Chapter thirty three

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By lunchtime I think I have thrown up in the bathroom of every office building we have visited and I'm not sure how much longer I can make excuses to wander off on a minutes notice. Charles hasn't mentioned anything but I think if this keeps up I will have to call it a day and blame his choice of restaurant for making me sick, that way he will feel bad and not ask questions.

Fucking dying right now 😩

I send off a quick text to Jace while I take a moment to catch my breath before joining the others outside.

My beautiful Angel,
I love you ❤️

I picture his sweet face and I smile, then I rush back inside the stall and make friends with the public toilet seat, again.
So fucking gross.

"I'm sorry Charles, I'm going to have to call it a day. My stomach has been playing up since dinner last night, I'm thinking the goats cheese might have turned bad" I say apologetic when I come out.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that Beth. Of course you should go home and sleep it off, we only had two more appointments left today and we can pick up where we left off another time" he tells me only slightly annoyed.
"Thank you, I really am so sorry" I say already backing down the hall to the elevators.

Where are you Big Man?
I need you

I text Jace when I get into my car, I'm glad Charles arranged for us to meet at our first stop and we both have our cars today.

I'm so fucking glad to hear that,
I'm at the house sweetheart come
get me. I'll take care of you. 😘

I go straight there and smile as I see the mess outside, the full skip bins on the drive way. Yes the Masters are here and taking over the street.
The Masters, I giggle.

"Jace" I call from the doorway.
Do I need a hard hat to enter in here? It looks like a demo site
"Oh honey, are you okay?" Jace asks coming from down the hall.
"No, I feel like shit" I say stepping into his open arms.
"I'm sorry, let me go next door and get you something to sit on and you can keep me company while I swing a sledgehammer into your new house with my shirt off" he smirks at me.
"You really know how to make a girl feel better, can I wander while I wait?" I point to the kitchen and hall.
"Sure, just no touching. I don't want you to hurt yourself" he kisses my forehead and let's me go.
I can see the wall is gone giving a direct line of sight between the living room and the kitchen even though the kitchen is now just two walls and a window and some really bad wallpaper choices over the years. The space looks so big and I can see what Jace is doing here, the open plan living will look so good once the other wall is gone too. The bathroom in the hall is just an empty room with one guy applying a blue plastic paint over every surface.
I go the the largest of the bedrooms and lay my overheated clammy face down on the cold floorboards and close my eyes.
I'm fucking dying I know it.
My eyes close to try and stop the rolling of my head and stomach and I laugh without humour at the state of me.
"Oh honey, you really don't feel good. What's funny?" Jace asks as he finds me.
"I don't even have a good drunk story to tell and I feel hungover as shit, I could possibly be dying right now" I sigh.
"Well I forbid it, sorry. There will be no dying today" he tells me amused and gently picks me up holding me to his chest.
"You're very dirty" I comment.
"Thank you, I try" he smiles and kisses my forehead.
"Love you" I tell him in a whisper.
"I love you, so much honey. Here now you rest here and watch your dirty boyfriend get to work" Jace places me in a armchair he pinched from next door.
"We're stealing their furniture now?" I giggle curling my legs underneath me and rest my head on the arm.
"Borrowing" he winks at me with a sexy smile.
"You promised me no shirt" I remind him smiling despite the fact I'm in hell.
"I'd hate to disappoint a lady" he smirks and reaches behind his head to pull it off.

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