Chapter sixty two

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"After you Mrs Masters" I say softly holding the doors to the elevator open and inwardly groan at the accidental brush of skin as Beth passes me.
I step inside holding our overnight bags in each hand preventing me from taking her into my arms the way I want.
Beth smiles shy now we are alone and the quiet music coming from the invisible speakers overhead leave our breath loud and thick in the small space.
"Thank you" Beth finally mumbles blushing and lifting her eyes to mine.
"Tired Angel?" I ask genuinely concerned as I notice the strain around the corners of her eyes and the tension between her brows.
"It's been a long day, incredible, but long. I'm dying to get out of this dress" Beth sighs leaning into my chest and I kiss the top of her head holding my lips to her hair longer because I need to feel her in any way I can.
"Noted" I breathe wondering how I haven't hit that emergency stop button already.
"Jace" she breathes stoking the fire just a little more.
The delicate ping announcing we have reached our floor distracts me just enough to keep me moving forward. The hotel is grand and ostentatious, thick carpets cushion my heavy steps and soft wall sconces line the corridor in dim light aimed at dulling the guests into a relaxed state.
"Sweetie? Back pocket?" I ask stopping in front of our door.
Beth's hands lay flat on my stomach and slide slowly around my ribcage, under my jacket and with both hands she cups my ass squeezing teasingly while biting her lip.
"Left cheek" I smile and she retrieves the card key with a flourish making me laugh.
The card slides into the slot on the door and the little red light flashes green with a soft click.
Beth pushes the heavy door open but stands clear not entering just yet and just looks at me with emotional eyes.
My heart skips a beat and I lose my breath as it hits me, this angelic creature is mine.
I shuffle the bags in my grip so I can free up a hand, I cup Beth's face softly already salivating at the mere thought of her taste.
"I love you" I whisper against her lips moving my hand down her back and lift so I can carry her with me as I move into the room.
"Love" Beth breathes hugging my neck. "Jace" her whimper almost undoes me and our luggage hits the floor with a loud thud on the marble tiles of the entrance.
"Thank you" my voice cracks and shudders.
"For what?"
"Everything baby, everything" oh god here is where I make a fool of myself but I can't ebb the flow of emotions inside me right now.
I close the door with a flick of my wrist and circle my arms around my bride lifting her into my arms, our faces only a inch apart.
Without a word I move towards the master, bypassing the grand marble fireplace that glows with flames. I ignore the steaming mugs of hot chocolate set out on the counters and don't even stop for a cookie on the way. I'm on a mission.
Heart pounding in my throat I place Beth so gently on her feet before me, I stand confused momentarily as I try to decipher where to start with this dress.
"The bustle" Beth smirks.
"Huh?" I grunt idiotically.
"The train has a bustle, a little hook that folds it into the dress. Unhook that than you can move onto the buttons" Beth explains patiently when I just want to rip the thing from her body.
"Oh" I murmur embarrassed and Beth gives me her back.
Freeing the bottom of her dress I move onto the painstaking task of the many small buttons that follow Beth's spine.
"I've never seen anything so beautiful as my bride, but sweetheart maybe next time you could just opt for a zipper?" I tease.
"I'm sure my next husband will thank you for that time saving advice" Beth says equally teasing but still I growl.
"Mine, always Angel"
"Always" Beth shivers as finally her dress falls away.
Matching soft pink lace shows glimpses of bronzed skin and I lick my lips tracing a finger over the curve of her shoulder and elegant slope of her spine.
Almost hesitant she turns to face me and I lift her out of the dress moving to set her down on the bed.
"Better?" I whisper because anything more seems out of place in the silence.
"Almost" Beth trembles laying back on the plush bedding.
Lifting a silk covered thigh her tall spiked heel rests on my chest as I stand spellbound over her.
Hastily I pull it off already reaching for the other and slide my hands over the sheen of her hosiery.
"So fucking beautiful"
"Yeah Angel?"
"Kiss me"
"Where?" I ask looking at all the places I want to start.

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