Chapter twenty five

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"You Elizabeth, are one intense woman. All the things you make me feel and it's not even ten o'clock" I kiss the back of Beth's head as I zip her dress.
"It's all you Masters, I wouldn't normally be awake before ten on a Sunday. I hope the seats in Coop's car are comfortable, I think I'm going to need a nap" she smiles over her shoulder at me.
"Yes they are, but honey sleep is the last thing you want to do in that car. I don't care what I'm telling your father, you need to drive this thing. I can't wait till he gets a rarrie" I grin like a kid.
"Boys and their toys" she agrees.
"Did I tell you I busted the Bentleys having sex in the car park at work?" I wiggle my eyebrows
"No! You didn't? Oh that naughty girl" Beth gasps in shock with a giant grin.
"Well almost, they still had their pants on but it was pretty hot in the drivers seat. Coop looked ready to take my head when I knocked on the window" I laugh remembering.
"You broke them up? Without filming them?" Beth giggles.
"That's what Iz said, after she knocked the wind out of me. What? do I look like the type of guy that goes around filming people having sex through their windows like a stalker?" I shake my head.
"I plead the fifth, c'mon lets go get this thing so I can finish lunch" she winks and takes my hand.
"Do you need to do anything with the pork?" I ask grabbing my things.
"Nope, it's fine just dying slowly" she tells me then giggles as she reads a fucking text on her phone.
My eyes flick to her screen, Charles. Of course. She doesn't reply but her smile stays in place as she tosses the phone in her purse.
"So are you curious as to where I'm taking you tonight?" I ask to pull her focus back to me and not another man.
"Nope, if I'm with you then I'm in the right place" she shrugs easy making me feel slightly better.

We pull up outside Coop's and I park in the street, Cole's crappy Volvo is out front so I park outside our house with a small smile. So bad I want to take her in, make her mine and give her everything I have. Tomorrow I tell myself, one more day.
"The neighbours could do something with their yard" Beth frowns as I help her down.
"You should write them a note, put it in the mailbox" I smirk, oh yeah she is going to keep me busy.
"I totally should it looks like no one lives here" she raises her chin adorably.
"C'mon lets see if we can get out of here before Cole knows we're here" I say leading the way across our overgrown lawn.
"Won't he wonder where the car's gone?"
"I think he might have an idea" I point to my car with a smile.
"Oh, right" Beth giggles blushing, I love her blonde moments.
"You look so pretty in pink" I tell her.
"Uh Jace, my dress is blue" she laughs not understanding. "Do you want me to change?" She asks looking down at herself.
"No, I love you just the way you are" I kiss her hand and open the garage.

"Ooh pretty" Beth grins excited and does a little dance on the spot.
"I could never buy you one of these, we could put three kids through school for the price of this" I grumble.
"You don't need to, we have Bentleys for that. The insurance on this alone would be a headache" she rolls her eyes playfully but I don't like that Cooper can do something for her that I can't.
"Alright, get in and strap in" I grin at her giggling the keys.
Not that I have to put one in to start it, I push the ignition and it roars to life.
"Are you sure this isn't a girls car, it looks like it's made for girls" Beth teases checking everything out.
"Told you so, you need to drive it don't you?" I smile backing out.
"I wouldn't say need but I definitely want" she giggles.

"Honey let me help" I beg as Beth pulls apart the meat and smothers it in a secret BBQ sauce.
I can see she has turned pale and she is swallowing too much like she is trying not to be sick.
"If you want to help you can mix the potato salad, and the rolls need to be buttered" she smiles sweetly trying to hide it from me.
"Sure, if you need to sit down just do it. I can take instructions"
"I'm fine, it's just a little nausea" she waves her hand to blow it off.
I watch her sway on her feet, bracing herself on the counter. She reaches for a tray for the meat but motion is off, I reach out and catch her in my arms as she falls.
Jesus Christ.
"Beth honey, you okay?"
Her eyes are closed and her head hangs slack with no support.
Fuck, she has fainted.
I lower her into my lap on the kitchen floor and cradle her head.
"Angel, c'mon wake up for me" I try for calm but I'm anything but.
"Jace?" She whispers moving her hands to her head, holding it like she can stop the spinning.
"I got you, I got you Angel" I tell her rubbing her belly softly to ease the sickness.
"What are you doing? I need to finish lunch" her eyes open and take in our position on the floor.
"Just thought we could use a break, take a load off for a second" I give her a small smile.
"Well I'm busy, I have things to do... Oh god I fainted!" She gasps putting it together.
"Just a little bit, it's fine" I comfort her.
"You caught me?"
"Of course I did, that's my job Angel. I'll always be here to catch you" fuck I better not let her fall next time.
"Thank you" she smiles with glassy eyes.
Oh god not again?
Her tears break my heart even if they are hormonally confused.
"It's official now, you have definitely fallen for me. We have to tell the family" I lift her up for a kiss and she sits in my lap.
"Oh god you can't, if you tell them I fainted my mother will come straight out with the obvious question" Beth gasps in horror.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything that might give your father the impression I'm banging his baby girl. I'll save that for the second time we meet" I tease with a kiss.
"Oh lord give me strength" she shakes her head slowly.
"Feel better? Let's get you something cold to drink and a rest" I lift her in my arms and over to the sofa. "Stay, you look after the baby, I look after the mother" I tell her and she bites her lip.
"You know there's still a big chance I'm not pregnant right Jace? I could just have a bug or something" she tells me with a look that's looks almost guilty
"I've been everywhere you have, eaten everything you have. I'm fine" I tell her but I know she's right, the chances of her being this sick this quick are slim.
Especially since she was so close to the end of her cycle the first time we, I forgot about protection.
"Just don't get your hopes up, words like baby and mother on your lips makes my heart jump into my throat" she blushes and the pink is bright on her pale face.
She wants this too, I can tell. I get my hopes up that she might want the father and not just the child, I let myself get excited that she might say yes.
"I know sweetheart, but if we have to try again at least we can have some more fun" I wiggle my eyebrows making her giggle.
I grab a glass of cold water and pop some ice cubes, I put some strawberries in a bowl and take both back to Beth on the sofa.
"Okay so, meat goes in that tray then what?" I ask expectant.
"Then it gets covered in foil and back on the smoker till we are ready to serve it" she sighs giving in.
"Done" I tell her going back to the kitchen. "And then?" I ask as I take the tray out to the balcony.
I leave the glass door open so the fresh air comes in even though she smell of the pork drifts through the house too.
"The coleslaw needs to be dressed, and the corn needs to be buttered, wrapped and seasoned. Jace I can do this, it's your day off. I promised you" Beth groans.
"I'm all over it honey, just relax" I frown at her frowning at me and switch on some music, her requiems.
"Hmm, I love you Jace" she sighs closing her eyes and it's said so calm and natural it makes my chest ache.
"I love hearing that, I love you" I tell her.

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