hey boss man, what's up?"
"She's gone" he pouts and he sounds miserable the poor Bastard.
"You knew this was going to happen, man it's going to be okay" I smirk, this guy is seriously pussy whipped.
"My brother is out shopping for porn, you gotta help me here man, I'm not sitting around with dudes watching that tonight" Cooper laughs.
"I'm just finishing up at the gym, give me half an hour and I'm there man" I shake my head. "Do I need to bring anything? Beer? Snacks? Lube?" I tease him.
"Just any soda if you want it, we don't usually keep it here. Beth dropped us off a giant box of party supplies to keep us out of trouble, or into it, I'm not sure. You two must think alike, there is a tube of lube in there" he chuckles.
"Ha! Did she know about the porn or is she that kinky?" I laugh, my heart skipping a beat at the sound of her name.
"Iz only just found out so.... I'm guessing not" he chuckles.
"Aright boss man, I'm on my way" I tell him
"Thanks big man" I can hear his smile through the phone as I hang up.

I grab my bag from my locker and hit the showers, rushing through the task of shampooing my hair and scrubbing the sweat from my body. I hate the smell of multiple body odours mixed with the multiple cosmetics that come with public showers. Next time I'm just going straight to Coop's, his gym and bathroom is much better than this.
I dress in a button up shirt instead of my usual soft T-shirts and put on my good jeans, the ones with the low waist and faded light blue denim. My lucky pants. If I ever need to make an extra effort to get the attention of the opposite sex, these jeans have never let me down. I know my assets, and in these pants they are displayed nicely. I apply a little too much cologne for sitting around with the boys, but with this lot, I've learned to expect the unexpected.
My best girl is a magnet for trouble and my best guy is one hundred percent dedicated to saving her from it. Izzy is definitely a little firecracker, hard little body, dirty mouth, take-no-shit attitude, and works out as much as I do. The fact that she can put my ass to the floor is impressive given the fact she stands as tall as my navel, and the way she moves... talk about a walking wet dream. When that girl dances you can't help but stop and stare. On paper Isabel is my perfect woman, in the flesh she is too much like me to turn me on, even though I have been accused of loving myself a little too much on more than one occasion. Izzy is and always will be my best girl, my best friend. Maybe even more than Cooper, my university partner in crime, my boss, my saviour and as of tomorrow Izzy's husband. As a couple they absolutely own me, I will do anything for the two of them no questions asked.

"There's my sexy beefcake! The usual for you today Jay Jay?" The girl behind the counter asks.
"Thanks Tori, extra protein today I think. Hoping for a big night" I give her a wink.
She is tall, bottle black hair, straight as a pin that goes all the way to her corset trained hourglass waist. I know this because once you get her naked, it's really not that little. Her violet eyes sparkle at me and her pretty hot pink lips turn up in a smile.
"Oh yeah? was that an invitation I just heard?" she grins.
"Tor Tor, you know I couldn't handle another round with you, I barely made it out alive last time. You, you little minx, are a handful" I give her my game face, the one the girls go nuts for, raising my brows and bare my teeth in a cheeky smirk.
She throws me a pouty glance as she makes my protein shake, it has served her well in the past, usually one sad flirty look from her and it's time to get naked. Not today it seems, my body and mind staying detached and firm on my refusal.
"Rain check" I shake my head emphasising my point.
She sighs heavy and sullen, like I just broke her heart the poor darlin. I know better. She approaches with my shake and holds it out but doesn't let go, placing her index finger on her cheek. Smiling I lean in and kiss it.
"See you tomorrow Jay Jay, maybe I'll wear something sexy for you. You'll be back in my bed before you know it" she tells me breathless in my ear.
"Don't bother, I won't be in tomorrow. But don't think I didn't hear you say the same thing to the two guys that left before me. Try not to think of me Tor, you know they can't do it like I do, you will only be left disappointed" I tease her smiling, but inside I feel disappointed myself, disappointed with myself. I'm not this guy anymore, I'm out of the game.
I hand her a tenner and give her wink as I leave the gym, wondering how I would feel if I had just witnessed that exchange with Beth and some other guy. I would be pissed, I know that. She is not mine and I'm not her's, but fuck, I really want to change that and that woman deserves better.
In my car I gulp down my shake and hit disk six on my sound system, the classical music soothing my mind with the soft piano and guitar sounds bringing out a sigh in me.
I decide to push my bombshell blonde out of my head, this is Coop's night and her soft baby blues and heart shaped lips will not cloud my thoughts tonight. No tonight is for fun, tomorrow I can dream of her wide hips and heavy chest.

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