Chapter thirty one

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The beeping wakes me, my head pounds and my stomach aches. I want to kill the origin of my torment, my hand reaches out towards the sound intending to maim.
"Ow damn Angel, use your words" my hand makes contact with something hard, Jace's head by the sounds of it.
"Fucking kill it dead" I ignore him climbing over his body to find the thing.

I can't open my eyes to find the button and I swipe uselessly at the screen to no avail, my arm arches back to throw the fucking thing and Jace holds me back.
"Honey, it's okay I got it" he chuckles and I groan going limp on his body.
"Am I Dead? Is this hell? It feels like hell" I grumble and strong warm arms band around me.
"No Angel, it's motherhood. I'm told it's almost identical though" is he teasing me?
"We don't know I'm pregnant Jace, maybe I'm allergic to demon spawn" I mutter at the same time as I nuzzle into my wicked demon spawn.
"Oh wow, someone is cranky this morning" he kisses my temple and holds me tighter.
"I'm sorry, really. I'm just feeling crap, I don't mean to take it out on you" I kiss his cheek.
"Forgiven" he smiles sweetly.
"Okay don't be sweet right now, I want to slap it" I grumble making him laugh.
"Coffee, aspirin, coffee and food, in that order, let's go boss lady" Jace slaps my butt and I groan covering my mouth as he sits us up.
"Good?" He asks after a second of not moving.
"No" I nod.
"Oh my poor Angel" he kisses my temple again and I realise he hasn't kissed my lips this morning.
Oh god I must smell like vomit!
Oh god no, he is not supposed to see this messy side of me till long after we are married and it's too late to change his mind.
"Shower first, coffee second" I blush moving off him like I'm on fire.
"Beth? Honey, are you embarrassed?" Jace follows me.
"Yes" I frown closing the bathroom door in his face.
"Well get over it, the things I will see in the next nine months will make last night seem like a romantic picnic on the beach. I'm watching every second of my kid being born Elizabeth" he tells me through the door and I giggle.
"Not if I knock you out first Masters" I tell him before the sound of him is blocked out by the water.

The water feels good on my sensitive skin, no period again today makes it pretty clear I don't need that test Jace has sitting in the kitchen. He's is in this for the long haul, he wasn't even pissed when I cut him off last night. Fucking sweetie just sat with me holding me as I died on his bathroom floor, I'm sending him a gift basket today to make it up to him.
I wash my hair with Jace's shampoo and I inhale deeply feeling a little turned on at the smell of him on me, his soap on my skin makes me tingle.
Holy shit I'm fucking horny right now!
God, do I do something about it? My hands move over my breasts and I moan.
"Jay?!" I call, if he's still in the room it's on, if not maybe I'll take care of this myself.
Nothing.... fuck I've never taken care of myself. I'm not sure I know how.
"Masters?" I call again.
"You need me Angel?" Jace sticks his head through the door.
"Oh yeah, I need you" I tell him and he cocks his head to the side coming all the way in.
"Beth?" He smirks and I nod shaking now. "Now?" He swallows.
"Please, you're all around me in here. I need you inside me too" I bite my lip.
"Fuck, you only need to ask sweetheart" he's naked faster than I can blink and in the shower faster than I can moan.
"Thank you, oh god thank you Jay" I tremble as his hands move over my body.
"My pleasure Beth, anything for my Angel" with out any preamble he spins me to face the wall and slides inside easy.
"So fucking wet for me honey" he groans holding me by the hip and the throat.
"Oh god, yes. I need you" I pant reaching back to hold him by the hair.
"I fucking love that you need me"
His thrusts hit right where I need him and I come so quick it's embarrassing, something else I just need to get over I guess.
"Oh god, so are so fucking good at this" I praise him.
"I live to love you, c'mon Angel, again" he sucks on my neck making me cry out.
Jace knows exactly what he's doing and I try not to think of how he knows what he does, he is mine now. I try to think that he was just making sure he was perfect for me, because he is, every move he makes is perfect. The muscles in my stomach tighten and my legs go weak.
"Yes sweetheart, give me more" Jace growls and his hand moves from my hip to between my legs and I turn to jelly in his hands.
His hips and the hand around my throat are the only things holding me up, my world goes black and I come loudly as Jace hits me deep.
"Fucking yes" Jace bites me hard on the back of the neck, his hands and mouth are not even close to gentle but like this, with him I feel so loved.
I feel the heat of him, the way he comes is so fucking hot. I pull his mouth to mine twisting in way I didn't think I could.
We stand together panting and holding on to each other and I get the giggles.
"Feeling better?" Jace chuckles.
"Much better, thank you" I blush.
"So beautiful" he smiles down at me and it hurts when he looks at me like this.
"I don't really know what that was, I was going to handle it myself but I don't know how. I've never just, you know, without any provocation or warning" fuck I'm so embarrassed.
"Well then we're going to have to teach you how, not that I mind helping you out sweetheart" his grin is total bad boy.
"I'm saving the look of you right now to memory, I'm going to need it. I miss you already" I say running my fingers through his stubble, it will be gone when I see him tonight.
"Not if you're late, you don't want to get fired on your first day. Coffees ready, I'll be out in a sec to make you breakfast" he kisses me softly with a smile and pushes me out of the shower.

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